• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014


Something isn't beautiful because it lasts.

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Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have been hanging out a lot lately. But that's just because they're such good friends, right?

Chapters (1)

Everypony knew about Dash's feelings for Twilight, everypony but Twilight that is. As the girls come together for a slumber party, Rainbow Dash finally sees her chance to tell Twi how she feels. With her friends behind her Rainbow Dash throws caution to the wind!

Chapters (1)

The beginning of Scootaloo's life wasn't easy. At less than a month old she lost her parents and was herself heavily injured from an attack by creatures of the Everfree Forest. She was found by an elderly mare named Peach Cobbler.

She struggles with a condition from the accident where she's told her wings will never grow in right and leave her flightless for life. At first she's ready to give up hope, until a chance meeting with a certain blue pegasus that changes her life and makes her fight like she's never fought before, to accomplish the dream of catching up to her idol.

Along the way of her journey she learns a lot, mastering her scooter and flying skills, saving a few lives, and in the end she finally gets the chance to race against Rainbow Dash to show her true worth.

Link to cover art: http://neko-me.deviantart.com/art/Teach-me-how-to-fly-sis-464971041

RIP to JustAnotherBrony, who committed suicide. If it wasn't for his inspiration I might never have finished this work. Thank you for your support.

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy makes a casual remark about Dash to Twilight, which starts a shift beyond friendship for the cyan pegasus and the librarian.

Picture for this fic was made by Bossinc at Deviantart, and was used with permission. http://bossinc.deviantart.com/

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash, quite possibly the coolest pony in Equestria, inexplicably falls for Twilight sparkle, quite possibly the nerdiest pony in Equestria. Out of curiousity and Rainbow's pleading, the librarian decides to give her two weeks to see what might happen. Both ponies will have to confront their insecurities if they hope to be a couple for very long.

After more than a year, this albatross has landed with the help of Cookie Monstar, Key Tapper, and Shadowsreached. This thing is FINALLY finished! What started as an experiment on writing a relationship changed dramatically. I can't tell you if it's better or worse though. That's for you to decide. Either way, I'm glad it's finally complete and I deeply apologize for taking so long to get it done.

Chapters (14)

NOTE: We've actually taken this story's concept and given it a massive makeover. Check it out here!

Two worlds. Two friendships.

However, sometimes it takes another Rainbow Dash to say what one can't.

Now with a dramatic audio reading by Goombasa! Thanks, dood! :D

Chapters (1)

There is something you need to know.

When you go out there inflicting harm to yourself, you're harming me as well. Sometimes things don't go how you'd like them to go, it's a part of life. Eventually, we move on, learn from our mistakes and accidents, and hold our heads high.

Nopony is perfect, and you have nothing to prove to me, or anypony else.

I love you just the way you are.


Originally written for the Twidash 3.5 Competition found here.
Winner of the Rainbow Dash group contest found here
Proofreading and editing done by my lovely friend Bookish Delight
Art by JinYaranda which can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash tries to sort through her thoughts, realizing she has a crush on her friend Twilight Sparkle.

Cover Image by Tri-Engine

Chapters (4)

Bored one evening, Discord suggests to Celestia that they spice things up by seeing who's best at doing the other's job: he'll handle keeping things harmonious, and she'll be there to throw a big ol' spoonful of chaos into the mix whenever she feels like it. To his surprise, she agrees to do it. He's certain he's got this one in the bag—after all, how hard can something as boring as harmony be?

He shouldn't have underestimated his opponent.

UPDATE: Featured 2-15-14!
For the Writer's Training Ground #007 down at Equestria Daily. Originally posted on my DA account, due to timing issues.
Cover Art and MLP:FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust

Chapters (1)

Button Mash has always liked Sweetie Belle. She was fashionable, yet not afraid to get dirty. She was smart, but enjoyed to play video games with him. Sweetie Belle has had a crush on him since they first hung out. Both have been afraid to show their feelings, but on Hearts and Hooves Day, they decide to show each other what they truly mean to each other.

Cover image artist- http://medio-cre.deviantart.com/art/A-Girl-s-Best-Friend-425853916

*Edit: Wooooow. 100 likes in just the first day??? Are you serious? Thanks guys!

Chapters (1)