• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012


Now, I definitively think I have too much shit Favorited (Post Bookshelf Patch) Previous Aliases: AwesomeCabbage9000

Favourites 1112 stories
  • Favourites 1112 stories - 7751 unread chapters THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE FAVE TRAIN
    Created by MiiaTheLamia
    - October, 2014
Found 818 stories in 89ms

Total Words: 51,420,444
Estimated Reading: 20 weeks



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My name is Captain Ares Andrews. I'm an AH-64 Apache pilot attached to the 101st Airborne division in Ft Campbell Kentucky. I'm not suffering PTSD, I didn't get sucked through a portal, or any of that nonsense. In fact, the last time I even heard the name 'Rainbow Dash', I was a college kid. That show went off the air like five years ago! But, regardless of when the last time I dove into the land of pony art and stories was, it doesn't change the fact that I have something in my house that fans of the show would probably kill for. And I have no idea how she got here, when she's leaving, whether or not she's even real. But she's here alright.

Chapters (2)

Failing once in her attempt to take Canterlot and failing again in her attempt to take down Twilight, one would think Chrysalis would have cut her losses and let things be, but the queen has once again appeared, this time in broad daylight with no disguise and no army. Her weapon of choice? Diplomacy.

Now Twilight is having to deal with the changeling queen, but surely putting up with her antics will be worth the knowledge she's willing to provide about her mysterious race and the potential undiscovered agents still within their midst...right?

Takes place before Magical Mystery Cure and diverges from there.

With thanks to MisterGunpowder for proofreading and editing.

Revision History:

05/09/2015: Chapter 1 updated with millions of little corrections.
05/20/2015: Chapter 2 revised and edited with another million small and large corrections.
06/12/2015: Chapter 3 given a thorough editing and revision.
06/23/2015: Chapter 4 taken to the gutter and edited twice to be sure.
07/14/2015: Chapter 5 thoroughly brutalized with the editing stick.
08/03/2016: Chapter 6 finally edited. Yes, I'm still alive, dammit.
09/29/2016: Chapter 7 fell out of the editing tree and hit every editing branch on the way down.
10/26/2016: Chapter 8 has emerged from the editing emergency room.
11/17/2016: Chapter 9 found and edited. No casualties reported.
11/30/2016: Chapter 10 treated for whiplash after lightning fast editing.
12/22/2016: Chapter 11 edited. Chrysalis shot first.
01/17/2017: Epilogue edited. Time to hit the cider.

Chapters (12)

The Dragonborn, a legendary warrior capable of absorbing a slain Dragon's soul, and knowledge, directly, forever killing it. The Last Dragonborn had defeated the first, stopped the plans of a Vampire cult, and built his own lakeside home, before finally slaying Alduin the World Eater and fulfilling his fate. Now, after all the challenges he has faced, the Dragonborn is sent to a realm where Friendship is Magic, and there is no mead. Finally, to cap things off, he kind of... well...
Became a Dragon.

Chapters (4)

The nation of Equestria has been exploring their little slice of the universe for some time now. From launching probes into deep space, to landing ponies on the moon. Sending things beyond the grasp of their planet has become almost routine. However, with every mission into space, there comes a time when the voyage must end. What happens when Equestria experiences the end of a voyage that they didn't begin?

Updated and Revised on October 5th, 2014

Chapters (3)

A cartoon pony named Twilight Sparkle visits me every other Friday night. Normally she just raids my fridge, questions my life choices, and forces me to watch her show. Tonight something is different. Has she always had wings?

Fair warning: Twilight’s views on her own fandom's creations aren’t exactly positive.

Cover art generously provided by statoose
Reading by CaptainBron3y
Reading by NovekBrony
Reading by Natetrix
Chinese Translation by Comradash
This story is approved by Luna's Fanfiction Library

The story continues in the sequel

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's world is flipped upside down by a spell that hurls her centuries downstream into a time unlike her own. Alone in the new age, Shimmer must find her purpose among a technologically advanced Equestria all the while trying to make sense of a recent discovery: Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria.

Special thanks to my editors: Sandcroft, and Chaotic Note

Also to proof reader: DarkPinkie, for their help with this story.


Chapters (4)

Mr Howtobasic doesn't understand. One moment, he was teaching people how to do things in the correct manner, and the next, he's here in Equestria. Well, at least there are eggs around.

Chapters (1)

Scarlet Eris. Female Draconequus, chaotic in nature and an over prankster and pain the flank.

"Hey! I am not a pain in the flank!"

However, her pranking days would soon be over as she might have done something that caused her father, Discord, to send her to another dimension and since her powers over chaos is still developing, she has no real way of going back home.

To top it all of, Discord picked a particular creature to balance her rather chaotic nature AND babysit her.

And no one babysits a spirit of chaos.

There will be comedy, shenanigans, hints of romance and not to mention, tons of chaos!

He is in for a wild ride.

"Chaos? Did someone say....CHAOS?!"

Update: Holy sh*t guys! This story got featured! Thanks to all for making it happen!

Update 2: (Estimated time of feature removal: 3rd of May, around 6:30 pm Local Time: Singapore) This story's feature was good enough for me, even for a slight duration. Thanks everypony!

Update 3: (Estimated time of feature and removal: 25th of June, 11:45 pm to 26th of June) Wow! Really? Featured again? U for real guys?

Update 3: (You know the drill) Goddammit guys! Stop giving me these features! (But in all seriousness, really guys?)

Hi guys, it's Kro here for another story, this time round, it's about Eris!. I hope you guys like this story. If you don't, then I'm sorry if this seems like a waste of your time.

The picture is by the lovely JaquelinDreamz of deviant art.

P.S This story was inspired by a story that I read but can't remember the name

Chapters (10)

A failed experiment.

Not exactly new for Twilight. But when the outcome brings forth its own science, the likes of which her nation hadn't even yet dared to hope for, the ponies of Equestria slowly realize that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime.

The problem is, they might just not be ready for the revolutions that technological advancement always brings.

And they're about to get hundreds of years of human science and advancements all at once.


As a forewarning, updates will likely be erratic. I have every intention of finishing this story, it's just that my life has been rather crazy lately as I'm sure many of you can imagine.

Also, if you are going to leave a thumbs down, please leave a comment detailing why. Thumbs downs don't tell me much, and I can't make the story better until people tell me what's wrong with it.
Thank you for your time.

WARNING: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own peril.

Covert Art brought to you by the amazing powers of photoshop with an artist's permission.

Chapters (1)

Well, the Nightmare Forces kidnapped Rarity, they broke her, and then were going to possess her right? What if Rarity absorbed them instead? She's still a powerful Nightmare, she looks even more beautiful than she did as a flesh and blood pony, and she just wants to give gifts, spread generosity, and help Equestria's ponies. But first she needs to convince everypony she's not just pretending to be Rarity and isn't evil incarnate. She's convinced Spike . . . now how does she convince the rest of the world?

The Benevolent Reign Of Queen Nightmare Rarity
STORY BY Alex Warlorn and trooper924
Inspired by and SUBVERSION of the Nightmare Arc of the My Little Pony comics.
And fanart by Hellbeholder, used with permission. http://hellbeholder.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Rarity-and-her-Spike-404955331

This started out as a simple RP in the comments section inspired by the art seen here.

This story has ZILCH to do with the Pony POV Series universe.

MLP FiM Copyright Hasbro

Chapters (1)