• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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You know these stories where somebody suddenly wakes up with a creepy, unknown voice in their head? Well that's what's happening to me, except I'm that strange voice, and I'm not stuck in somebody, I'm stuck in somePONY.
How did I get here? And how will I ever find a way to go back without so much as a body to call my own?

Now with 100% more cover art thanks to the splendiferously awesome Exelzior! Go read his stuff instead of mine! Do it!

Rated teen for foul-mouthed protagonist. Expect bad words.

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash has a secret. A secret she has kept since she was a little filly. If it gets out, it could be the end of her reputation, the end of her carrier, and even the end of her friendships.

And what's worse, is that a resent shortage threatens to expose her.

(Inspired by Don Ko and the image to my left.)

(It should also be noted that this story is non-canon both in relation to the actual show and in relation to my personal Head-canon, which is what I usually like to write about.)

Chapters (1)

It's been ten years since Rainbow Dash's father disappeared in a wild, fierce thunderstorm. When the same strange storm hits Ponyville, Rainbow Dash does as much as she can to try and stop it from happening again.

But magic has a strange habit of making things reappear, opening old wounds that could change Rainbow Dash's life forever.

Chapters (11)

A little piece of fluff about how two friends started dating, thanks to an ill-timed slip of the tongue.

Cover Image © the impeccable Equestria-Prevails
Made for The Batpony Writeoff on EQD
Update: Second Place! Congrats to Ponydora Prancypants for getting First!

Chapters (1)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to Voyage's End

Eleven years has passed since ponies and humans met for the first time. Now, Twilight ventures out on her most incredible endeavor to date.

"Once more, we boldly go into that great unknown." -Twilight Sparkle

Edited by: Way2Dawn

Chapters (1)

A pegasus woke in the woods. He was lost, injured, and had only the vaguest of dreams for memories; nightmares of a Canterlot engulfed in shadow and flame, of an invading swarm lead by one great and terrible dark figure. As he begins a new life, the dreams continue to taunt him. Will he ever find out who he was? And if he does, can he -- and his newfound friends -- accept what he finds?

(Credit also goes to Mekhazzio for help with editing)

TV Tropes page

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (10)

Let's get this straight - I don't like people. I like being alone with my thoughts without having to go through the mundane distractions of social commitments.

So when I was asked if I wanted to go someplace with no human interactions, I hopped onboard without a second thought. I probably should have thought that one through.

There's no humans, sure, but in order to survive I HAVE to be able to have a steady conversation with ponies. Considering ponies are exactly the same as humans... It isn't going to be easy. Oh, and there's that whole 'Save our race otherwise you die,' deal. I can't believe I got roped into something so convoluted it makes the Lost storyline seem like something you read to a child.

Based on Rust's immense and amazing universe and a part of the Chess Game of the Gods.

Chapters (14)

From one barren wasteland to another, less barren wasteland, an Australian Information Technology worker finds himself stuck in the snow with nowhere to go. Armed with nothing but a cheap tool set and a three metre Ethernet cable, he must find a way to survive his new location. At least it can't get any worse... right?

Oh of course it can, it's a HIE.

Warning: Contains Australian, Changelings (of course), snow, occasional IT speak, less-than-stellar HIE satire, and shoddy humour not fit for a backyard comedy club.

Chapters (12)