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This story is a sequel to Schadenfreude 2: Schadenfreude Harder

Schadenfreude is a simple pony. He enjoys the little things. Taking up as much room on an elevator as he likes. Sleeping through movies. And being a general annoyance to everyone around him.Of course, this leads to everyone around him disliking him on principle. Which only makes him smile wider.

After one too many "incidents" at his normal job, his employer takes it upon himself to "volunteer" him to work at the castle. As a butler.

For Prince Blueblood.

You can imagine the kind of shenanigans he gets up to now.

See that [Incomplete] tag below? Yeah. It's happening.

You asked for it. Sequel to Schadenfreude 2: Schadenfreude Harder, and the train wreck that started it all, Schadenfreude.

(New cover art by the fantastic TodayIWriteFanfics!)

Chapters (24)

Ponyville faced an ordinary day, but then night came, and with it a massive gateway into another world. It closes before any action can be taken, but now the Mane Six and Canterlot nobility are tasked with finding out what they can about the gateway. Who created it? Where did it lead to?

And most importantly, did anything come through?

Takes place after Season 2
Now 20% cooler with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (36)

Compared to their past heists, this one was going rather badly. It takes an armored truck being driven by their "handler" to get the crew out of this one. But before they could celebrate yet another pile of money in their possession, one of the strangest things happens...

While all of the politicians, scientists, and the military are worrying about the portals that opened up to some kind of alternate dimension, the crew blends in with the crowds of people coming to this world full of "ponies".
But of course, the allure of more heists presents itself even here...
So it's time to load up and grab your mask. It's payday.

Ignores the season 3 finale, and as such the entirety of season 4

Chapters (34)

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. I used to wonder, how cold should it be? Well, I know now. The sort of cold that comes from eternal night and being locked in stone for over a thousand years. The sort that comes from the only person you think you can trust betraying you.

The sort of cold that comes from a knife in the back.

The Moon betrayed me. The Sun entombed me alive. And they were going to pay.

For the League of Humans Acting Villainous

Chapters (14)

Starfall is a pegasus with a past he would rather forget, and a future that does not appear to even exist. His only true talent is a gift and passion for the stars and the night sky, a passion he has cultivated since he was a small colt. So when he learns of a chance to make this hobby a lifetime career, he travels all the way to Canterlot, desperate to make something of himself.

But during this opportunity, Starfall talent for reading the stars draws the attention of several ponies, including Equestria's royalty, and the alicorn who created the night sky he is so fond of; Princess Luna. What had started as a chance for a better life turns into an opportunity he could never have imagined, as the Princess of the Night begrudgingly takes him under her wing, teaching him all there is to know about the night.

But as Starfall adjusts to this new world he has been thrown into, complications rapidly begin to arise. Can the young, introverted pegasus learn to cope with the fame his new position will thrust upon him? Can anypony break through his defences, and bring out the pegasus he was always meant to be? And can he keep a secret from the Princess of the Night herself, as his feelings threaten to run away from him?

Chapters (53)

Pandinus Imperator (You can call him Pan, he won't mind) is knocked back in time during the Canterlot Invasion, and accidentally kills King Sombra on arrival. Instead of being executed, the changeling is surprised to find himself being hailed as a hero, and is promptly put on the throne as the new monarch, the Crystal Emperor. However, Pan now faces a great many problems, among them Celestia and Luna, who seem certain that the changeling is secretly up to no good, as well as several political factions secretly plotting to undermine his reign. There's also the tiny problem of the constant snowstorm that threatens to cut the city off from the outside world permanently.
The Crystal Ponies need a hero now more than ever before. Why did they get a changeling instead?

We Has A TvTropes.

While not truly a part of Bucking Nonsense's Changeling-Verse, the same rules regarding changeling abilities and society apply.

Cover image provided by gabapple, used with permission.

Chapters (35)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

One day the world took a turn for the insane. Earth and Equestria connected and now humans and ponies live together in harmony. Bronies are now a widespread culture and everyone is happy because of it. Everyone except me the only sane person alive. I know that this isn't right and I know that maybe one day humanity will wake up. They will see how stupid they've made the world and what they let into their hearts. One day I'll finally feel like I'm not an outsider. One day ponies and all pony sympathizers will perish in a violent spectacular marvel.

Chapters (33)

It has been one of the closest guarded secrets of Canterlot's royalty. Deep in a specially constructed dungeon, surrounded by warding spells and powerful magic barriers, exists an enigma. Within a cage that could only be described as something out of a nightmare, it waits and watches all of Equestria. A creature that cannot age, is immune to disease, does not thirst nor hunger, and resists all injury. But, it also holds secrets and knowledge that could safeguard the kingdom. Its powers are frightening, but it is civil enough for debate when patience permits.

Princess Celestia has sought counsel with the creature before, enduring it making deal after deal for its services. The Princess walks a fine line when dealing with it, knowing full well anything could give it an advantage despite its imprisonment. She has had to go back on her word in these dealings, and from this a deep animosity between them has been born. It is a necessary evil as she is convinced this is a being capable of untold evil far and above anything Equestria has ever dreamed of. So long as it remains within the confines of its cell, her kingdom is made safe. So much magic has been woven to ensure that, there is little chance of escape.

So long as the magic holds, there is no danger. So long as the cage remains strong, the nameless creature stays enthralled in his cavernous dwelling. If that were to change--if the magic failed--not even the wisest could say. But one thing is assured, it does not bode well for Equestria.

Chapters (14)

Researching the history of Discord's time as ruler of the land, Twilight comes across something strange that piques her interest. Looking further into it, she discovers a piece of information that changes the dynamic of not only her own, but everypony's relationship with the mysterious draconequus.

Discord is utterly bemused by the apparent turn of events. Why in Equestria is everyone suddenly being so nice to him?

Chapters (6)