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Celestia's dinner parties have one very simple rule: don't boop the Princess. Anthony has regretfully forgotten that rule.

Now, with Luna's aid, he is on the run for his life.

The epic conclusion to the "Anon-thony" trilogy.

Chapters (1)

A post-apocalyptic story about exploring ruins, the mistakes of another civilization, and memory.

No one must ever know,
This land where we must go,
They hoped and shared their love,
Yet death rained from above,
The scars of passing linger on,
Through empty husks and unheard songs.
Although they now live in my heart,
The truth still hurts...where do I start?-Twilight Sparkle

Coverart by this guy who is awesome. THIS GUY Also, major thanks to Luna-tic for helping me edit this sucker! Perhaps even bigger thanks to Obabscribbler who made a radio play of it. You can find that radio play HERE!

Chapters (1)

Booting up in a strange land, Freddy has no idea where he is. He wonders how he got there and how he will get back. When he meets a certain six ponies, he has no idea what is going on. Eventually, he learns a little about where he is and seeks help from Twilight Sparkle. After all, she is the reason he is there. Will Freddy ever get back to his pizzeria before the children wonder where he is? Maybe he will get a little help from an unexpected visitor. All he knows, is that his head is about to pop off!

Chapters (4)

Everyone wears a mask. For the rulers of Equestria, that mask must be impeccable for their subjects. Only around their guards can the two Princesses relax ever so slightly, occasionally showing that they are just as fallible as any other creature. For one Princess, the burdens of her own mind begin to make the mask crack. However, when Private Steel Heart notices that it is, in fact, the pony underneath the mask that is beginning to splinter, he offers to help.

He had no idea such help would first involve getting attacked with a large brush.

Warning: Involves slow-burn romances, lots of feelings, comforting moments, adorable affectionate gestures, lethal amounts of fluff, feel-good auras, and a deadly combing implement.
Takes place around Season 8-9 (ish)

Cover art used with permission by the talented Yakovlev-Vad, seriously, check out his art. He's fantastic!
*Edit. Featured on the first day? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Chapters (8)

14 Equestrian Code § 31 Refusal of Cuddling Invitation. "Anycreature who refuses to cuddle another, so long as the invitation is polite, commits a Class B Felony, punishable by a maximum of 8 months in prison, a fine of 10,000 bits, or both."

New cover art by my good friend DivineRoyalty.

EDIT: 2nd place featured day of posting, 3/23/20!
EDIT: And 1st place featured on the morning of 3/24/20! Wohoo!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to How To Catch An Applejack

After a night of drinking led to Dom and Rainbow Dash making a childish bet over Dom being able to catch Applejack with one of her own apples, proven to be a successful bet, Dom once more challenges Rainbow Dash - this time, he seeks to capture Twilight Sparkle, the local library owner and bookworm. What better bait to capture a nerdy little unicorn than a very special item that's been on her wishlist to add to her collection?

Who will win this bet; Dom or Rainbow Dash? Let's find out!

Featured: 30/06/2020 - 02/07/2020 ❤️

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Reaching

Twilight Sparkle. The only person you ever talked to in school, and a true rose among the many thorns of Crystal Prep. Over time, you became close friends, fighting through the Crystal Prep snobs every day and protecting her from bullies. It was only a matter of time until you developed feelings for her. It seemed like it might be mutual too, but you didn't want to risk scaring off your only friend.

When she transfers to Canterlot High, you lose touch with her. Have all your chances with Twilight vanished forever?

But when chance reunites you with your friend, you might discover that she's lonelier than ever.

7th installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

**Featured from October 1-3, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings: local lyrist of Ponyville and all around nice pony. But despite that being her special talent, no one acknowledges her for it. Instead, they remember her for something far weirder, that Lyra wants forgotten.

Chapters (1)

‘Twas the midmost of winter and into the town was a place where laughter, and cheer could be found. Ponies roamed through the streets with smiles on their faces, seeing bakeries, toy stores and other neat places.
But this is the part where the story gets weird, for this year's Hearth's Warming turns out worse than they feared. When Ponyville is introduced to its newest invader, a man dressed in black whose name is Darth Vader.

Written for the Hearth's Warming Eve Hearth's Warming Contest! (2nd Place :D)


hystericaldominolego reading

Pump It Up reading

Epic Pancake Productions reading

Downunda Thunda reading

PhantomBrony reading

AliCentaurBrony reading

SoraKirin reading

FanFics Anonymous reading (Mature)

Darth Redbeard reading

featured on 12/20/14!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle writes an important letter about how she became friends with Lyra the unicorn, a mistake she made, its terrible consequence, and one of friendship’s hardest lessons.

(Thanks to _Medicshy for giving me his feedback on this. Anything about the characters in the story that seems off is probably an instance of me not taking his advice.)

Chapters (1)