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Twilight has a problem on her hooves. An hour before Celestia was supposed to come to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, she's accidentally gone and killed everyone dead. As in, "dead as a doornail" dead. Now she's got to fix it before Celestia shows up and finds out.

Or, at the very least, make sure that Celestia doesn't know that they're dead.

Blame Blueshift for this.
Now with a sequel!
Now with a reading, graciously provided by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Cadance has felt off recently. Restless.

One could say she felt... not herself.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest, which you can find here.

Chapters (1)

Straight from the Canterlot archives, this collection of documents retells the rise and fall of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Enlightened Despot of Equestria, Defender of the Peace, Lawgiver, and Commander of Fort Libris.

Twilight Sparkle is, of course, known to historians as the first usurper to seek to schedule a coup d'etat by appointment. But for other details- such as, "What is the longest recorded time a pony has gone without sleep?", "Is it true what they say about swans?", and, "Why is there an owlbear in the Equestrian Witness Protection Program?"- these documents provide the answers and much, much more.

This is ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HISTORY from primary sources. If anything makes you think this is silly, ludicrous, or unbelievable, blame Discord.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns writing contest.

EDIT 3-15-17: Wow, almost instant featured! Was NOT expecting that!

EDIT 4-8-2017: Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Thanks!

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (2)

So I got in a car crash and the hospital put me under for surgery. The next thing I know, I wake up as a small pony with wings. And I can't see. And it's freaking cold up here.

At least I've still got my smokes.

(Got the idea from the funny picture. Rated T for language and tobacco use.)

Chapters (17)

Echo is a high ranking changeling officer. The Canterlot invasion was going perfectly, and her battalion had personally defeated the Elements of Harmony. Suddenly, she finds herself far flung from Canterlot, crashing into the Everfree forest. Now she is faced with a difficult reality - her hive, the only family she's ever known, no longer exists, and she must adapt to life as a pony. What she finds out about herself, though, will surprise her.

Rated Teen for occasional suggestiveness and language, tagged gore for brief violence, particularly in later chapters.

Dark because later chapters get pretty ... well, dark.


Addendum 5/29/2018

This story is now, as of this addendum, five years old. It is getting more attention as I put out new chapters on the sequel.

I recognize that this story has problems, and that some of them by their nature carry over to the sequel; please remember that when I started writing this, I was not yet even old enough to legally drink in the US. A lot has happened and a lot has changed, and there are many things about this story I regret including, but which it is now too late to change. Some of those things I have simply done my best to ignore and make irrelevant, but some of them are errors from a 19 year old me that will haunt me until the sequel is finished.

In short, please be gentle.

Chapters (11)

After breaking her wing and being grounded for a couple days, Rainbow Dash gradually finds she's a lot smaller than she realized.

My tags: Heartwarming

Inspired by this wonderful artwork:
Colored Source
Non-Colored Source

Chapters (1)

A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, the barrier and conversion bureaus have wiped away everything humanity had and was.
But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown.
The Newfoals remember legends of things that go bump in the night, and they have decided that now even Celestia must know and fear them too. That there are beings to give even Luna nightmares.
Celestia is merely a Princess, and he is the King.

Yeah! Featured 8/7/14, 8/11/14, 8/12/14, 8/14/14 and 8/21/16. Thank you all.

Chapters (23)

One day Twilight Sparkle wakes up to find she has wings. No big deal. She’s had them for months, maybe even a year now. A pair of wings and the accompanying feathery mishaps had come to be an expected facet of the Princess’ early morning routine.

But that’s the problem. She expected to have a ‘pair’ of wings. Anything but that is just... unnatural.

For searches: Sollace

Chapters (6)

They came suddenly and without warning. They wanted us to boop them. We must resist.

The art is by neuro if anyone was wondering.

Chapters (1)

Another Mystery Crossover: The Conversion Bureau has all but won, and the barrier is closing in. Soon Humanity will be a fading memory. A few last souls are preparing to hand over Earth to its new masters. At the proper place and at the proper time. Celestia is delighted, but should she be?

Chapters (1)