• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2020


Spaceballs is better than Star Wars

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My hot take on what "really" happened to the 140 million dollar aircraft that our government misplaced in Carolina this week. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

After no longer being needed as much in the Crystal Empire, Sunburst moved to Ponyville to assist his friend Starlight Glimmer with her work at the School of Friendship. Being the new guy in town, Sunburst understood that he wasn't as familiar with Ponyville or the creatures that live there as most of the locals. Still, a couple of children running around with what is obviously a robot pretending to be a filly is a strange sight no matter where you're from.

However, when he mentioned this robot to Starlight and Rarity, they acted like they had no idea what he was talking about. Surely he wasn't the only pony in town that could tell she's a robot, right?


Chapters (1)

Many Railways in Equestria have been losing bits and customers because of Equestria's Nationalization plan, which would bring all the companies under one roof. One such Railway is looking for ways to keep its identity. And salvation comes not in the form of one, but two humans that have suddenly arrived. And with them, ideas, and concepts for running a railway. But get this, neither of them have ever run a railway in their lives!!! So, a railway is left with two options, one is to just be nationalized, the second is to take these humans in. and see what happens. (Ponies will be Anthro.)

Chapters (9)

It's Halloween 2019 and strange things are happening to a group of four people as they begin to turn into ponies. Low and behold they were cursed by the lord of chaos himself as a kind of "Proof of concept" along one of the most haunted railroad lines in all of Equus where strange things have to the trains and ponies during nightmare night. Now they are left to figure out how to survive on earth as ponies, join them in their adventure as they try to carve out a semblance of living like the highly intelligent ponies they are without going insane.

I would also like to thank these people for reading and editing my mess:
Hazy Spark for looking over the document.
Tyler, who helped push and encourage me to actually make this a reality.
Alyssa, who actually urged me to change up the way I was going to go about writing this story. She really pushed my writing to be better and actually turn out something amazing.

Chapters (4)

A man and his train are transported to Equestria.

Marked as cancelled 17 September 2023 - 10 years and 8 months since the last update.

Chapters (4)

When Fluttershy doesn't come to the yearly cider tasting at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack goes to her cottage to investigate, only to discover that Fluttershy's absence is connected to a mysterious transformation that has left her struggling with a dark and insatiable hunger.


Chapters (2)

"Humans.... Quite possibly the most infuriating mythical creatures in existence. If you ever have the 'luck' to meet a Human in your travels across Equestria, then you must be careful. Humans are extremely powerful creatures, some would say more so than Celestia or Luna, they are also more unpredictable than Discord. They can help you in a tight spot if you're lucky, or play nasty tricks on you if you don't hold the Human's favor. In my time I've seen a Human give a filly pounds upon pounds of gold, and the same one turn greedy ponies into gold. The only one I ever have seen 'face-to-face' was in my earlier years, he helped me repair my wagon when it broke down in Everfree Forest, by fix I mean a whole new one appeared not ten feet away, and the only thing the Human asked for in return was a spindle.... But be warned, never anger a Human, a trick or two in fair game is fine, but if you ever manage to truly anger a Human...... you'll be part of the small number ever to meet non-existence." - Star-Swirl the Bearded.

A silly nonsensical story, not to be taken seriously. Some chapters are not connected to others.

Chapters (4)

Sweetie Bot installs Urban Dictionary.

With thanks to people on Discord for discussions.

Art: Maren.

Chapters (1)

A Notice of Hiatus

Jackson Brunner was walking home from work when he slipped and fell. He then awoke in a palace made of crystal that seemed to be long abandoned. Exploring these halls, Jack feels a strange sense of foreboding. Almost as if something horrible had happened here.

And that's not even the strangest thing about this situation.

No, things will only get stranger from here once the new owners of the palace show up.

Times this story has been featured:
August 16th - August 20th, 2023 (briefly got top spot on the 16th!)
Pretty much every time I upload a chapter lmao

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Of Solicitude

Ten years after a massive war, Equestria has changed. The Empire now rules over all, giving peace and prosperity to those that deserve it, but some are against this new rulership.
The CMC, a small, raggedy group of smugglers working for the Apple family, are caught red-hoofed by an Imperial patrol. As the friends fight for their lives, they learn about themselves, each other, and the world they now reside in.
Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Emperor Blueblood has amassed a massive fleet and is preparing to smash what is left of the rebellion under the oppressive hoof of his Empire.




Chapters (26)