• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012


I exist! Maybe.

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Pinkie Pie is visited by a strange customer whilst working at Sugarcube Corner. Hilarity ensues.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Justice

Worker's dreams have taken a turn for the worse. Feeling trapped, unable to talk about his experiences and unable to stop the near-nightly terrors, he wonders if he should reach out to the Princesses. It never occurs to him that these nightmares might be something more.
This is the final story of a trilogy. The first part is Order from Chaos, and the second is called Justice.

Chapters (8)

Luna's disposition worsens after Twilight Sparkle once again outdoes the Princess by fighting back another evil foe. Princess Luna wishes to speak with somepony, and finds that a therapist is her only possible choice.

Cover photo by Leyanor.
Featured on Equestria Daily (somehow) on 12/19/2012.

Chapters (14)

Trixie appears once more in Ponyville, but something is...off...about her. She isn't speaking in third person. She is convinced that she is supposed to be the Element of Magic, that Celestia is supposed to be the Tyrant Sun, that Luna is supposed to rule as Equestria's monarch - and that Twilight is supposed to be a wanted criminal. Has she gone insane? Or is something bigger beginning - with consequences that Trixie, Twilight, and two entire worlds, can only guess at?

The long-awaited Crisis on Two Equestrias begins at last!

While reading the stories of The Lunaverse can only enhance your reading experience, it is not necessary for this story! It is being written as completely, 100% stand-alone, with no prior knowledge necessary!

Chapters (16)


The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle has set up a bold new initiative to discover new magic, and is sending out an open call to the unicorns of Equestria to apply for her research team. No experience in magical theory or research necessary. Enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking a must. The Equestrian government is not responsible for any physical, emotional, or magical trauma experienced during the course of the project or the application process.

Cover art by Page Turner

Chapters (5)

Three weeks have passed since Twilight Sparkle was crowned a Princess of Equestria; but many things have not changed. For instance, one hour every day, all of the animals at Fluttershy's home take a nap, and she has tea.

One day, though, her routine is spontaneously interrupted by the least spontaneous mare she knows, eager to talk about anything, except what brought on her visit in the first place. Fluttershy is left to wonder: Just what is going on in Twilight's mind, and can she help her unravel it?

Chapters (1)

Ditzy Doo is the daughter of a prominent family in Canterlot. So why has she shown up at Rainbow Dash's doorstep, years after they last saw each other? Rainbow is willing to go to out of her way to help an old friend, but she may get more than she bargained for: being away from home isn't the only thing Ditzy has to adjust to...

A prequel to the events of both continuities in The Winningverse.

Co-authored by Chengar Qordath.

Chapters (4)

Several weeks into Twilight Sparkle’s training to be a princess, she still hasn’t found a captain for her royal guard. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she goes for a flight to clear her head. She’ll discover the solution to her problem is hidden behind the clouds of a carefree sky.

Cover image graciously provided by: lostzilla
Editing provided by: AnonymousEditor and Formerly Committed

Chapters (7)

Twenty years later, Celestia has for the second time taken on a new private student. Twilight can no longer be the Faithful Student, but feels she has failed to become anything else. She must find out what and who she now is—and the difference between these things.

(Non-Twilicorn universe. On EQD March 17, 2013.)

Chapters (7)

When facing Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon was given a choice: redemption or revenge. What if she had chosen the latter? A grim fate awaits Equestria, but in a time of greater strife and conflict, Discord's return is accelerated. While he expected to bring chaos, he did not anticipate that he would end the Longest Night and bring hope and joy back to the land.

Discord struggles to reconcile his nature with his desire for admiration. While Twilight's friends strive to carve a new life in the ever-shifting Equestria, she searches for Celestia, the only one who can bring harmony back to her lands. But Nightmare Moon also seeks her sister in a desperate attempt to find her place in the world. New dangers lurk in the wild and more threaten to fall over Equestria. Nightmare Moon's decision broke the balance of the world. Will Equestria ever turn to peace, or will the spiral of chaos and destruction be the end of everything?

(An alternate history, this story takes the universe established by the canon and explores one possible outcome if Princess Luna had not been redeemed.)

Comments contain huge spoilers. Walk softly.

Special thanks to my pre-readers, MmmandarinOrange and DarkmatterButterflies for keeping my head on, taking the journey of the story, and making it so much better than it would have been if I wrote it alone.

Chapters (38)