• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012


Now, I definitively think I have too much shit Favorited (Post Bookshelf Patch) Previous Aliases: AwesomeCabbage9000

Favourites 1112 stories
  • Favourites 1112 stories - 7749 unread chapters THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE FAVE TRAIN
    Created by MiiaTheLamia
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 51,415,466
Estimated Reading: 20 weeks



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This is Ⓑⓤⓣⓣⓞⓝ Ⓜⓐⓢⓗ: Ⓣⓗⓔ Ⓖⓐⓜⓔ. The world's first-ever RPG/FPS/MMO/MOBA/RTS/TBS, now on Joy Boys near you.

You are Button Mash. You have just woken up. You are also playing a video game, because when are you not playing a video game? Hopefully you can make it downstairs. Breakfast is starting.

"I don't even play video games! I don't know what you want from me!"
- Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Button, that's very nice, but I'm trying to balance on this ladder right now, and if you keep distracting me, I'm going to—"
- Mom.

"Is this fanfiction about yourself?"
- Sweetie Belle.

"This was the worst game I've ever played. It should be used as a weed-killer, because that way it would have a reason to exist. 9/10."
- Spike the Dragon


Vector Credits:

Chapters (21)

For many years there has been a mysterious creature living in the woods. Many rumors have spread about this creature. Some say its capable of killing anything it puts its mind on, even predators many times its size. A very strange creature that nopony had ever encountered face to face. That was, until now.

The story will tagged complete, since I don't have anything more to write. If I do get an idea for another chapter it will be published here.

Image not mine but from Aeflus, check him out he has really impresive art! No really, go check him out.

Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell, FreedomFiend, Glocky and Scrambled Crackers who have helped me out with this story. Really, these guy's are awesome!

Chapters (2)

There are some places one should never have the misfortune of visiting. To dream of them would be an experience that even the most unfortunate of ponies are spared from. But laws do not always catch each and every instance, and horrors find new holes in which to crawl from. So when The Elements of Harmony find themselves in a strange land, one wrought with monstrous terrors and bound by strange rules, how will they manage to find their way out while holding to the ponies they once were? How does one deal with nightmares without changing into one themselves? How many times must a pony die before their soul becomes too dark to return home?

A MLP and Dark Souls crossover

Chapters (1)

When Apollo 11 lands on the moon, Neil Armstrong utters his famous lines as his boots land in the lunar regolith, but when he turns around he finds something no one was expecting or had ever planned for.
There's an alien on the moon. And it's blue, four-legged, and staring at him.

Sequel here.

Chapters (1)

Celestia may be going crazy...

And how shall these "negotiations" through e-mail turn out?

If you favorite this story, please leave a comment explaining why.
Same if you disliked the story. Please leave a comment explaining why.

Chapters (2)

A three arced story that begins slowly as partially Comedy and Slice of life and rotates more towards Adventure and Dark in later chapters.

Some school fillies have to deal with school crushes. Others with bullies. Sometimes they have to deal with both. But no filly has ever had to deal with an Evil Tyrant being bound to their shadow and have the power to control their every action. This, of course, seems to be no big deal for Sweetie Belle who seems to even enjoy the stallion's company. Though the feelings aren't mutual. The small filly reminds the old king too much of a filly he used to know... Though it's strange the only place he'd seen her before are in these strange dreams of his. Recollections of a past he can't remember.

Perhaps Sweetie Belle will awake in him that version of himself before he was a Tyrant. Before he was labeled evil. A time from when he was a father. Perhaps she will help him forgive.

First featured on 9/4/2014!

The cover art was sketched by me and colored by the very talented Midnight Sonare

Chapters (29)

Available as a book!

It is a fact that horses have served mankind for thousands of years, in times of war and in times of peace. Your horse – a chestnut mare named Zayna – helps you to earn your primary source of income, in the form of a riding school.

But then, a freak occurrence dumps you both in a strange new land populated by talking ponies. At first, they are a bit hostile due to a misunderstanding — but that's nothing when you realise it's not just ponies who can talk here.

As it turns out, horses can as well.


Featured on Equestria Daily.

This is NOT an Anonymous in Equestria story.

First two chapters edited by Shin Guyviroth.

Special thanks to Shachza and Alticron for their assistance.

Rated Teen for suggestive themes.

Chapters (8)

Warning; This is not to be taken seriously, and the degree by which humans win (spoilers) has been amplified for the purpose of comedy.
Have you been reading a 'Human/Pony War' fic and been wondering how the ponies are putting up a fight with medieval level weapons and magic, while we have firearms, nuclear weapons, armies the size of their entire population and most importantly, years and years of perfecting the art of war. This is how an actual human/pony war would go.... with comedy.
9/11/14- FUGGIN A, I GOT FEATURED! Holy crap I go to sleep after sending it for submission, wake up, check it, pretty good support, I go to school, come back and I have hundreds of comments, favorites and 10 new people followed me
10/11/14- Christ, we're 3 likes away from 1,000.

Chapters (1)

A 'Human in Equestria' story, but reversed.
And by that, I do not mean 'a pony in the human world'.
A human is in Equestria Equestria is in a human!

A quick one-shot. Hopefully it will entertain you a little.
It could have been made longer and more involved, but there wouldn't be much point to that.

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Chapters (1)

I don't see what all the fuss about death is. Our princesses have been dodging it for over a thousand years. Who's to say Sweetie and I can't experiment a little? No, don't be ridiculous, zombies don't exist. Not yet, anyway.

[As seen on Equestria Daily.]

Chapters (6)