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Barry, local human, is even more local now having finally finished moving in with Twilight.

He also brought his books, much to her delight, even if some of them leave much to be desired.

She rectifies this.


Straight To The Point Studios gets straight to the point.

Chapters (1)

Given that it's a period of unusual quiet it's decided that a nice lunch is in order.

This was the plan. Then the group sees Julian, local human doing something strange.

Twilight is baffled.


Straight To The Point Studios did this one, too! For some reason.

Chapters (1)

A man, sitting alone, isn't feeling his best, really.

He has also forgotten to clean the fluff out from beneath his sofa.

This has consequences for him.


Straight To The Points Studios again to the rescue with a reading.

Chapters (1)

Most work undertaken by princesses is fairly tedious, and a good chunk of it is paperwork and letters.

Celestia is interrupted while dealing with some of this.


The Straight To The Point Studio version.
My version.

Chapters (1)

A horse appears semi-regularly. A magical horse. Mainly she comes to relax and take up space. She's polite and friendly but it did take some getting used to.

Still. Worse things have happened.

A reading by Straight To The Point Studio.

And by me.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bun thing leads to another

Continued horse-based intrusion makes a man's evenings slightly more interesting and his kitchen messy.

Mostly it seems to be the fault of that one horse, but the others are still going along with it, so they're all to blame really. Not that it's easy to hold anything against them.

He is a softy, after all, and they are all rather pleasant company.

Straight To The Point Studios did this one, too. I like this one in particular.

Chapters (1)

Charlie, local human, has made a discovery about how things work around these parts as opposed to the home turf. Or at least has decided he's made a discovery.

Twilight happens upon him just as he's about to test this.

Lunch is involved.


Now with reading from Straight To The Point Studio

And also some guy who wrote it I guess.

Chapters (1)

It's a fact often ignored by peons, traitors and other non-entities but true royalty does not get ill.

So though it might appear that Queen Chrysalis is ill she obviously isn't.

And while it might appear that she needs looking after, she doesn't!

...but if you insist then she is wise enough to take advantage.

A reading from the ever on-the-ball Straight To The Point Studio

Another reading from, uh, Pony & Wolf Productions, apparently. Who I'd never heard of. But good on them!

Chapters (1)

Sand mining is a vibrant industry in the United States. A fair share of states hold a stake in the name of sand, and while most rules of the dunes are followed, profits find a way in the margins of the law.

Nestled between the sister-cities of Conway and Myrtle Beach, a sand mine opens for its annual operation.

An entry for Admiral Biscuit's 'Not-a-Contest'. Group here.
An audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio.
On Goodreads thanks to the work of Facedeer.

”Charming, and a very believable glimpse into a small part of an unfamiliar, but very real world.”

Chapters (2)

Charity Beller has a simple life, but a good one. The little Amish community she's a part of provides everything she could ever need, if not everything she might want. But when a mysterious pink robot appears, damaged but full of stories about somewhere called 'Equestria,' she'll be tempted by a whole new world she never suspected existed.

Chapters (2)