• Member Since 31st May, 2020

Spazz Kid

Vacant Tawna stare. || Harshwinny's loving husband.

Second Person Stuff 436 stories
Found 204 stories in 52ms

Total Words: 2,656,116
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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She finally did it, she revealed how she felt towards you, only for you to turn her down.

Now her heart is broken beyond repair... or is it?

A short story that shows that rejection doesn't just hurt to receive, but is possibly even worse to dish out.

Chapters (1)

While doing your morning walk routine in a grassy field near Ponyville, Rainbow Dash, the pony you've best known since you arrived Equestria, hits you right in the face, but this unexpected accident is going to make your relationship go a step forward.

Inspired by a dream I had.

Popular from April 21-23

Chapters (1)

During a horrible accident, you are severely injured. You wake up in the hospital, only to find your best friends. One of them has a deep secret that they feel the need to reveal to you.

Chapters (1)

Spaghetti and Fillies is a multi-chapter work that began in the RGRE general of /mlp/ and has since begun to be remolded for the fine folks on FimFiction. While the story continues over several 'episodes' where the focus changes slightly and more characters are added, the overarching theme and tone remain the same: a lighthearted story in which a troubled farm-filly emerging into adolescence deals with the problems and societal pressures associated with such a time. In true /mlp/ fashion, many of her triumphs and failures will center around the human character Anonymous, as well as the various other RGRE counterparts for characters present in the show.

Though there isn't and likely never will be any real sexual content in this story, there will be allusions, crass language, and much, much spaghetti spraying - the latter of which only gets worse as the story goes on.

You have been warned.

This story takes place in an AU called RGRE (Reversed Gender Role Equestria). If you're unsure of what that means, there's a group on fimfic that catalogues stories like these that might explain it best. If you're interested in content with a similar setting, consider joining it and looking around.

Chapters (4)

Sweet Biscuit may or may not have a slight cookie addiction. She also may or may not break into Anon’s house to steal his cookie jar. Again. Or maybe it’s just because she misses him.

Either way, they're happy enough to see each other again.

... Though that doesn't mean Anon won't lose a sweet or two in the process.

Art stolen. Send the artist some love!

Chapters (1)

You are a human, Anonymous, that has lived in Equestria for two years. After a Hearth's Warming Eve spent together, Anonymous goes through a revolutionary phase when he realizes that Rainbow Dash, his closest friend in this world, has been harboring feelings for him that he never even noticed. How did he never notice? Why him, and not a stallion? Is he some kind of xenophiliac deep down?

Rated for language, along with various sexual-themed exploits. But no sex. Because sex with pastel-colored horses shouldn't be posted on websites that are meant to be browsed by anyone who can click a check box on a dropdown list used by anyone browsing a website. Or at least made to be more secure than that. Because really, who would want to read something like that?

This story has been modified from its original version. It has been formatted to fit the prose-reading mind.

Audioplay (Complete!)

Links to Commando Pony's reading:
Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8

UPDATE! The original version of this story was recently added to the /mlp/ collaboration of "Tales To Fap Too - Volume #3". You can purchase the paperback version here (all proceeds go to charity):
Link to paperback version
Again, it is the unedited version, so you'll be reading it in full 4chan greentext format. Also, you'll get spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.

Chapters (12)

In Ponyville, a new and unusual resident moved into town. He went on adventures, made friends, met the love of his life, had children, and lived happily ever after for many years.

This isn't his story, but the story of his firstborn.

Anonymous Junior isn't like most ponies. Her teeth are sharp, her gaze is unnerving, and her gait is predatory. The hot blood of humanity, the blood of her sire, pumps through her veins, and it's apparent to all who look. Even when empowered by such passion, the life of a young filly is still one filled with trials and tribulations.

A re-imagining of Anon Filly as the biological daughter of Anonymous.
A Second-Person story starring You as Anonymous Junior
Takes place in the Reversed Gender Role Equesria AU
Makes use of OCs that I do not own. They belong to their respective creators and my depictions should not be considered accurate.

Chapters (5)

Sequel To Somepony Special

Everything seemed perfect for you. Good friends, Amazing parents, And of course the filly you loved.
Scootaloo. But what happens when other pony's don't approve of your relationship? When you thought things were great, Your luck just might change. One small change could ruin life.

If you have not read my last story "somepony special" I advise you to read it before this. Or things some things will not make sense. Constructive criticism is wanted. If this gets good feedback then i will continue this! I hope you enjoy! Editing coming soon!

Chapters (9)

(2nd Person Story)
You x Scootaloo

You have been living in Ponyville for a few weeks now. You never really had someone called you a 'friend' in your life, and since your mum and dad were always working you were usually alone. You were mostly lonely all the time but you were used to it. But you thought something was missing. Something that you have never felt before.

That all ends when you meet a Pegasus is willing to be your friend, Maybe even more then a friend..

This is my very first fanfic ever, i hope you enjoy, constructive criticism is helpful :) Follow me for updates on this story, Please tell me if this story was good or bad!

Chapters (11)

Applebloom finally builds up the courage to ask our her long life crush. But things don't turn out as well. Hurt and broken, She falls into depression. You decide to cheer her up. but what happens when the filly starts to develop feelings for you?

AN: This does not have any connection to my other stories whatsoever.

Chapters (8)