• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

binge at 2am 66 stories
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The nightmare of that evening haunts my every waking moment.

A flash of light.

Her powerful form with wings spread wide before me…

She was not just my mentor.

She was also my best friend and for that I will always be grateful for knowing her not as a Princess of Equestria, but as Celestia… The only one who really understood me...

But now? Now I can never tell her how much I truly loved her and how much she meant to me.

They took her away from me.

So I will take everything away from them.

There is a sequel! D=S-M2 and side story! D=S-M: Emerald Mirror

((Somehow Featured on: 12/03/2014 and again on the 06/07/14... mad.

Much love and all credit to the artist: Ventious who owns that picture and is all kinds of awesome. While I have yet to get permission (working on that one at some point), I will remove the picture if the artist demands it so.

And much thanks to these guys for helping me edit/proof and generally bounce ideas about this monstrosity: Grammar Nazi Tach, Discorded Discord,Curify, Lord Inquisitor

Chapters (14)

Every morning, Princess Celestia wakes up in terrible pain, and every morning, she chooses to endure it. Until one blissful day grants her the blessing of feeling normal.

Few things in her life have ever frightened her so much.

6th-place winner in the /fic/ write-off "Look, I Can Explain..."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Skijaramaz

Now translated into Russian.

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood was always a sweet kind, hearted, chivalries, and a gentle-stallion. Though he is a bit of shy, and un-social, never one to interact with any-one other than is aunt and cousin, especially when he was a young colt. But when he met Twilight Sparkle he became a love stuck, head over hooves in loves to point where all he can think about is her, and yet through out the years, he never brought up the courage to confess his true feelings to her. But as times goes on, they both share each other time, almost to the point they can be considerd friends. But Prince Blueblood always wanted to be something more than a friend to Twilight.

Chapters (2)

It seems that no amount of stalling, negotiation, or bargaining will stop the council.

Since Princess Twilight's coronation, the Royal Council have insisted that she be tied to a Canterlot noble, so as not to lose their hold over the lands south of Canterlot.

Tied in marriage, that is, and they've got just the pony in mind, whether he's got a say in it or not.

A commission for Dusk Raven. Cover art here.

Chapters (3)

After Twilight receives flawless marks on her exams, Princess Celestia rewards her with a visit to her private garden. Contains filly Twilight and Momlestia.

Cover art by Mamandil on deviantArt and used with permission.


Chapters (1)

After coming back from her adventure in the mirror world, Twilight is having trouble sleeping and is quickly approaching her breaking point.

Will contain spoilers for the movie. If you haven't seen it and are the type to be bothered by spoilers, do not venture further.

A little story that was supposed to be a oneshot, but was split in two. A bit of family fluff and comfort for Twilight after her adventure through the mirror.

Chapters (1)

After Twilight destroyed her utopia of equal ponies, Starlight knew she would strike back. And now, she's ready. Her plan is flawless; sublime, even. She will make Twilight regret the day she ever crossed paths with her. She even has a dramatic entrance planned for maximum effect.

Now if only she can find Twilight without getting lost in the Castle of Friendship.

Chapters (1)

After the changeling invasion, Starlight becomes very possessive protective over Twilight.

Edited by Violet Rose in the Rain

Chapters (1)

Ever since Twilight came to town, Mayor Mare's position as leader of Ponyville has been slipping. With her destiny overshadowed by the new princess on the block, it's time for the old gray mare to move on.

Originally submitted as part of the February 2015 Writeoff "Closing Time".

**Now with dramatic reading by Goombasa!**

Cover art by harwicks-art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight continues to doubt her role as a princess. But a simple conversation could help with that.

Chapters (1)