• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2020


A cold fire deformed what we thought we knew

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Sunny Starscout and her friends have achieved what many viewed as impossible, return magic to the land of Equestria. With its restoration, she heralds the reunification of the tribes and the rebirth of harmony in the world.

An old dragon witnesses this coming of a new age of friendship with a renewed sense of hope.

However, his friend is not so sure.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Diminishing Returns

In the months following the school election, Diamond Tiara has made good on her word to become a better pony. She's behaved herself in and out of class. She's kept her grades up. She's attended family therapy without complaint.
Diamond has done everything that was asked of her.

And now, it's time for Spoiled Rich to hold up her end of the contract. As part of their joint effort to grow closer, come together as a family, and ease Filthy's mind, Diamond can choose a pet. Any pet she wants*.

*Terms and conditions may apply.

In continuity with The Silver Standard and Diminishing Returns. Familiarity is recommended, but not required.

Chapters (7)

Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern.

Filthy Rich knows this pattern. The delicious smells of freshly baked eggs, cheese and pastry tell him that something has gone terribly wrong, and he can't help the feeling Diamond's note has something to do with it.

Patterns are made to be broken. It's high time for a talk.

A side story in direct continuity with The Silver Standard and What Riches Still Await. Familiarity is highly recommended, but not required.

Chapters (1)

Spoiled Rotten knows her best years are behind her. The time of flowers, whirlwind romances, and the luxury of rejecting suitors has passed. Now is the time for husbands and cradles, and she still has neither. With the clock ticking and a string of failed relationships trailing behind her, she fears it will stay that way.

So when one of the rare earth pony elite appears at a Canterlot party, despondent, alone, and (possibly) single, it’s an opportunity too good to pass up. And it’s been so long since Spoiled’s met a stallion she genuinely likes.

History says it won’t last. Common sense warns it won’t work. It’s a one-in-a-million chance, and luck’s never been on her side before. But Spoiled has to try. She can’t afford not to.

(In continuity with The Silver Standard, though reading is not required.)

Titanium Dragon
Seattle's Angels
The Royal Guard

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, Silver Spoon's life made sense. She had the right friends, the right house, and the right school for a young lady coming up in the world. Once upon a time, Silver Spoon lived amongst proud towers in a vibrant, bustling city that never slept.

Now she lives in Ponyville. Not so terrible once one gets used to it. Silver's learned to appreciate some ponies, harbor grudges for others, and tolerate the rest. But sometimes, she wonders if one pony in particular is as popular as she thought.

Preread and edited by Autumn Wind, Cthuluigi, and SaddlesoapOpera

Chinese translation by hehelover

Chapters (30)

"So... you weren't going to tell me?" The pink pegasus had tears in her eyes, feeling like a tiny filly again as she looked up at her mother.

"Dearest..." There was sorrow in Queen Haven's eyes, and Pipp didn't even need to hear what she'd say next. She already knew she was right. But her mother spoke anyway. "Before today, it wouldn't have mattered."

Chapters (1)

Average Statistic leads an exceedingly normal life. Every day, he wakes up, goes to work, works, goes back home, and falls asleep, with the expectation that everything will be the same when he wakes up the next morning.

At this point in most stories, something horrible would happen, something only the main character, in this case Average Statistic, could solve, prompting an adventurous quest to save the world.

But not this story. In this story, nothing exciting happens, no problems need solving, and there is no world-ending conflict.

Just the average day of an average pony in the nation of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Sitting on the bookshelf in Strawberry Sunrise's new home in Ponyville is a diary.

That's not unusual; many ponies have diaries.

Some of her neighbors have seen her writing in it, wherever she goes.

Again, that isn't terribly strange; many ponies like recording their day-to-day thoughts and activities.

If somepony were to snoop into it, they'd find a few pages of doodles, scratched-out notes, and half-finished shopping lists.

This, curiously, is the peculiar part. Not because of what anypony would read, of course, but because it looks exactly nothing alike to what any changeling would read upon those same pages.

Cover art drawn by the brilliant Snow Quill!

Written for Novelle Tale as a gift, with the prompt "a gut punch with FEELS!" I'm grateful she enjoyed it, for she's a phenomenal writer and I highly encourage you all to check out what she's written!

Thank you to Snow Quill, Novelle Tale, Lofty Withers, Zontan, and Mushroom for prereading. Couldn't have written this without you!

Reviewed here by Reviewfilly!

Chapters (3)

Human wants to get out of bed and do housework. Pony wants him to stay in bed with her and not do housework. They resolve this conflict


Hey! Audio!

Chapters (1)

Almost every brony that has ever been in Fimfiction.net has seen a 'HiE as pony' story.

They usually are fairly predictable, with a few plot twists perhaps, but the general pattern is similar.

A mystical force/accident sends a completely unprepared human into the land of the ponies, and he must then undergo a journey of self discovery/destiny, as a human OR pony.

So what happens when a human is actually prepared with all the knowledge he'd need from the first two seasons of the show? And when Equestria isn't quite as predictable as he hoped?

This is that tale.

Writer: JustAnotherEarthPony
Editor: I'mMrNoobHeadFU1

Chapters (14)