• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2020


A cold fire deformed what we thought we knew

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This story is a sequel to Consequences

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn doesn’t make it any easier.

Especially when you are trying your best to keep it hidden.

Since the defeat of Tirek, Blank Page has been trying his best to keep his sudden case of Alicorn hidden from the general public.

Because honestly, who would want that much responsibility?

Coverart by Sipioc

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to Normal Life

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes. The point is that your actions, large or small, have consequences. If they turn out good or bad is often not up to you. Especially when you live with the Princess.

But fear of the consequences is not a reason not to act when you need to.

Next story can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/361744/secret-of-flying

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to New Beginnings

Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings.

Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Continuation can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/332488/consequences

AN// All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles.com for helping me beta.

AN2// Many thanks to mix-up for the coverart. His user page can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/mix-up and the deviant art page can be found here:http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Rumble receives a rare offer of eternal life from Princess Celestia. There's just one catch: he can never grow up. It's a tempting proposition, and though Celestia has never explained why she does it, only one foal in history has ever refused her gift.

As Rumble tries to make up his mind, he's plagued by the only question nopony can answer to his satisfaction:

Why is this happening to me?

Written for a specific Writeoff prompted by a drawing by GroaningGreyAgony. Out of respect for those involved, I will not link to the image or event. Nonetheless, I remain deeply grateful.

Chapters (6)

First place in the 2021 Everfree Northwest Iron Author contest

After an unknowable amount of time sealed inside a prison of magical stone, Cozy Glow finally escapes. The hapless young Princess who freed her, intent on allying with the "Frozen Foal" to oppose her family's tyrannical rule, doesn't have any idea how dramatically her plans are about to go awry.

And neither, it turns out, does Cozy Glow.

Chapters (1)

Somewhere, in Twilight Sparkle’s heart, there was a nagging doubt. Buried under what could only be described as years of study, devotion to the Princesses, and her friends, there was a tiny seed of it. It nipped at the bottom of her soul occasionally, but never badly enough where she regretted a decision. 

Twilight Sparkle is attempting to ease her own mind, but she just can't seem to escape the memories of a certain pink, pegasus filly.

Written for the 2021 Cozy Glow short story contest! The prompt was: Twilight Sparkle gathers Cozy’s belongings for disposal. One object surprises her. Editing help, and English help from the lovely Ishi!! Thank you so much Ishi!!

Chapters (1)

Magic is gone. Cozy succeeded in doing what she set out to do, and now the world is perfect.

Simply perfect.

An entry in the Cozy Glow short story contest, based on the prompt "Cozy has a secret".
Cover art and proofreading was, as always, done by the great-hearted Vito, who is also on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

All Star Tracker wanted was a couple of books signed from the world's most amazing pony. Of course, when you're perpetually nervous and your idol might be talking to you face-to-face, "no problem" might be a very big problem after all.

Thanks to Door Belle and FlashGen for their help.

Chapters (1)

Never enter the woods alone, for there are monsters there. They can look like anything, even another pony. And if you waver in Gaea's love, you will become one.

Winner of Ponychan /fic/'s April 2012 Write-Off!

Chapters (1)