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Everything dies. Sometimes, a life is left unfulfilled and with many regrets. The problem is, there are no do-overs. No second chances.

Not usually, anyway.

Sometimes, cosmic beings of unknown power just like to provide people with those second chances one such person thought impossible. Why? Who knows? All she does know is that she's now a small blue pony with wings.

A very young blue filly at that, and one who has to deal with the scars of her secret old life while living under the shadow of an older sister who doesn't know what to make of her.

Life is never simple, is it?

Inspired by: Gilded Sister by Kind of Brony.
Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Featured on 13/07/2017.

Chapters (46)

The requests come in, the paintings go out, and the Bits arrive later. That's the shaky system "Rainbow" has managed to work out for herself. A life lived through letters is a little lonely, but she can at least be certain she'll never be seen by someone who recognizes her copypasted face.

You'd think a Rainbow Dash replica would remember that Twilight uses Spike for everything mail related.

:scootangel:Now with a Youtube reading!

:pinkiegasp: And a written review!

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

He couldn't let this lie, not now. This was his chance to pay back the one person who truly changed his life. Red Mann didn't give him this assignment, Red Sniper made this one himself. The others will not help him on this, the skilled assassin decided this was a job he can only do himself. No other shall get involved, her life was his to save... No one else's.

The BLUs were after the one that pulled him out of the gutter, out of the darkness within his mind. They showed him quite a time, and always had that smile on her face. She made him feel good about things, made him want to keep seeing the next day. To keep fighting on, so that she could keep smiling.

That's a promise, and a professional keeps his promises.

Chapters (1)

Working at the front desk of a hotel has numbed Kaia to the variety of guests, at least until the ponies arrive.

Written for the Passports and Portals Not-A-Contest

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (6)

Applejack is a growing filly - and young fillies need their space. That's why Bright Mac decided to build a treehouse in the back of the property for his daughter, so she and her friends could play with a little bit of privacy.

Fate says he won't be the one to finish it.

Special thanks to Noble Thought, who's Under A Tree in large part inspired this little piece.

Featured 9/10-11/2020!

And featured by Seattle's Angels, issue #177!

Also featured in Equestria Daily's 31 Great Fanfics to Read for Applejack Day on 10/20/2020!

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Following a review of her Royal Guards, Celestia decides that some changes are in order.

Afterall, the castle could always use more cleaning staff...

Inspired by the series of images by Skitterpone.

Chapters (7)

As I sit on this branch, looking at the town through the mangled, black branches, I began thinking about why I came here. About everything I left behind on Earth.

I wish I'd never have come here...

Consider joining the Ending-verse if you liked it!

This story has been redone. Also, A brilliant lad called Vlad decided to write a sequel. I seriously recommend reading that and following him.

Also, there's a prequel in the works!

Chapters (1)

This world isn't as it once was. Humanity is no longer the dominant species on the planet. They now fear the Old World, knowing full well the destruction caused by their ancestors.
This is a world dominated by machines. Humanity simply lives in it.
Yet, even in such a world, some search for answers to questions better left unsaid.
Even in this, daily life is a struggle. A young mare and her human sister know this all too well.

Just a short idea that popped into my head. A Crossover with Horizon: Zero Dawn. Inspired by Tatsurou's PWNY-verse.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio. (Remastered)

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Don invent a scale that determines where on the evolutionary cycle ponies fall. Some like their results more than others.

Inspiration sauce: Shydale

Featured 5/28/20!
With a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)

A lazy day for Celestia and the human she is for some inexplicable reason shacking up with.

What does that mean?

Means staying in bed! Means cuddling! Snuggling! And -

Oh dear.

Somehow, this also got a reading from Straight To The Point Studios. Not sure how that happened.

Chapters (1)