• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014


Meh, ich komme aus Deutschland und bin Studentin. Meine Interessen sind Lesen, Zeichnen, Games, und Schwimmen. Ich hasse es, wenn Leute Jemanden verurteilen, bevor sie ihn kennen. Luna is best Pony :D

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It's been a month since Sunset and Trixie started dating, and Trixie is dragging Sunset off to CornFest 2018, to meet her parents and see where she grew up. But family isn't always what it's cracked up to be, and sometimes there's a reason to leave home behind.

My own (vanity) entry to the Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

Chapters (1)

As the girls settle into a fun day at the beach, Sunset and Trixie get the opportunity to explore their newfound friendship. They soon discover a common thread that ties them together and, beneath the starry sky, they find the warmth and hope they had each been searching for.

This story takes place shortly after the events of Forgotten Friendship.

Some lovely fanart by starwantrix :


Chapters (1)

Chrysalis and Celestia discover they are soulmates the second time they meet.

Soulmate-identifying marks.


Chapters (3)

Sunset was devastated. It hurts, knowing what she's lost. Forced away from the only friends she's known, she feels like Anon-A-Miss has won. Somehow, she makes it home, and finds herself doing something she rarely does: watching television. Early in the morning hours, she's awoken by the sounds of a children's show with a man who wears a red cardigan.

Somehow, this soft spoken man reaches inside her and gives her peace with just eight words: "I Like You Just the Way You Are"


A tribute to a great man, and my own way of memorializing his life in one of my favorite shows. Like he said once, I may not be good at this, but I still enjoy it.

EDIT 6/3/19
Featured story! Thanks so much for this! You're all wonderful people, and it's you that I like.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Trip Through the Mirror

For a changeling, love is magic, and magic is love. They are one and the same within the changeling body. To share magic is to share love. And we all know what happens when an unreformed changeling shares love. Unfortunately for Chrysalis, she got caught up in the moment and forgot for just a second. But a second was enough...

A "what if?", alternate ending for "Frenemies".

Chapters (7)

Spike the Dragon has always loved Rarity, from the moment they met. At the time, he didn't know much about what love meant, but as he grew, so too did his understanding. And every day, he found he was still in love with her, if not always for the same reasons.

Rarity has taken a long time to love Spike. It took so long to see him as anything but a child, then somehow longer to see him as more than a friend with an unrequited crush. Every day, she wakes up and finds that it takes her a moment to remember that she is in love.

So, how do such things end? They end the same way things always do with dragons. A great roar, and then an even greater silence.

A belated birthday present for FamousLastWords. No, I don't know why he wanted this either.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Time Goes On

After reuniting with her best friend, Sunset Shimmer has decided to do the one thing that will ensure Twilight will never forget her again: move in with her.

Now it's a simple matter of reconnecting with the mare who stole her heart, learning the ropes of her new home, and continuing her study of magical artifacts... And, perhaps, making new friends as well. All while dealing with all the surprising perils that seem endemic to Ponyville. But none of that could possibly be a problem for a pony as great as Sunset Shimmer, right?

It's going to be a long year.

Cover art by ShutterflyEQD

Featured on May 3, 2018!

Chapters (12)

Twilight is fed up having to take care of every threat to Equestria.
Especially since she is way too smart NOT to notice the discrepancy between Celestia's so called 'defeats' and the actual power she knows her mentor possesses.

Therefore, Twilight decides to kick Celestia's royal butt (figuratively) into dealing with all the villains herself again.

After all, the Princess of Friendship deserves some vacation, too.


This is not really a crossover (therefore no tag), nor a ponification.
But I honestly think, that Saitama and Celestia share at least one similarity... when she wants to, that is.

Warning: Contains obvious fanboying and an accurately powered Celestia :trollestia:


Very special thanks to DracoBlair for his thorough help with many details!
Please visit his DeviantArt-page: https://www.deviantart.com/dracoblair

AND also very special thanks to EquestriaStories vor his opinion and constructive criticism!
Please visit his DeviantArt-page, too: https://www.deviantart.com/estories
(Also my sincere apologies to EStories for not putting this credit here right from the beginning :fluttercry: )

Chapters (12)

Cadance and Luna are both well aware of what a bat pony is, but Luna claims that they aren't real. What could the reason behind this possibly be?

Takes place sometime around Season Four. Reviewed and recommended by PresentPerfect. The review contains spoilers for the story! Buy this story! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash's Fishy Bud

Rarity receives a letter from an anonymous admirer... In a quarry. Rarity's curiosity gets the better of her, and indulges upon the letters request, however her assailant is not when she expects it to be. A six armed five eyed spider woman!

Coverpic I got from Deviant Art, here.

An Undertale and MLP smashup. Contains spider giggles, spider treats, and spider spiders

Chapters (1)