• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012


I exist! Maybe.

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For years Nightmare Moon was considered "nothing but an old pony tale," but what did those tales actually say about her? See Luna, Celestia, and Discord as viewed through pony myths and legends.

I may add more short stories on in the future as new chapters.

Image courtesy of anbolanos91 on Deviant Art. Thank you! :)

Chapters (6)

Discord is a new draconequus now, and sworn to use his powers only for good, but that doesn't mean he can't still have some chaotic fun while on the job. Tasked with helping to reform a pair of thieves hiding out in an abandoned apartment building, the Spirit of Chaos decides to make a game of it. Two lost souls find their lives on the line as they gamble their freedom in a battle of wits against a grand master, in his own House of Chaos.

Part of the Borderworld.

Chapters (3)

Filly Cadence turns her first heart. Part of the "Cadance of Cloudsdale" cycle; familiarity with the previous work is not required. Thanks to G.M. Berrow for the inspiration.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's caught a special type of flu, and it's up to none other than Princess Celestia to nurse her through it. A special, tender little moment follows in this most unexpected of circumstances.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Therapist Visit

After our therapist finishes his visits with Princess Luna, he is immediately thrown into another confrontation with a certain Queen. Chrysalis is crippled, both mentally and physically due to a torturous addendum in Cadence's love spell. Rationale would consider it to be a blessing, while Chrysalis sees it as a curse. Chrysalis threatens to kill the stallion if he doesn't answer her questions. It's a race against time as Rationale struggles to find out exactly what makes the Changeling Queen, something that he has never seen in his life, tick.

A side story to Therapist Visit, written in the same style as a first: Second-Person with dialogue only and quotations omitted.

Based on an episode of House called Last Resort.

Cover art by Midnameowfries.

Chapters (1)

The royal court of Canterlot welcomes its newest member with open forelegs: the human philosopher Voltaire, from Earth.

On Earth, Voltaire is known as the greatest enemy of tyranny in the history of literature, and a legend in his own mind.

On Equestria, the court betting pool is giving him a week before the Princess banishes him to the Moon.

Note: This story doesn't have sequels per se, but there are a couple of short follow-ups set in the present day ("Parade Coverage" and "Secret Histories"), and a prequel of sorts in "At the Inn of the Prancing Pony".

TV Tropes page.

Chapters (46)

Sometimes you just have to remember who they were...

-- Cancelled --

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Hope

Here you will find the stories about the residents of Pasofino, and the ageless realm of Equestria in which they live. Each chapter is meant to take but a moment to read, and may or may not be in chronological order. I have made an attempt in every tale to highlight the time period.

(These are side-stories to the trilogy of Order from Chaos, Justice, and Hope.)
(image magicalness courtesy of alexstrazsa and snowdrop and skyshine courtesy of wentox / wento)

(Psst. It liiiiives.)

Chapters (11)

... and learns important life lessons, somewhere in between everything going wrong.

* * *

"The first thing I thought upon reading Hitchhikers was that the gods of ponyfiction … had smiled upon me." – Ezn
"Congratulations, you have written the first 'Proper Noun Verbs A Noun' story that does not actively disgust me." - Prereader Benman

Chapters (5)

Presenting one of the oldest and most well-known tales in Equestrian lore: the story of the mysterious origins of the royal sisters and of the time the sun refused to rise.

Based on the Japanese myth of Amaterasu.

Chapters (2)