• Member Since 31st May, 2020

Spazz Kid

Vacant Tawna stare. || Harshwinny's loving husband.

Second Person Stuff 436 stories
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Total Words: 2,656,116
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Rainbow Dash]

Having turned away from the spotlight, you preferred to distance yourself from fame and popularity. Instead, you chose to live a simple life away from the crowds and fortune. But when you meet a multicolored mare with an unusual request, can you find it in yourself to go for the gold again?

A/N: Okay, this is going to make very little sense at first, but just bear with me.

So I've been playing a ton of Kid Icarus: Uprising lately. It is hella fun, and Sakurai did an amazing job at revitalizing the series. It has easily stolen the spot of "favorite 3DS title" in my heart, and I can't put it down.

So you're probably wondering, "what does Kody's videogame preferences have anything to do with a romance story involving Rainbow Dash?" Well, everything, actually.

A friend of mine noticed my new addiction to this title. He knows I write about ponies, and as such, he jokingly made a bet with me saying that I should write a story in which I use music from said game in every chapter. I shrugged it off and ignored it at first, but I went and started to listen to the soundtrack. Somehow, I developed a plan and storyline from doing so. Now, this story won't reflect the events or storyline from this title. It is entirely original.

The rules I was given are simple:
1. The music must come from Kid Icarus: Uprising.
2. At least one song must be used in each chapter. More than one song is viable.
3. The same song may not be used more than once.
4. Remixes or fan-made renditions of songs are not allowed.
5. The song must be used in a way that enhances the reading experience. I can't just toss a song in and say 'mission accomplished.' It must complement the events and make sense.

Now, I know what you are thinking, and yes. This is really weird. But hey, it worked, and this story was born as a result.

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that some of the songs used in the story are blocked in certain countries. As much as I would love to get this fixed, I'm afraid I don't have much of a way around this. If this affects you, I apologize deeply.

ANOTHER EDIT: Since Youtube is such a fickle thing when it comes to copyrighted music, a link may end up leading to a broken video. If this is the case for any of the songs, please let me know via PM so I can fix it ASAP. Thanks!

This is how it works. When you get to a bit of blue text such as this, that's a link to the song. Open it in a new tab and continue reading as the music plays. Simple. When you get to some red, underlined text, that is the cue to stop the music. Sometimes, that cue may not be there, and the song is meant to play until the end of the chapter. Songs don't carry over to other chapters, however.

The music is not required for the reading experience. It is entirely optional. Well, for you it is.

I hope you enjoy my nerd-ery!

Artwork by celebi-yoshi of dA.

Chapters (9)

[Second person narrative]
[You + Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy]

You're a fast-flying, teenage pegasus colt with dreams of glory! Having just transferred to a new boarding school in Cloudsdale, you're looking forward to meeting new friends, joining the wingball team, and finally hanging out with fellow pegasi. This year's going to be so awesome!

Except you're the only pegasus around without a cutie mark. And everyone already seems to think you're a total loser, before they've even met you. And your only friend can hardly stand up for herself, much less you. And you're convinced a certain rainbow-maned mare is out to ruin your life. Yep, awesome.

This is the story of your high school days at Wingbury Academy.

Chapters (14)

Scootaloo is on fire. So is Luna. You try to stop a public execution.

Chapters (2)

You go to Space. A collab with the amazing and lovely Cynewulf. Seriously, go follow her now.


Chapters (1)

When you yet again find that pony furniture has failed you, something has to be done. You're tired of being uncomfortable, and of having chairs crumble underneath your weight. You decide to take matters into your own hands, and build yourself something to sit in. Now... how exactly does one build a chair, anyway?

This is a dumb story. It is short, and stupid, and really dumb. It's got a few gross sentences too. Hopefully it'll make you laugh a little anyway.

Chapters (1)

You are Anon. Your big mouth gets you into trouble. Again. And it's only going to get worse. After telling Starlight Glimmer to suck your dick one too many times, she magically removes your vocabulary. You can still make noises with your mouth, but none of them are words. It makes your everyday life impossible. But will this experience teach you an important lesson about respecting others, and knowing how far is too far?

You bet your ass it won't.
Cover art is by shoutingisfun, slightly edited by me.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a pretty wonderful place. Until it comes to dairy products. Then it's a new sort of hell. Here is how they do milk. Based on Real Events.

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff
Reading by FireRain

Chapters (1)

I'm inside the cartoon my daughter likes. Okay. Fine. WHY DO I LOOK LIKE HER DRAWING?!


Chapters (1)

Life living inside the Changeling hive is honestly pretty baller. Everyone keeps to themselves. You get to 'hang out' with the Changeling Queen. But when you get scolded for cleaning your belly-button lint in public, you learn something quite special.

Reading by Straight to the Point Studios

Chapters (1)

Equestria is in general a really kind, wholesome place. You've been around the block a few times, and seen your fair share of hardship. But honestly? Some of the slang that these ponies seem to be worrying about is just... out of line. Don't seven year old's say worse things on Xbox Live?

This Story Contains: Nothing to Worry About. Trust Me.

Don't you Trust Me?

Reading by Straight To The Point Studios

Chapters (1)