• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014


Meh, ich komme aus Deutschland und bin Studentin. Meine Interessen sind Lesen, Zeichnen, Games, und Schwimmen. Ich hasse es, wenn Leute Jemanden verurteilen, bevor sie ihn kennen. Luna is best Pony :D

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Chewy loves her mother with all her heart, but how can she stand out from the dozens of other love-hungry nymphs? By being the cutest of them all, of course!

Story set after Chrysalis was run out of her former hive.
YouTube Reading

Chapters (1)

Because she's that good.

Like Really...

Really that good at her job.

Lovely Art By Inuhoshi-to-darkpen

Made Popular On 12/30/17

Featured On 12/30/17

Chapters (1)

Contains Movie Spoilers

Derpy arrived home after yet another long, grueling day at the post office, wanting nothing more than to unwind with a nice cup of tea and some muffins.

She never would have expected Twilight Sparkle to interrupt her rest, nor did she expect the events to follow when the Princess of Friendship wanted to talk about a deed that had gone unnoticed.

Cover art by FluffyXai and used with permission.

Top featured on 12/8/17

Chapters (3)

Sunset doesn't know what she expected from the snap decision to go back to the town where she was born. It certainly wasn't this.

People left and right knowing her name.

Somebody pretending to be somebody pretending to be her.

The apparent existence of a world of magic and unicorns.

And in the middle of everything, a girl who looks like her, sounds like her, and has stirred up a whole mess of trouble and drama just waiting for anyone who happens to be named "Sunset Shimmer".

This is an Anon-a-Miss story, which means that it takes the 2014 comic My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special as it's jumping off point. As is generally the case, if I write this properly it should be self-contained and thus completely accessible to people who have never read laid eyes on the comic.

The idea behind this story is that the point of divergence from the comic is human-Sunset's arrival, and that is the whole of what has changed from the original premise. As a result you won't see many of the the things that have become common in the genre as a result of the influence of Dainn's version (the sirens showing up, things escalating severely, Gilda, so forth.)

Chapters (2)

Big Mac is a wise stallion. Growing up in a house full of mares he had learned that secret language that mares use. Though as good as he is, Rainbow Dash is not like any other mare out there; can he figure out her issue? Hot chocolate and snuggles always seem to help. Join Big Mac as he tries to get to the root of his fillyfriend's problem, or die trying.

Thank you to Arbarano for all the edits!

This is for CategoricalGrant's snuggle contest. I hope I do well, but it was a good challenge to help shake off the rust that has been covering my fingers.

Art belongs to the very talented ArtistCoolPony

Featured 12/1/17

Winner of the CategoricalGrant's snuggle contest.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer has always been a hot-headed, impetuous girl. She's always been prone to making snap decisions, and later finding herself regretting them. It was exactly this temperament that had brought her to the human world, penniless and alone. When the opportunity to get back on her feet presented itself in the form of a stranger's outstretched hand, she leaped at the chance.

This is the story of a woman who has made many bad choices, and the life those choices have made for her.

Tags, and even rating, may change as the story goes on.

Thanks as usual to Magello for the cover art!

Chapters (13)

It has been several years since Chrysalis’ defeat during the Canterlot invasion. Since then, the fortunes of her changelings and kingdom have rapidly declined. With mass starvation, ponies capturing more of her spies and love collectors every day, and her own powers diminished to the point of being a complete non-threat to her enemies, she fears that it may soon be over for both herself and her entire race.

As Chrysalis reminisces about past failures, a pony named Time Keeper crashes a large metal box into her bedchambers. He claims to not only be a time traveller but also to have accidentally killed Twilight Sparkle on the day she was supposed to go to Ponyville to defeat Nightmare Moon.

In an effort to avoid the prospect of the universe tearing itself apart at the seams from the ensuing paradox, Chrysalis agrees to go back in time and live out a facsimile of Twilight’s life herself, and if time allows, she'll work on her own little project: shaping the future more to her own liking.

Chapters (23)

Featured 1st on 05/11/2017

The eternal night is over. The Elements of Harmony have vanquished Nightmare Moon, the world was saved, and Princess Luna has returned to the throne, this time to rule by her sister's side as equals.

The fear of her people, however, remains. She see's it in their eyes, hears it in their whispered words. She accepts it. To her, this is her penance for the pain she has caused. To sink into the night and rule from afar... this is how she will atone for the pain brought to her subjects... to her sister.

Little did she know that fate had other plans in store for her. Plans that would be set in motion by a single sentence, a sentence that would go on to change her life in an instant...

“Luna, I would like you to meet Spike Solaris. My son.”

(Big thanks to dSana over on DeviantArt for letting me use her amazing art as the cover for this Fic!)

Chapters (4)

It was just a week before Christmas. Sunset Shimmer has finally broke. The anonymous cyberbully a.k.a. Anon-a-Miss has exposed the private secrets of her HuMane Six friends on MyStable, friendships have been broken and severed by these claims, lives have been ruined, and all the evidence that coincided with the HuMane Six's secrets are falsely pointed at Sunset Shimmer. What's worse is that everyone in the school, including her friends, have turned on her, leaving her alone and despondent. What's even more worse is that Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria hasn't opened the breach between both the equine world and the human world.

Feeling lower than her defeat during the Fall Formal Incident earlier that year, Sunset Shimmer has given up all hope of trying to talk things over with her former friends, and decided to end it by walking in the December blizzard alone, hoping that the cold would calmly put her out of her misery. Walking along the highway with nothing but her warm clothes and her dreams of friendship crushed, Sunset finally succumbs to hypothermia and sleeps. When she woke up, Sunset knew that she didn't perish. Instead, a kind and generous soul had saved her from salvation, a kind and generous soul who hides a dark past within his memories. When Sunset asks him why he couldn't have let her die in the blizzard, it only took a few sentences out of him to make her realize that he wasn't so different after all. That he was a kindred spirit much like her own.

That's when Sunset decided to spend her first Christmas with her savior, which unfolds into a tale of how two distant yet kindred souls could change their lives for the better. What can more be said for Canterlot High when the scandals of Anon-a-Miss continues to spread through the hallways like an infectious virus, or when some unsavory figures from Sunset's savior's past decided to rear their ugly heads?

Rated T for suicide attempts.

I do not own any of the characters.

All rights preserved to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust.

Cover art by DNKovic

Chapters (4)