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Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

How long have I been here? I don't know and am not sure I want to. All I know is that my old "friend" Discord is free and he is saying that I can be free too. Why would he want that? Doesn't he remember what I promised I would do if I got free? He causes chaos for fun. Me... I cause chaos to destroy. Celestia and Luna will pay for what they did, or so help me I will cause this entire planet to pay!

Meet Allison, a young girl transported to another world over one thousand years ago. Armed with incredible powers, she attempted to be a hero of this new world, but was shunned and feared by its leaders. After a particular incident, she was sealed in stone by the Elements of Harmony. Now that she has been freed, will revenge be her goal or will she focus on returning to a home that may no longer exist?

Rated teen for use of strong language, intense violence, and death. You have been warned.

Based of the PlayStation Vita exclusive: Gravity Rush.
Holy Crap my first featured story! Woohoo! Featured on May 8, 2014
Featured again on June 16, 2014!
And again on August 5! I'm gonna stop here, but man it's great to have such amazing fans!

Chapters (27)

Harry Potter was a lonely boy who one day wished for a friend. Luna, trapped on the moon, wished for the same. And so their wishes are granted. How will the two deal with each other? And what about Nightmare Moon? Needless to say, their lives are going to change in both expected and unexpected ways...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters 9-11 now re-written.

Chapters (31)

Trees shorter than they should be, buildings smaller than preferred, a world filled with creatures bigger than him, yet others are near microscopic from his perspective.

Trying to find out where he should fit in is hard, because he is not too small, but most definitely bigger than most. Once he connects to the dominant civilization, a whole new world of opportunities is revealed before him.

He will walk as a giant. He will walk with giants. He will walk alone.

Edited by Newbiedoodle, CheesewedgeFTW, Immortan Joe, and Silas

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters: Extended Family

A story of The Three Sisters Universe

Families are like fudge — mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~ Unknown Author

Chrysalis' daughters are serving their community service in Ponyville. Nothing can go wrong. Right?

Unless they all have their own agenda, and surprises keep piling up, complicating matters further. But anything to broker peace between the Changeling Nation and Equestria... right?

Art by the incomparable Conicer!

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian

All Princess Sun Shines wants to do is escape from her stuffy room and explore the castle. All Green Grass wants to do is find some distraction to keep him from worrying about Twilight’s most recent dangerous mission. Can the two of them find a way to achieve their goals without starting a war?

Contains Fierce Neighponese Ninjas, Noble Alicorn Princesses, Carrot-Thirsty Lettuce-Eating Lapins, Poisonous Green Garden Hoses, Terrifying Twins, Death-Defying Nighttime Chariot Rides, and a dead fish.

Featured on Equestria Daily [Slice of Life] [Comedy] [Romance]

Editing assistance provided by Fan of Most Everything, Bad Horse, MarMelMM , Peter , and Ghost of Heraclitus

This is a sequel to The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian but is written as a standalone. No previous knowledge of Twilight Sparkle and Green Grass’ relationship is needed, other than Greenie is finding out just how far over his head he has gotten.

Princess Sunny's story continues in Diplomacy by Other Means, a considerably darker tale of assault, murder, and the darkness that lies within the soul. Four diplomats travel to the Misty Mountain aerie to prevent war, and wind up in a race to escape and a fight to the death.

Credit for the image goes to Kalas17 at Deviantart.com, who I would like to thank for giving me permission to use his adorable Baby Gilda. The background is pulled from the Royal Wedding episode.

Chapters (10)

Three weeks after the events of Rainbow Rocks, the sirens are desperate. Without their hearts—the jewels that hold their magic—they have no power. They can't sing, can't manipulate people, and worst of all, can't feed. Their only hope is to restore their hearts, and they need to do it soon, before all three of them starve.

The problem is, they're not sure how to fix the hearts. All they've managed to figure out is that they'll need magic to do it, and magic is exactly what they don't have. Scared, starving, and completely out of options, the sirens turn to the last people who would ever want to help them, and the only ones who actually can: the Rainbooms.

Chapters (19)

Twilight has more than a few fears about her new position as a princess, but she has little time to dwell on them. A strange scroll has shown up and the writing within indicates that a "return" of "love feeding" creatures is soon to occur. Fearful of a repeat of the battle with the changlings over Canterlot, Celestia sends Twilight and her friends off to investigate this information in the far east. But the task soon proves to be far more complicated than Twilight first thought as the information they find begins to reveal that changlings may not be at all what they seem.

Note: I will be making slight connections to my one shot Wouldn't It be Wonderful? but this should be quite readable on its own as well. ^^

Chapters (49)

Twilight Sparkle is accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and gets a little more than what she bargained for.

Illustrated by me.

(If you object to swearing, please skip chapter 6. That's the one chapter that bumps this story straight up to a Teen rating.)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Aegis of the Hive

Natural selection. It is the byword of every changeling queen who has ever lived. The chief resource that has always curbed the hives' growth used to be love. Now though, with Queen Twilight Sparkle's bloodline capable of producing love on their own, the old guard of changeling morality has seen fit to acquire this ability for the next generation before removing all of their future royal daughters' competitors.

Some queens are far closer to this goal than others.

Editor in Chief: A Bitter Pill, and Boldish42

Chapters (17)