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After a millennium of imprisonment, Princess Luna has returned, yet not in her entirety. A significant shard of her essence remains lost, shrouded in darkness. The darkness that gains the power to corrupt, to twist the very fabric of reality.

She finds herself in an unfamiliar world, her own mind struggling to adapt to the changes around her. Who can she trust and what unseen powers have waited for her to return?

Let the unfolding tale reveal the answers she seeks!


Hi thanks for checking out my story! This is my first fan fic and I want to try to make it good🌛 Please let me know if you have any advises/comments on my writing or story plot thx! and have a nice day/night!

Chapters (8)

High above the great mass of creatures under the banner of the Lunar Empire, Empress Nightmare Moon sits upon her illustrious throne. Unopposed. Alone. Alienated.

To solve her dilemma, she will go incognito and venture into the city of Manehattan, the husband of her loyal Warmaster as her guide.

Yet it remains to be seen, when all pretences of imperial royalty are obscured, will Manehattan take kindly to her? And more importantly, will she like what she finds?

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. This story prominently features original characters from the setting, but extensive knowledge is not required to read. More information can be found here.

In case you don't know what Selenite and Sol look like: https://derpibooru.org/images/2874846?q=solenite

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (7)

Levi, the only human in Equestria at this point in time, had been living peacefully for a couple months now. He has made many friends along the way, and has been staying at Twilight's Castle in Ponyville. However, one day, he is brought into the castle, unconscious. The ponies thought he was simply sick and was suffering from heat stroke, but what they discover will haunt them for the rest of their lives. This will make ponies realize who they really are...

...and why magic is such a worrisome source of power.

Told in perspective of Sweetie Belle.

A re-write/reimagination of the 2014-2015 classic. Will be posting this one regularly to finally get the story I wanted out back then.

Chapters (2)

Adam Inns has always been a simple man. For him, whiling his days away in a log cabin with a good book and a good view is a life well spent, no matter which planet he inhabits. But one day, after a misunderstanding with a Royal Guard gets Celestia involved, she decides to have a little fun at Adam's expense, and he suddenly finds himself as the proud owner and sovereign of a brand-new country, his to do with as he pleases.

However, the joke slowly finds a life of its own, as the poor and outcast find themselves on Inns' doorstep, with nowhere else to go and little reason to love Equestria. As the new state begins to grow into its own, Adam discovers that the calculus of rulership is not as forgiving as he once thought - and as the Equestrian system shudders under the weight of a thousand years of status quo coming to an abrupt end, his newfound convictions soon put him on a collision course with his friend, Celestia... a course neither may be willing to correct.

Can harmony and friendship really prevail against cold, hard realpolitik?

Chapters (25)

Rarity has a secret but is unsure if she should come out or not. She is a changeling. She had hoped to tell her friends after Cadence's wedding, but due to Chrysalis crashing the party she now fears what her friends will think of her once they know the truth.

Cover Image credit: https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-acharmingpony

Commissioned by: Tailsic

Rated T in case of mild language

Chapters (9)

The age of chaos has come to an end. The Avatar of Chaos, Discord, has been defeated by the valiant actions of the newly-minted alicorn sisters. Their courageous victory has earned them the adoration of their hometown of Evergreen, and they now seek to unite all of ponykind under their banner.

In the disconnected world left in the wake of Discord's reign however, theirs is not the only story to be told. Not all of them even start in their world, for that matter.

Geralt is a unassuming man living a comfortable but mundane existence. While not dissatisfied with his own life, he has always dreamed of what it would be like to make more of himself. To be able to live a life of adventure and glory, to steer the wheels of history.

Fate has smiled upon on him and granted him the opportunity to do so when he is swept away by a chaotic winter storm across worlds, finding himself in a new feathery body. He soon finds himself taking the first steps and rising above anywhere he thought he could reach as he defends his new home, and begins to build a shining beacon of prosperity that will resound throughout the ages.

But victory comes only to the prepared, and the road to his dreams will be long and hard. It is world filled with all manner of mysteries, monsters, and rivalries. A world where a land is kept safe by the armies that it fields. And so Geralt will resolve to stand tall, to defend his lands and his people, and to see his banner flying forevermore.

Chapters (13)

A thousand year absence from the world would be disorienting for anyone, but when your job is Head of State, understanding how society has changed during your interregnum is vital. Princess Luna, banished in the age of the longboat and the longbow, has returned just in time for the launch of the tablet computer. With the help of her sister, she undertakes to understand the history she's missed and the people she finds herself among, in order to resume the duties of her title.

This story takes the form of a series of conversations between Celestia and Luna that take place months and years apart. It is openly concerned with political ideas and how societies are organised, and not at all concerned with monsters and magic beyond the conceit of immortal monarchs. The Alternate Universe tag is there because I will be ignoring every single one of the thousand year catastrophes that occur in the show after the Nightmare Moon crisis, the retirement of the Princesses, probably the presence of any other Princesses, and anything else in the show I feel like ignoring, because I find them irrelevant to the themes I want to cover.

In short, if you wanted The Audience with ponies, I got you covered.

This story can be considered canon to my comic works such as The Sunjackers, and my other associated worldbuilding projects, and uses the same date system as them (ie. roughly matching our own, with the return of Nightmare Moon happening the same year as the episode aired, 2010). May also be your jam if you like Equestria At War, but not affiliated at all.

Chapters (7)

What's a tontine? It's a new kind of investment. You buy non-refundable shares in a common pot and collect the interest for the rest of your life. In fact, tontines are all about living -- and that's why the creator feels it's an idea which can't possibly fail.

There's just one minor flaw...

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. (Due to story length, this was a pledge freebie.)

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is supposed to be her sister's equal. She watches over 12 of every 24 hours, after all. But she isn't, and everybody knows it. Equestria adores the one who brings warm, sunny days, and ponies sleep through her nights. Even her sister sometimes seems to forget that she's supposed to be one of Equestria's ruling diarchs.

Luna seeks help from the only pony she thinks can make a difference: Star Swirl the Bearded. He provides a spell, one she can use to change herself into the pony she wants to be.

Unfortunately for her (and the rest of Equestria), things don't go quite as expected.

Updates Wednesdays, though it may update a little quicker at first as the Fimfiction version of this story catches up to the one posted on Patreon. Cover by Zutcha, as always. These just keep getting better, don't they?

This is a Patreon-sponsored story, written for Aurora Gleam. So tremendous thanks to them for making this adventure possible.

Chapters (59)

Everypony has a story. Some tell of heroic feats and grand adventure. Others tell of villainy against the forces of Harmony. The story of an average guard, however, is one of obscurity. They live in the background, unnoticed but ever-present.

Silent Knight assumed his tale would be like that of his father's: join the Royal Guard and serve Equestria. He would be just another helmet and spear, part of the rank and file. And that was all he ever wanted.

However, when Captain Shining Armor asked for volunteers to form a House Guard for the recently returned Princess Luna, it was Silent's hooves that stepped forwards to set his new life in motion.

Chapters (56)