• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2020


Spaceballs is better than Star Wars

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A couple years after moving out of the Crystal Empire castle to live alongside and more like their subjects, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor decide that they are ready to have a foal. They got twin alicorn fillies, and couldn't be happier (they tried).

One of these fillies is Skyla, and aside from being an alicorn, is pretty much normal. The other one is Inova, a (literally) reborn human.

Now has a redux version.

Chapters (23)

My name is Luke. Once upon a time, I was just a 32 year old guy on regular old Earth. That all changed one night during a blizzard with a strange light from my neighbors’ house.

Suddenly, I found myself in a world I don’t know, in a body I only know from Super Smash Brothers and bits of a movie my neighbor Leo was watching when I was helping them with a ceiling fan.

If that wasn’t enough, I also found myself taking care of a dragon lady named Ember after she went and got herself injured.

Also, why the hell does she look familiar?

This story takes place in the same universe as Symphonicdysonince's story Equestrian Eeveelution. While you don't need to have read that to be able to follow this, I would still recommend reading the first two chapters at least, as there's a lot of information in those that won't be in this. Plus, it's just a really good story.

Chapters (56)

A cynical and distrustful man has a drunken conversation at a bar with someone and finds himself waking up in a land of talking ponies the next day. The catch? He's now a Ninetales. "Great...where's the bar?"

Chapters (35)

The Wonderbolts are debuting a new show in the skies of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash is ecstatic to see a performance up close and personal. But when she is left speechless by their unbelievable techniques, she begins to question her chances. Lost in her thoughts, a very unexpected surprise throws her life into a roller coaster. A story of staying true to yourself and knowing when to listen to your heart, even if it isn't the logical choice.

Featuring art by: lortstreet54, shad0w-wo1f!, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: bonnama, colorstirkeand rulette, Astrum

Also a small animation in chapter 2 by: HarlenBooks

This story has not been fully edited yet, i apologize for anything sloppy.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Head in the Clouds

Written for a small group contest. (Placed 1st! Thank you all for the support!)

Rainbow Dash and Soarin are extremely unsatisfied with how they left their relationship upon parting ways. Friends with benefits sounds nice, but once apart they both realize just how much the other means to them. Unfortunately now neither are in a position to confront the other and reveal what pulls at both their hearts: Love.

Soarin may be duty bound and unable to act, but Dash jumps at an opportunity that could turn their relationship into the direction they both truly want. A story of not accepting barriers. True love exists on all levels and distances.

(Note: this story was admittedly rushed for a contest. Looking back on it now, there are some inconsistencies, such as some of Dash's abilities. The end may seem a bit squished as well. I apologize in advance)

Edited by: Kestrel He did an awesome job :) featuring in chapter art by foxenawolf, eveyannie, PenumbraGlow0290 Deviantart: bonnama, and SpicedDemon (Commisioned for me by PlayBitz)

Chapter 11 animation done by: HarlenBooks, Equestrian Airship Productions

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Before the Night

A sequel to Before the Night. Bald Ostrich, consort and coltfriend to Princess Luna before her banishment, finds himself in modern day Equestria. Will the Royal Sisters remember him? Will adjusting to modern, Equestrian life be difficult for somepony who was once not a pony? This, is Dawn of a New Day

Chapters (8)

Bald Ostrich, was once a human. Now he’s a pegasus, in a land that looks eerily like medieval Europe. Will he find a way home? Will he even survive past a week? How will becoming the consort of the Princess of Night go?

And why is the Day Princess so wary of him? Also some old guy with a Beard is a massive asshole. What a dick.

Now it has a sequel

Chapters (9)

Please, vote or comment your opinion if you care about this story.

So, I got blasted by some mages in my world, and now I'm in a completely new one. I'm something called a 'kirin', and I've lost my opposable thumbs. Surprisingly, it wasn't a polymorph spell either! My magic has gone completely wack. I burned down a forest. And apparently I'm the first ever Kirin to have alicorn magic, which sounds awesome right? Well, not when you're constantly combusting into flames! I never wanted this! And for some reason these ponies keep treating me so nicely. Even after I keep screwing everything up. How hard is it to act like normal for once in my life?

What? There's nothing wrong with me! Please don't send me back...

Cover art by: Ziper Ace
Featured on: 2023 - 4/13, 4/17, 4/22 and quite a few more... Thanks everyone!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pegasus

Earth-pony inventor Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover a world unlike any they've seen before -- a world of fire. And it may offer clues to the history of all the varied worlds of the Space Beyond. But only if they can manage to escape its dangerously powerful inhabitants...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to When Ponies Fly

Earth-pony Twilight Sparkle and her friend Rainbow Dash visit a realm of forest and magic. And find that all is not quite right, in the place where the unicorns dwell...

For more of this AU, check out the entire series, starting with:

Chapters (4)