• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014


Meh, ich komme aus Deutschland und bin Studentin. Meine Interessen sind Lesen, Zeichnen, Games, und Schwimmen. Ich hasse es, wenn Leute Jemanden verurteilen, bevor sie ihn kennen. Luna is best Pony :D

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Tonight, Princess Luna wanders over Equestria, reflecting on her past decisions, and her own self-worth. As much as Luna has grown and overcome inner turmoils over the years, thanks to her sister and friends, she still can't shake the feeling that her night is inferior to her sisters day. But an unexpected admirer of hers stops for a chat.

(commisioned cover art arrived!)
Cover Artist: Vird-gi

I not only dedicate this story to anyone who may be feeling down as of recently, or at any point in their life. But also my cover artist Vird-Gi, who has been feeling a little low lately. Her cover art for this story will be coming soon, but it has been postponed. I want to give her time to feel better and look after herself first, as her well being is more important than cover art.

Hope you feel better soon, dear.

She is feeling better! The cover art came out better than I could have imagined. You are a wonderful artist! I recommend her to everyone!

Credit to: PrussiAntique For amazing edits and advice, of which the story wouldn't have come together properly without. You are a star!

Featured: 16.08.2018

Thank you everypony!

Recommended listening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e69FgcZExs

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, Starlight Glimmer told Sunset Shimmer that, she, much like Sunset, was an orphan. Fast forward to Starlight somewhat reconciling with her dad and Twilight keeping her dear friend Sunset, in the loop…


“Not well” is one way to sum up how Sunset reacts.

References to the third chapter of Sunset Shimmer is MAD about Everything, ahoy!

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions and jhayarr23 for the adorangry Sunset Shimmer Vector.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon is alone and wishes to have a daughter to share her kingdom on the moon with. Twilight is alone and wishes to have a mother that will love her. What happens when their wishes are granted? Read and find out.

Russian Translation for the story here. Thankyou NovemberDragon for doing the translation you are awesome.

So let's just turn this into a meme why don't we? Filly Twilight adopted by Villian X! I don't know I saw the ones with Daybreaker and Chrysalis and thought, "Oh what the hell I'll do it too because it's fun!" So here I am bringing you a story in a similar vein. Please enjoy the story and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. If you are going to downvote tell me why you did so I can improve. (Unless you're being an a**hole than I don't want you here.)

Featured on 7/10/18
Day one featured! That's awesome thank you all!


Thank you Julunis14 for the amazing cover art! Go give her some love she really deserves it!

Chapters (1)

Here I am, thrown in as a changling Queen far before the Canterlot invasion, watch as I- A: make my whole race terrified of me B: overthrow a changeling god! C: die, a lot. D: all of the above.

What do you think?

.....wait a minute.

(Open for new cover art)

Chapters (8)

Chrysalis expected a few things to come out of her failed invasion. New enemies, cuts, bruises. But she really wasn't expecting to be expecting. Worst yet, the father of her unborn isn't a he, but a she who just so happens to be the Princess of Equestria.

Cover art by Lopoddity here
Nothing to do with her verse and next gen, picture just somewhat fit

Chapters (11)

Octavia: Prodigy. Virtuoso. Artist.

And, no matter how much she wants to deny it, Pie.

I miss you. Please come home. I'll be waiting for you.

Originally written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds #3.

Cover art swiped from Spittfire Art.

Chapters (2)

The eleventh installment in Fuzzy's and Misago's shared Shipping Project.

Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire is done being the protected - sheltered - filly, and is ready to see which of her foalhood fairy tails are real.

Fuzzy and Misago ship mares like FedEx! Each of these will be published separately:
Sunset Shimmer x Berry Punch
Bon Bon x Cadance
Cherry Jubilee x Cheerilee
Celestia x Amira
Rarity x Chrysalis
Rarity x Celestia
Twilight Velvet x Cookie Crumbles
Aria x Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash x Nightmare Moon
Twilight x Sonata
Chrysalis x Flurry Heart
Luna x Sweetie Belle
Sugarcoat x Fleur de Lis
Sunset x Sonata
Ember x Rarity
Fleur x Photo Finish
Nightmare Moon x Chrysalis
Applejack x Adagio
Luna x The Mane-iac (Coming Soon!)

Chapters (2)

Nightmare Moon returned after a thousand years of exile, and the princess of day and night vied for supremacy in the skies above Canterlot. For three days they fought, and all the ground shook with the echoes of their mighty clash. The sight of their battle was like thunder and lightning blasting through the sky, rocking the very foundations of the earth. But on the morning of the fourth day, Celestia proved the stronger. Nightmare Moon was driven from the sky and banished to the Northern Wastelands.

But something happened which Celestia did not foresee... The Crystal Empire has returned, and Emperor Sombra is prepared to do battle against Equestria once again. But this time, he has a new ally, the most brilliant general in all the world. This time he has Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (1)

It's been a few years since Princess Luna returned, yet Celestia has only just now realized a crucial error: Luna doesn't have a throne! How could she have overlooked her sister like that? Why didn't Luna ask?

Well, Celestia will fix that. When Luna's birthday draws near, Celestia decides it's time to finally give her little sister the gift she should've had waiting all along.

Chapters (6)

Growing up with only one parent is never easy. But when Trixie goes to Las Pegasus to meet her father, she wonders if knowing one parent was better than knowing both of them.

Editing/Pre-Reading/Advice by Milo_Chalks.

Chapters (1)