• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Fallout 14 stories
  • Fallout 14 stories - 10 unread chapters
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
Found 10 stories in 40ms

Total Words: 347,024
Estimated Reading: 23 hours



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All eras come to an end and the era of the Wasteland is no different, it's Raiders dead, it's Steel Rangers made extinct. It's Heroes and Villains either gone or retired. But The Stable Dweller has other plans, she sees a bright future for Ponykind in lands unknown to any creature. This is the story of the end of the Wasteland and the beginning of a new era.

Chapters (1)

A Farewell letter to Derpy Hooves written by Doctor Whooves, explaining why he was not there during the fall of Cloudsdale or after that in the Fallout Equestria Universe.

DanielScratchAnimations has made an audio reading of the first chapter. It can be found at https://youtu.be/tVgQLM6HrQI.

For any reader who is thinking about audio adaptations, two individual groups are working on versions. I'll attach links when they are done. I am not interested in any other adaptations being done.

Chapters (2)

Things are going pretty well at the Ponyville Library! Princess Celestia is even stopping by for tea this afternoon, which certainly isn't a kind of exam, definitely not requiring frantic preparation.

Even better, a long-backordered book has finally arrived. But as Twilight and her friends are about to discover, this is no ordinary book. Because while reading may be for everypony, certain stories are not for the faint of heart.

(This is a rework of a previously-cancelled, never-finished story of mine. Please note that detailed knowledge of Fallout/Fo:E is not required to enjoy this version.)

Chapters (6)

After a few failed attempts to deal with the Light Bringer, the goddess decides that instead of killing Pip maybe throwing her into the far future to deal with later would be easier. She over shoots the date though by just a tincy wincy bit.

An Art trade I did with Jamin P. Rose

Audio Reading

Chapters (1)

In another time, in another place, the war that destroyed the world never came, how different is everything. Heart's warming has arrived and Pip preparing to celebrate it with all her friends and family, with the help of her long-time friend she everyone is coming to dinner.

This is my Christmas story for the new year(Even though I miss the deadline). It's meant to Celebrate FOE a story that's helped me get better at writing and making things. Thanks Kkat for the story and great character. Art by ToasterRepairUnit

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - The Hooves of Fate

Rose Petal, a filly who sees the future in dreams and visions, gets a glimpse of Manehattan during turbulent times. Princess Celestia has resigned, Equestria is on the brink of war, and the whole city erupts upon hearing the news. Rose Petal struggles to see one little filly to safety, and to make sense of a future that's seemingly doomed.

Chapters (1)

While on a typical gem hunt with Spike, Rarity uncovers a strange alien device that turns out to be rather handy once you know how to use it.

No, this is not a Fallout Equestria crossover. Just Rarity has a pip-boy.

Chapters (4)

"Live a little, they say. Easier said than done."

These are the voyages of the Canterlot ghoul Lemon Frisk. His mission: to find the Meaning of Unlife. His continuing perils: crazed raiders, feral ghouls, overzealous rangers, deranged robots, and a mare who won't stop poking him.

Set in the universe of Fallout: Equestria, by Kkat.

Audio book:
The Daily Unlife Day 0 to 4 on YouTube (by NitoKa)

Download: (warning - E-books include the explicit "Night Eight" chapter :raritywink:)
The Daily Unlife E-book in epub format (936 KiB)
The Daily Unlife E-book in pdf format (4.32 MiB)
TDU Media Pack: all the stuff linked to from the story and more, to enjoy all of the story offline (16.49 MiB)

Russian version:
Fallout Equestria: Обыденная нежизнь on ponyfiction.org, translated by TL082CP.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Fallout Ecuestria. El desvivir diario on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (18)

Six years have gone by after the Cutie Mark Crusaders went missing in the Everfree, and the town of Ponyville has changed. The Elements are all but spent trying to deal with the grief of losing the aggravating yet beloved CMC and the Princesses are tied up in a massive diplomatic battle between the Griffon Empire and the New Changeling Order.

When Applejack is going to visit Fluttershy, she runs across an unfamiliar group of young mares, three to be exact... and they're claiming to be the CMC, and they've got quite the story to tell...

Fallout/MLP:FIM crossover
Fallout belongs to Bethesda
MLP:FIM belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Story elements belong ta me.

Chapters (14)

Hope is the faith of the young. Losing everything she holds dear, Puppysmiles embarks on the adventure of her life to find her mother, her hopes of meeting her again driving her through the horrors of a world not of her making. Too bad the Wastelands doesn't care about hope.

Chapters (21)