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After ascending to Princesshood, Twilight decides that it's time to really take the notion of "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" to heart. She has the "Sound Mind" bit down (mostly), but years of sitting inside hunched over a book has given her quite a bit of ground to make up on the "Sound Body" front.

Fortunately, she has an athletic friend to help her out.

Chapters (1)

Twilight wants to know. She wants knowledge. What scholar doesn't? So in order to gain some she starts looking into changeling magic. Which slowly leads her to the powers of dark magic.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to One Night

Princess Cadance and Princess Luna have a talk.

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect!
Cover Art by Artizay.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to One Friend

Princess Luna pays Twilight a visit.

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to One Night

Twilight and Spike talk to Rarity.

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect!

Chapters (1)

For a long time, Twilight and Rainbow Dash have been marefriends, and as time passed on, their love for each other kept on growing.

With her recent ascension to an alicorn, Twilight recalls the longtime pegasi tradition of feather gifting and wishes to bestow one of her own to her special somepony. After much preparation, she sets off on her next date with Rainbow, hoping that her lover will accept her gift.

A simple fic written as a belated birthday present for that jerk my friend, Twilight the Pony.

Audio Reading by GutiuSerenade

Featured on 5/6/15.

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash loses a wing in an accident Twilight finds herself to be the only pony capable of restoring it. But can she reconcile the month long treatment with her suppressed feelings for the pegasus?

I wanted to change a lot in this story before submitting it here, but then it took longer than expected and I had other things to take care of. So, after only the most basic revisions, here it is in all its imperfect glory. And in chapter form, too.

Cover image by me.

Skipsy also made a comic for it.

Chapters (6)

When Rainbow discovers that she has crush on Twilight, she as NO idea how to react. She believes there's no way it could work out, but keeping her feelings a secret is eating her on the inside. no idea where this is going, kinda just improvising at the moment :twilightsheepish:
Looking for an editor
If you are going to dislike, please, tell me why, I could us the constructive criticism :twilightsmile:
Ships: TwiDash


Chapters (5)

The wonderbolts are in town. But there are things we don't know about equestrias best flyers. Like a secret crush that our favourite captain has hidden all these years.

Chapters (3)