• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

New 16 stories
  • New 16 stories - 32 unread chapters
    Created by AppleKit
    - October, 2020
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Total Words: 1,907,052
Estimated Reading: 5 days



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This story is a sequel to A Day of Rest

Includes: Velvet, Stronghoof, Arizona, Paprika, and others.

Not a crossover.

In continuity with A Day of Rest and Book of Lore - Shanty's Chapter.

Reine City lies at the center of the known world of Foenum and the quest for the Prophet's Key.

Velvet's confidence was shaken by her defeat, but with Arizona and Paprika arriving with a vital clue she has a new chance to grow and prove herself.

As shadows loom beyond its walls, the lessons learned and comradery forged in Reine will be vital to the future.

Chapters (1)

Storied Halls is tasked with gathering firsthand accounts of Equestria's greatest war so that all will remember and none will forget. Follow him as he gathers his tales.

The most devout and fervent of Celestia and Luna's followers and soldiers, civilians who find themselves suddenly besieged by monsters, and Princess Twilight and her friends who must raise arms against the sisters who guided their lives. Their stories and more must be written down for the ages.

The Nightmare Force returns, stronger and more resilient, and it wants nothing less than the absolute destruction of the princessdom that brought it ruin before. It takes the most powerful ponies it can find, Equestria's former rulers, and uses them to raise a dark army to achieve its ambitions. But in the end it fails, and through various interviews you will learn how.

Inspired by the song "Together Against the Sisters" by Jyc Row and Prince Whateverer ft. Celica Soldream

Chapters (2)

In an instant, six lives are tragically taken. Luna, Cadance, and her brand new baby daughter Flurry Heart are the only survivors. Now the two princesses must raise the heir to the Crystal Empire together, though Cadance blames Luna for the events of her family's deaths.

Very loosely based on Friendship Is Tragic II: A Tale of Two Princesses by Scribbler Productions.

The title is a line from the song “Just A Dream” by Carrie Underwood. https://youtu.be/jLntFKtR66g

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Magic of the Heart

Ditzy and Dinky's greatest adventure may be over, but their lives, and the lives of all their friends, are still full of promise. Take a slice-of-life look at some of your favorite characters, after the events of "Magic of the Heart".

This is not a novel, it's an anthology. A collection of short stories about the continuing adventures of the characters from the "Shipping and Handling" fanfic universe. These short tales are mostly unrelated to one another, and feature many of the major and supporting characters from the trilogy. The one thing they all have in common is that they're set at some point after the events of Chapter 20 of "Magic of the Heart".

Chapters (5)

In a small village in Horsweden, a father is about to return home after a battle, his daughter is about to be born, a special filly for her time.
This is the sequel to Stella The Anguana, and it's part of my saga The Chronicles of the Dragonheart Pegasi.
The language used is Swedish

Chapters (13)

After thousands of years inside a pocket dimension, the Crystal Empire returned to the Frozen North. Mere moments after a purchase at comic con, a man was sent to a magical world of mythical creatures as Skeletor. After a short amount of time, the Displaced Skeletor stumbled his way towards the Empire. What happened next? Well, only time would tell.

(I don’t own squat except for the story.)
(Not part of the Displaced multiverse.)
(It is HIE Costume)
(We've got Fan art!)

Chapters (49)

This story is a sequel to Urban Wilds

Amanita. Quiet. Awkwardly self-conscious. Necromancer. Reformed. Newly hired by the Royal Guard and the apple of its eye. How could she not be? She’s a peerless expert when it comes to necromancy. But only because she’s the only pony with any knowledge of necromancy beyond the basics, she tells herself. She needs to be more than just a static source of knowledge; she also needs to apply that knowledge, to expand her mind. She can’t live her whole life in a lab. She needs experience out in the field.

Which is how she finds herself assigned to a ley purification team. There’s something wrong with a ley line. It’s not immediately dangerous, but if left alone, it could corrupt the land, killing crops and creating monsters. Amanita is part of a small crew that will head to the line’s source, the small mining town of Tratonmane, to identify and correct the problem. Fortunately, ley purification is a well-known science. It’ll be easy.

At least, that’s the idea. Far to the north, swathed in frost and snow, walled in by vertiginous mountains, Tratonmane is as isolated as can be. Miners and subsistence farmers eke out a living in what little land they have. Ravenous wolves stalk the forest at its border. Whispers abound at the team’s arrival. Tratonmane has existed outside the Crown’s influence for centuries and many of the townsfolk don’t appreciate it sticking its nose in now. Especially since no town lasts for that long without getting a few skeletons in its closets. Amanita and her team will have to navigate hostile environments — personal and terrestrial alike — if they want to get to the bottom of this.

For if they don’t, heads will roll. Perhaps literally.

Nothing a necromancer can’t fix.

Updates TuThS. Reading earlier stories will provide some context for this, but isn't required. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (34)

In the far north, where Equestria's edge fades into memory and the Crystal Empire glimmers on the distant horizon, lies a domain untouched by time.

Here, a land cloaked in white stretches as far as the eye can see.

This is the realm of the snow ponies.

Cover art by Marbo, the Allfather.

Chapters (2)

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways. Fresh sorrows and avoided crisis gives friendship's flower a new shape.

This story will make an alternative universe, but will start grounded in the world we know. Have you read my other works? I love canon. I will respect canon, but we are also changing a core fact, and its effects will ripple outward. Our beloved ponies will be changed, as they must. The stream of fate carries them on tides we never witnessed before.

Twilight, Applejack, I hope you're both ready. Come, the water's fine, and I invite you to swim with me. Let us see what would happen if Applejack's mother survived where fate had once demanded her end.

Done for a patron, will update 1/month with 4k chapters.

Cover art by Jowybean!

Chapters (81)

This story is a sequel to Something New

After breaking up with her longtime girlfriend, Pearl Rose does what she's always done when she's down and needs comforting: She goes to her mentor and teacher, Twilight Sparkle.

What began as Twilight comforting her former student will soon grow into something that neither of them expected.

Chapters (34)