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Celestia has worked with promising young unicorns and their parents for many years. However, working with Night Light, the father of her prize pupil, presents a challenge she hasn't faced in centuries.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cocktails

Twilight has ruled Equestria for three centuries, spreading harmony throughout the lands both inside and outside of her country.

Now, her job is done. She is ready to let everything go. But before she does, she delivers one last speech.

Expanded from my entry to KrazyTheFox's 10th Anniversary Panic Write(alternatively 62nd Panic Write) at Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group, where it placed 5th. Participants were given 30 minutes to write and 10 minutes to edit. The prompt was Friendship is Magic.

Tone inspired by A Final Twilight. Story Concept inspired by Zontan's The Last Decree.

Preread by Holtinater, Vis-a-Viscera, Shaslan, Scoping Landscape, Atom Smash, Nailah, Cara, Emotion Nexus, Speccer, The Red Parade, and finally KrazyTheFox.

Edited by AuroraDawn, Speccer, and Cara.

Cover art by Speccer.

Featured 1 hour and 30 minutes after publication from November 13th to 14th. You guys are amazing! :pinkiegasp:

Now with a voice reading done by the lovely Nailah!

Edit, 06.13.2021: Even though this story is a sequel to Cocktails, no knowledge of the prequel is required as the story was meant to be a standalone fic.

Chapters (1)

One thousand years ago, Luna was taken over by Nightmare Forces and sent to the moon. She left her sister, their parents and a two week old daughter behind.

Now the seal is about to break and Nightmare Moon will be free once more. Will Twilight be able to free her mother from the Nightmare's grasp?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I've read several stories where Luna is Twilight's mother. However, I wanted to put a slightly different spin on mine.

*WARNING* The Prologue has a death scene in it. I haven't selected the "Death" tag because the description isn't graphic at all . . . and there is none of that in the rest of the story.

Main Original Characters (OC)

Sundance- Celestia and Luna's mother
Midnight Armor- Celestia and Luna's father
Solae- Spike's Mother
Bern- Spike's Father
Emerald- Sundance's Mother
Ocean- Sundance's Father
Honey- Midnight Armor's Mother
Dark Flame- Midnight Armor's Father

10/5/2018 *It's in the Feature Box!* Thank you so much!
10/6/2018 It's still in the Feature Box! Thank you. I'm glad that everyone likes my story.

Cover art belongs to Evehly and can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/evehly/art/C-I-m-Here-Now-581883274

If the author asks, I will take it down.

Chapters (7)

Ponies all across Equestria have sought the help of the princess-goddess sisters who rule them. Time dictates whether one princess or two was available to aid them, and if one was ever held in favor over the other.

Princess Celestia has dedicated her life to helping every good pony.

But there are always ponies who cannot be helped.

Proofread and edited by CoffeeBean, VoxAdam, and NorrisThePony. An entry into Cynewulf's Worldbilding Contest. This story has been reviewed and recommended by PresentPerfect, you can find the spoiler-filled review here! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)

No matter how long we spend apart, we never lose sight of those we treasure. This is a story of how a mare named Faust finally managed to get home after so many years of being lost in another dimension. Her efforts and motivation were simply because of her one wish, the wish to see her daughters again...

Chapters (1)

After Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon, the Elements put her daughter into a coma. She wakes up centuries later with little recollection to what happened. Everything goes down in the Summer Sun Celebration but will she be able to stop her mother’s madness?

Chapters (8)

Princess Luna is certain, in her final moments on the moon as the last of her strength dies, that she deserves it.

A thousand years later, Princess Celestia prepares for her sister’s return.

Cover art by BlitsAzalisDash.

Chapters (2)

Luna is struggling with her magic lessons, but when her mother gets her to raise the moon, there is an immediate connection.

But why has she chosen this moment to delegate such an important duty to one so young?

Luna will find out all too soon …

Chapters (1)

The world isn't a nice place, bad things happen to good ponies. Fluttershy experiences this first hoof, but with her friends at her side, she'll get through it.

This was prepared as a submission for a contest.

Featured on Sandbox on 9/10/2020!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anamnesis

It's funny how, in a split second, a time of fun and excitement can become one of horror and loss. A lesson learned, perhaps harshly, by Apple Bloom.

Now crippled and in a world of emotional hurt, will she be able to accept herself for who she is?


This is set before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.


Cover art drawn by Pabbley


Featured October 4th, 2020! Thank you all!

Chapters (12)