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Rarity, Twilight, and their friends are eating lunch, when AJ notices Twilight staring at a stallion. In the ensuing conversation, Twilight soon learns that her friends are all crazy ponies and have somehow gotten it into their heads that she is in a relationship with her mentor and idol Princess Celestia.

Chapters (1)

Twilight walks into Quills and Sofas to find out, to her surprise, that Chrysalis works there.

Art made by Kamikakushi!

Now with a silky smooth Youtube reading by Wayart Narration!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash needs help with a problem. It's the day before Hearth's Warming Eve, and she still doesn't have a gift for one of her friends. But for this particular friend it can't be any old gift, no. This gift is for Twilight Sparkle; Student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, and Rainbow's crush.

Happy Hearths' Warming to everyone. I hope you enjoy this special I threw together for the festive season.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash aren't exactly close. After all, they're very different ponies with very little in common. Or so Rainbow Dash thought.

A trip to Canterlot reveals that Rarity isn't exactly the pony that Dash thinks she is.

3rd place winner of The Writeoff Association's December competition, "Behind Closed Doors"

Art by Yoka-the-Changeling, Edited by Exuno

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is lonely and is determined to change that.

She’s had her eyes on Rainbow Dash for a while, but she doesn’t know how to truly express her feelings. No books were able to properly explain how to cope with her feelings of love, leaving her frustrated and confused. She has tried dropping subtle hints here and there, but Rainbow is oblivious to her advances and Twilight is too nervous to spill her heart out to her.

So she waits, spending many months devising a way to get Rainbow to see her more than just a good friend. Given a set of perfect circumstances, Twilight is finally able to put her plan into action. Now, Twilight might finally be able to see if she can turn her friendship with Rainbow into something wonderful.

Edited by Rated Ponystar and Alcatraz

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (5)

For Twilight everything was going as well as it possibly could be. She finally had gotten used to all of the changes that came from her alicorn transformation, and her life was the way that she liked it. Structured, organized and full of friends that made everyday something to look forward too.

Little did she know that all of that was going to be turned on it's head, with one simple action from a painfully bored cyan coloured pegasus. For months she had kept a secret hidden away from her, and now thanks to dumb luck, it seemed that her secret was going to be in the hooves of the one that she kept from so for so long. At first she was worried about what would happen once Rainbow found out. What would Rainbow think once she found out? Would her worst fears of their good friendship breaking apart at the seems come true?

Twilight's fears however seemed that all for naught, as none of them were even close to coming true. In fact the one thing that Twilight never expected was the one thing that came true. That one event quickly cascaded into a series that eventually led to the development of the happiest relationship that she had ever had. Sure it was weird on how everything had happened, but as she looked back, she wouldn't have it any other way.

This is a small story that I wanted to do for some time, but never really had the ambition to do it. So after a couple of months, and some extensive procrastination... It's finally here! This is my take on what could possibly happen if the roles that Twilight and Rainbow typically have in TwiDash stories were reversed. What would happen if Rainbow was the obvious one, instead of Twilight?

Of course I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks to Kodeake, jlm123hi, and Hardc0r3Br0n3 for helping me with editing, idea bouncing, and pretty much everything relating to the development of the story. Thanks also goes to a good MTG friend of mine for inspiring me to put this up as part of the National Novel Writing Month.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story as always. Feel free to comment on anything that you so wish to. All feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

After leaving ponyville, Gilda's life was a wreck. She became mean, all her friends left her. She became alone, more mean, bitter to the core. She lost her job, became homeless, lost...Everything. She goes back to ponyville begging for forgiveness but no pony gives in. All except one special pony who teaches Gilda how to act, how to be, how to make friends.

The story is teen, but there are clop-chapters that I will mark with parenthesis.

Chapters (7)

Anypony would have laughed if you'd told them that Discord was flirting with Twilight Sparkle a few weeks ago. She'd never give him a chance, right?
Well, once his spectacularly obvious advances on her commence, Equestria is shocked; she isn't out right rejecting him. In fact, she may even be interested.

WARNING: The dark tag is for a reason. Ye be warned. :pinkiecrazy:
[Other] tag is to accommodate additional characters.

EDIT: Featured 10/22/14! Thank you so much! I didn't expect this to happen at all.

The wonderful people who edit and proofread my story ^^

Chapters (9)

A few month ago, Rainbow Dash found Twilight stargazing up on the balcony of Golden Oaks library. Ever since then she's come back, every night, and listened to Twilight's lectures on everything astronomy.

Twilight never found out why Rainbow came to the library that first night, but when she makes an unusual request one night, she discovers more than she thought she would about her pegasus friend.

New cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out.

Chapters (1)

According to Equestrian law, Twilight must marry a prince... and there's only one eligible bachelor prince in Equestria. Her wedding plans are going to have to be changed a little.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (1)