• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

binge at 2am 66 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 days



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Rarity invites Twilight for an impromptu lesson in fashion design, and in so doing, discovers an unexpected fatal flaw in her own sense of style. Twilight has an answer, of course. It only requires a small amount of set theory...

Just a tongue-in-cheek exploration of what might really happen if Rarity's spur-of-the moment fashion sense met Twilight's encyclopedic nerdiness head on.

This is set somewhere in the middle of Season 4. Because amongst other things, I really miss the Golden Oak Library...

Chapters (1)

It's been a long, long time since Spike was stolen from her, but Twilight hasn't forgotten nor forgiven. After a long and arduous journey, she has finally found him and his kidnapper.

She will save him.

No matter the cost.

Featured on EQD.
Now with Dramatic Reading by Joehighlord!
Side story: A Dragon Whispers Her Name

Set in the future, after an unspecified amount of time has passed. Accurate to the canon set before 31/01/2013.
Inspired and loosely based on the short film 'Sintel'.
Elements of the story taken from the 'Where the World Ends' universe (by hlissner).

Image is fanart by NCMares.
Pre-read by ThoseRemainingSilent and Bleeding Rain.
Story formerly known as 'Twintel'.

Chapters (10)

Twilight takes a bath to forget.

Second place in GaPJaxie's Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, where it was conceived and written in 60 minutes.

Now with a reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

The Mane Seven are on a mission to spread friendship across Equestria. It sounds easy enough, but should they let their guard down?

Twilight is confident that she can cope with any situation. Maybe she’s right and there really is nothing to worry about... Maybe.

[You may also revel in the Youtube reading (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) or mp3 download (Chapter 1, Chapter 2) that are available for this story.]

This story has it's own TvTropes page.

It was approved by:
Goodfic Bin
Black-light's Library!
Fimfiction’s Addicts

Here's what the readers are saying about it:

Dude whoa.... That was powerful. It kinda reminds me of “If you love something” let it go. The type of pony that Twilight is I could imagine that losing her friends would make her go insane, and I know she'd do anything to still be with them. Great story. Mad I didn't hear about it until now. ~ Man on the Moon

Princess of Friendship by Bad Dragon is a great piece of work. ~ Stinium_Ruide

If Twilight can't find a way to save her friends, she'll make a way. And that works out about as well as one would think. ~ FanOfMostEverything

I hope Twilight can let go... eventually. ~ StormyVenture

I liked this story. It was heartbreaking, a bit confusing (in a good way), and overall enjoyable. ~ Heart Felt

it had the nerve to make me experience something you twats call “the feels,” but a nice enthusiastic walk in the woods solved that problem. ~ DR_LaZer

made me cry… ~ deli73

I cried. I didn't shed one tear, but a thousand. ~ Crystal_Chaos

Great story, definitely deserves the tragedy tag. ~ MustacheMerlin

This story really does earn it's tag as it presents a situation that cannot be won and that has no positive outcome, which is part of tragedy in it's strictest sense. ~ HapHazred

Brilliant. Both her plan and the story.:rainbowkiss: ~ Unbridled Dolly

I love it when a story comes together--and I say that this one did, at least for philosophical egghead dorks. ~ Mahayro

I love the entire premise and the ending was perfect. ~ Curify - ChasingVerse

Chapters (2)

One night, Twilight notices something odd as she's nestled in bed with Rarity: her hair smells different, just slightly. The next morning, her tea tastes a little bit less sweet, and the flowers outside smell somewhat less fragrant. Out at a cafe together, the music doesn't sound as sharp and clear, and Rarity's new dress feels marginally less smooth against her coat.

Twilight just wants to know what's happening, so she can fix it. It has to be temporary, after all.

Written for the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting group contest with the prompt "How will I break the news to you?"

Cover art by Koviry.

Chapters (1)

All rulers eventually reach a point where they must take a life to save the realm. If a ruler is just, they will never know when it will happen, and will never do it lightly. Still, such actions are necessary. Princess Celestia knows this, and has given this lesson many times.

You can find a YouTube reading of this story here!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wanted nothing more than to see the Northern Stars on the Zeppelin Cruise with her family. But thanks to Iron Will, who was running the cruise, her dreams are smashed into pieces. Saddened by seeing Twilight's heart broken, her family does everything they can to try and console her.

Author’s Note: This story is to serve as how Twilight’s family SHOULD have approached the situation when Twilight started sobbing after missing out on the Northern Lights.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has just gone through eye surgery, and needs to recover. Which means her eyes are covered and she can't see. Without anything to do, she can only wish she could read a new book she's been reading. And somepony is there to grant that wish.

Chapters (1)

Former King of the Crystal Empire Sombra wakes up in a cell with the given decision between reformation or a lifetime in prison. He accepts with some caution and after some details are sorted out, he is moved to the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle under reformation.
With all the craziness about the arrival of an evil slave king going through the humble town of Ponyville, Sombra is left wondering what he got himself into.
Can two ponies who hate each other with all their guts become friends and prove that old habits can be changed? It depends on how you define 'hate'...

UPDATE: Under... construction perhaps? It has been years but... maybe I'll update this. After I rewrite every chapter, of course.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Melt

This is a sequel to Melt, but can be read independently.

The common cold is, for Celestia, quite rare. Whenever she does catch one it's a time for privacy, reflection, and no shortage of small miseries.

That said, she's never had Twilight Sparkle on her side before. Maybe, just maybe, this cold won't know what hit it.

My thanks go to CosmicAfro for prereading

Now with even more perfect cover art!

Chapters (1)