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This story is a sequel to MLDC Next Generation: Know Fear!

Anthea, in the wake of Starburst departure, wants nothing more than to find the mare she called friend, and reunite her with her mother, Twilight, and her newfound love, Golden Delicious. But Annie knows that in the face of the overwhelming power that Starburst possesses, she need power just as great to rival that of the Fear Lantern’s. Unfortunately, during a harrowing event, Annie’s plans may be skewed slightly when a delegation to the Mintoaurs takes a turn for the worst, to keep love alive, and to find the missing mare Annie must shine with violet light…

Nidra, having lost her best friend, and angered by the actions taken by her fellow Royals, seeks comfort in the dragon-pony stallion, Turquoise. Seeing that Annie is away on a mission with High Princess Twilight, Nidra sees this as an opportunity to show Turquoise Blitz just how much she loves him. But, when things don’t go as planned, Nidra will need a little help, and that help comes in the form of orange light. After all, avarice is just another form of love, right…?

Update: Now with its own TV Tropes Page, courtesy of DarknessRising.

It is highly recommended that you read "Know Fear!" to keep the continuity straight. Based on kilala97's Next Generation OC's and DC Comic's Green Lantern universe.
Anthea's Bio
Turquoise Blitz's Bio
Nidra's Bio

Chapters (19)

Starburst, daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry, has always wanted to be a Royal Guard. Training everyday, working hard to make her dream come true. But when war is threatened on Equestria, Starburst fights for the safety of her home and country. But soon, she will realize that her strength alone will not be enough. Poor Starburst is in need of power, the power to protect her family and friends, the power to defend her homeland, the power to instill fear in the hearts of her enemies!

Little did she know, that that very power would seek her out. But when she obtains it, how will it affect the rest of her life, her relationships with her parents, her little brother, and her friends? But more importantly, will she become the hero Equestria needs or become an even greater threat than anyone could've possibly imagined?

Update: With its own tv tropes page, courtesy of DarknessRising.

Next Generation characters belong to kilala97

Green Lantern is the property of DC Comics.

Character Bio: Starburst

Yeah, after looking at kilala97's stuff I finally caved and decided to try and write a story about her OC characters. Since Starburst's special talent is "intimidation", I thought: "Why the hell not, make that mare a Fear Lantern!" and so here we are.

Chapters (17)

I should be dead. The chances of me surviving the explosion were 999,999 to 1. But despite the overwhelming impossibility, I live. And yet, I live in a world that I cannot understand, that defies all of the scientific knowledge that I have spent my life accumulating. They tell me that friendship could be a form of magic. I can not believe them. But with nowhere else I can go, I must either make peace with these talking magical ponies...or be destroyed by them. But I know this. The Crystal Empire and those who dwell within it are not ready for the freeze I bring.

My name is Victor Fries. And I am in Equestria.

Mr. Freeze will be based on BtAS and Beyond version. And yes, almost all the chapter names will be terrible puns. This will be shorter than most my stories, but I still think it's just as good. Written after season three.

Chapters (21)

My programming or my training did not prepare me for this. I understand completely what I must do to protect the people of my city, but when confronted with these...ponies, I am not sure how my directives work. But I do know that they live like people and feel like people, so I shall carry out my duties to them as if they were my people. And that is to serve their trust. Uphold the law.

Protect the innocent.

Robocop will be the older version and most of the story will be him from the first movie with some of the other two added in. Robocop will still be more machine than man when the story begins, so he won't talk that much or have too much inner monologue, but from there...we'll see.

Chapters (26)

After escaping the Changeling gladiator arena at the cost of a friend's life, Equestria's lone human is attacked and befriended by Twilight Sparkle. This begins a long, strange, and confusing adventure to return home, and discover why he even arrived.

Complete, and edited twice... but If you see something I missed, I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd leave a comment.

Cover art made in Blender.

Chapters (74)

This story is a sequel to Without a Hive

It is a time of change for Equestria. A small but slowly growing number of changelings have made the kingdom their home, living openly with ponies. Many ponies welcome them in friendship. Others are concerned by the strange and unusual creatures that disrupt the traditional life of Equestria. Yet others worry that such open acceptance leaves Equestria vulnerable to less well-intentioned changelings. And some still fear the insectoid creatures, memories of invasions--and more personal attacks--still strong in their minds.

Sky, Nictis, and all the other changelings of Equestria would love nothing more than to live in peace, but such changes rarely come easily. But in proper changeling fashion, they are determined to endure, and this time they are not alone. Instead of the shelter of disguises and lies, they are strengthened by the friendship of the ponies that accept them, ready to stand tall in the face of an uncertain future.

For nobody, from the new Equestrian changelings to the Princesses themselves, knows how Queen Chrysalis is going to respond...

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (22)

A pegasus woke in the woods. He was lost, injured, and had only the vaguest of dreams for memories; nightmares of a Canterlot engulfed in shadow and flame, of an invading swarm lead by one great and terrible dark figure. As he begins a new life, the dreams continue to taunt him. Will he ever find out who he was? And if he does, can he -- and his newfound friends -- accept what he finds?

(Credit also goes to Mekhazzio for help with editing)

TV Tropes page

Book cover art by viwrastupr

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Absolution

Applejack thought she was done with Pokemon. Heck, she wished that she was done with Pokemon. After her encounter with Cres the Absol three months ago she thought she would never have to hear the word ‘Pokemon’ ever again aside from Twilight’s new obsession with them. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, things rarely turn out how we’d like them.

Cres thought he’d never have to hear the word ‘Pony’ again outside of Ponyta. Three years have passed since Cres returned from Equestria to be with the one he loves most of all. In that time, he’s grown increasingly confident in both himself, and the life he’s picked. However, when a certain orange mare shows up inside of a Pokeball he begins to question whether or not he can ever catch a break.

Editing by DaedricPrinceSheogorath

Chapters (26)

A Collaboration with Omega_code

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

However the strange new world he is thrust into is nothing like the one Cres knows and with the threat of never seeing the one he loves most hanging over his head, can this one Absol really find his peace?

Was originally going to be a short story until we realized that it had to be longer.

Chapters (22)

I'd heard about the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from my college roommate who is way too into the show. Disturbingly so, actually, but good gravy I would never watch the darned thing! What am I, five? I've got better things to do with my time than watch a silly little girl's show. However, that didn't stop... something from transporting me into the world of the show, so here I am... in Equestria... trying to get home. This is gonna be interesting.

Special thanks to GuyFace, Jack Kellar, Storm Shaker, Spiffy McSquee, and Goober Trooper for helping me with this one!

Chapters (26)