• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014


Meh, ich komme aus Deutschland und bin Studentin. Meine Interessen sind Lesen, Zeichnen, Games, und Schwimmen. Ich hasse es, wenn Leute Jemanden verurteilen, bevor sie ihn kennen. Luna is best Pony :D

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Decommissioning comes more easily to some ponies than others. Sweetie Drops happily fell into her cover identity. Not all of her co-agents reacted similarly. Now a stallion born to risk his life for the greater good has to find a way to make that talent work with being a husband and a father.

This might be a bit complicated for fillies who are still in elementary school.

Set during late Season 5.

A revised entry in the July 2016 Writeoff Competition Prompt: "End of an Era"

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the anime movie 'Wolf Children' and the MLP Fic 'Raising a Human in Equestria'

It's was a normal morning for Fluttershy, doing her usual routine and caring for the animals of Ponyville. She thought it would be a normal day for her.

Fate thought otherwise.

Follow this cute journey as Fluttershy cares for a human that can transform into a wolf by its free will. Of course this story isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows for the two, for Fluttershy has to keep this human a secret from all of Ponyville (Minus her Friends) and the two rulers of Equestria.

Featured on November 1st, 2014! Thanks everypony! I'll do my best in keeping this fic interesting!

Chapter 1 Audio Reading
Chapter 2 Audio Reading

Chapters (17)

One day just as ponies are celebrating the Summer Sun Celebration a giant metallic star falls from the heavens depositing a small pink puffball in their midst. That pink puffball is known as Kirby.

Join Kirby as he meets the ponies in this mish mash of a world combining both Equestria and Dream Land as one. He will face countless foes and make numerous friends as he changes the way ponies see the world one fight at a time.

Every hat available and multiple partners to be made. Truly this is one grand dreamland.

Chapters (14)

Somewhere underground, Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis have woken up in a cave, in glass boxes with a box with two buttons nearby them, a ticking clock on the wall, and plenty of bombs over their heads. From a phonograph recording, a mysterious voice gives them a choice: Either press a button that will give one of them what they want or cause disaster to their nations, or wait until time runs out for the bombs over their heads to go off.

A special thank you to SecretBrony01 for proofreading this story.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Cadence went to the remote mountainside village of Mountain Meadow to check the veracity of the local matchmaker, she didn't expect to find the one pony who would have an edge over her competition.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis sends the princesses a letter stating that she deserves a thank you after the Canterlot invasion.

Celestia is at a loss for words, verbal or otherwise.

Chapters (1)

Equestria has been saved, all the important ponies have been saved, and through all of that the changelings have been reformed. With the exception of one.

As all the ponies escaped from their cocoon prisons they all see that the battle wasn't over yet once Chrysalis emerges from the rubble of her destroyed throne. They were all getting ready for the final showdown and put an end to evil tyrant's ways, however, once she emerged they all saw that something bad has happened.

Apparently the explosion the love from all the reformed changelings has caused was too much for Chrysalis to handle and in doing so caused the former queen to develop amnesia. Absolutely no memory of anything not even her own name.

Starlight Glimmer, however, sees this as an opportunity to make a new friend and she's willing to take the risk.

Chapters (1)

After having fought and won many battles against the changeling Queen, Princess Celestia always hoped that one day her offer of peace would be accepted and that Chrysalis would walk in her castle as a friend and not as an enemy.

She did not think it would happen like this. She thought the changeling would come in through the door rather than the window, for starters.

Chapters (14)

During a climatic battle, a panicked magical blast from Twilight results in Chrysalis receiving a crippling wound. Twilight dedicates herself to Chrysalis' recovery and, hopefully, redemption.

As Twilight will soon learn, Chrysalis' frozen heart is one that won't easily be melted.

Won 1st place in the"Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" contest. Rated for suggestive content.

Special thanks to Midnight Quill and Peerimagination for help with editing/being my lifeline and Setokaiva for pre-reading assistance.

10/3 - Updated tag based on feedback.

Chapters (5)

And can you dry your tears
When the rain falls down in droves and droves
And can I be here for you
To let me hold you tight

Trixie has been best friends with Starlight Glimmer for months now, and the bond between them has never been stronger. But, after a bull-headed mistake and lack of critical thinking, Trixie manages to leave Starlight Glimmer angry and disappointed. Again.

Over the course of a single day, Trixie takes the steps to make things right between the two of them and, in doing so, instantly discovers some feelings inside of her that she never thought possible. Her best friend was kind, sweet, and yes, very hot. And now she was in love with her.

Greatly inspired by this amazing image by TheSoleil, as well as the brony song Seagulls by the illustrious FritzyBeat.

Chapters (6)