• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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The most precious things we have in life are our memories. Our recollections of the good good times and happy moments spent with friends, family, and loved ones. To the average pony, there is nothing in the world more valuable.

To some others though, a happy memory can be more of a curse than a blessing. And they may do anything to rid themselves of that curse.

Edited by SilverScope.

Chapters (1)

It's been more than a thousand years since the Mane Six's adventures in Ponyville, and things look very different. Equestria is gone, devoured by chaos. Nightmare creatures roam the lands, changelings prey on the few remaining pony settlements, and all trace of the peace and harmony during Princess Celestia's reign has vanished.

Until, that is, a small group of ponies set out to map the Tangle, and find a slumbering dragon inside. Now Spike, a millenium out of his time and with only his memories to comfort him, is ponykind's only hope. Together, he and his new friends set out to find the one pony who can set things right: Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art by the inestimable TheAuthorGl1m0.

Featured by The Royal Guard on February 4th, 2014.


- Beware of spoilers in the comment section!
- Currently undergoing heavy revision for chapters nineteen and onward. The "lost" chapters - that is, the story as it was originally published - can be found here.

Chapters (32)

EDIT: Sequel is now up! Flying Forward

Rainbow Dash has done it again. She's crashed and hurt herself. But this time it's not just physical injuries that her and her friends have to deal with. Rainbow Dash's brain was severely traumatized so it's up to her friends to nurse her back to health. But can they deal with this new Rainbow Dash?

Warning: Contains mental age regression and everything you would guess that goes with that.

**Featured 5/14** I can't thank you all enough!

Chapters (12)

After Rainbow Dash has an especially vivid dream about the mare she loves, Twilight, she decides to finally confess her feelings to her, for better or for worse. Meanwhile, members of the Sombranian cult plot to revive their fallen master, King Sombra, but they are short one very important thing… a baby dragon.

Edited by Slrvertigo

Chapters (8)

Button Mash and Sweetie Belle decide to play Minecraft.

So of course, Minecraft decides to start spouting out of the computer and turning Button's house into hundreds of blocks, hostile mobs are spawning in his home and roam free, he has no idea when his mom is getting home, Sweetie Belle has no idea what she's doing, and as if that wasn't enough...

Button has absolutely no idea how to reverse this.

Totally normal day, right?

Inspired by the popular video Don't Mine at Night as well as a 90's movie called Jumanji while also paying homage to an 1879 opera called "Pirates of Penzance" in the form of an (attempted) song parody.

(Ahhh, this got put in the featured box, twice, Huzzah! Thanks to all my readers!)

Chapters (10)

The TwiDash Project is a series of vignettes and short stories depicting the budding romance between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash behind the scenes of season two and onward, taking place during, before, and/or shortly after canon episodes.

Concept is based on the The AppleDash Project by bookplayer. Bookplayer has kindly given her blessing for others to explore the idea with different ships.

Editing by Formerly Committed.

The TwiDash Project is co-authored by bats and Subsolar Drift. Authors of different chapters will be indicated in the chapter title.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is torn between fulfilling her dreams and acting on her feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Does Twilight not feel the same way, or is she simply oblivious to Rainbow's intentions?

Cover art by http://jewlecho.deviantart.com/ !

Chapters (1)

It has been months since Discord was reformed and relocated to Ponyville. Under Fluttershy's watchful eye, he has kept himself from harming or manipulating a single pony. There is only a small problem that came with the larger solution.

He has gotten bored.

Concerned for her new friend, Fluttershy suggests he uses his magical powers to help ponies around Ponyville in ways that no other pony can. Good thing, Discord has such a unique way to help ponies in need...

Story eleven in my Twidash Challenge: Random Theme
Cover image by GlancoJusticar

Chapters (8)

[Featured on EQD 21/4/2014] [Now on TVTropes]

When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.

All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her plaything, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.

Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?

Special thanks to the insatiable Blue_Paladin42, the incorrigible Maskedferret, the intuitive Southpaw and the indestructible newbiedoodle for all their hard work, past, present and future.

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash walks through the deserted, snowed streets of Ponyville, looking for a place to get warm and finds herself at the door of the local library. Even in the coldest of winter days, warmth can be found, and, as she soon figures out, there are many ways to share your warmth with another.

Some more special and meaningful than others.

A heartwarming story during the cold winter months. Contains feel-good TwiDash shipping

Credit for the picture goes to NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantART

Edited by: Inumaniac & Shumiry

Chapters (3)