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What sort of mare would turn down the chance to help a friend? Twilight's been there for me so many times in the past, but now she's a princess with all the new obligations and duties that come with that. The transition... hasn't been an entirely smooth one. Who better to lend her a helping hoof and show her how one deals with nobles, courts, and politics than moi?

I only hope it doesn't end up costing one of us our sanity along the way.

Chapters (2)

There's a lot of things about Cadance and Shining Armor that never quite made sense: their sudden appearance before the Royal Wedding; their suspiciously convenient suitability as rulers of the Crystal Empire; their oddly abbreviated pregnancy; and even their quick change of heart after Spike asked them to forgive Thorax.

Twilight Sparkle knows exactly how deep that conspiracy goes — she was there in the beginning, when her hive's queen created Shining. And she wasn't happy about it.

Finalist in the "Things Left Unsaid" December 2015 Writeoff! Rewritten and greatly expanded to fill in more backstory and to account for Season 6 canon.

Rated 'Worth Reading' by Titanium Dragon! "If [you like] the idea of a story which hints at a greater conspiracy behind the scenes which explains some of the plot holes we see in the series, you’ll likely enjoy this."
Reviewed by Matthewl419!

Cover art by Lo-23, using Twilight from "Deception is Magic" by Heilos.

Chapters (1)

Celestia sends Twilight her last, greatest assignment. The lost masterpiece of Star Swirl the Bearded!

The spell that the greatest mage of all time couldn't figure out.

The spell given to her by the mare who thought releasing Discord was a good idea.

The spell that, upon closer inspection, seems about as stable as Rarity's emotional state and as safe as Rainbow Dash's usual workout.

... Maybe Twilight should double check with the princess first.

Winner of the Rage Reviews F*CK THIS PROMPT 6 contest. Prompt: "Equestria is getting a new Alicorn Princess."

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Monster in the Twilight

Now that Luna has returned to the throne, and the aftermath of her brief appearance as Nightmare Moon is being cleaned up, the story is over. Right?

Not quite.

Twilight Sparkle had nearly been destroyed in the chaos of Nightmare Moon’s return, but now with the assistance of her five friends, she is facing a fascinating new world filled with wonderful things. No longer the scarred monster who nearly destroyed Canterlot and raged through the Everfree Forest for over a decade, now she has been healed by the Elements of Harmony and is living at the edge of town with her adoptive mother Zecora. Not all the fears of her past can be left behind that easily though, and now she must face the consequences of her actions as she faces the most daunting challenge of her life.


Letters is a sequel to the alternate universe story The Monster in the Twilight. In this story, Twilight Sparkle exchanges letters with Princess Luna, two ponies with a common problem of fitting in and making friends after the destruction of Nightmare Moon.

Normally I would try to talk you into reading the sequel even if you haven’t read the original story, but in this case, you’ll probably be more confused than entertained. But go ahead. I don’t mind if you don’t read the first story. You’ll never find out what an Urlock is, but that’s fine. It’s your funeral.

Editing Assistance by Alicorn Priest, Peter and Tek

Credit for the incredible picture All Night Study Group goes to Bibliodragon at Deviantart

Physical books are available on Lulu.com (up to Chapter 82)
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Paperback) 726 pages
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Massive Hardback) 780 pages

Chapters (99)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

Twilight always thought that being able to send the Princess her letters instantaneously through Spike's fire breath was the best thing in the world. Instant correspondence with her mentor and secret crush could never be a bad thing, right? Unfortunately, Twilight has a habit of writing her secrets down on flammable materials. Now her secret's out, so what's a panicky unicorn to do? Panic, obviously!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Twilight

We all know the story. One thousand years ago Princess Celestia was forced to banish Nightmare Moon to the moon to save all of Equestria, but what if Luna had been hiding something from her sister, scared of how she would react? When Luna had no other choice, she cried out for Celestia and Celestia came. For one thousand years, Luna wondered what happened when Celestia left; now she's finding out...

But is it already too late, or will Luna be able to take the role she had so long dreamed of? The dream of being a mother?

editor Don't Look At My Name Bro! and RK I am lost without you!

Chapters (9)

This is an ongoing blog of my adventures in Equestria Online, the new game from Hasbro and Hofvarpnir Studios. I'll be taking a look at how the game plays, and just how good the AI that runs it is. So drop in and make suggestions for what I should do. I will also attempt to find out if Friendship is Optimal, and seeing if I can level my pony to be the best at making friendships ever.

Or failing horribly.

But hey, it's a game about friendship. What could possibly go wrong?

[Set in the Optimalverse]
[Setting Guide]
[TVTropes Page]
[Last chapter edited: 8]

Chapters (32)

At one time, Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. Then they let the first pony in.

There goes the neighborhood

Editors: Tek, Themaskedferret, FanOfMostEverything, BluePaladin42, GhostOfHeraclitus

Cover art is Lady-Princess-Goddess by Cherryviolets and a commission for Mother-Of-Trolls
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (7)

My name is Starlight Glimmer, and I hate bad endings. It isn't fair when some ponies win and others lose, purely by chance. If I had my way, every pony would be equal. Every pony would win. After all, the only other fair thing would be for us all to have a bad ending, and who would want that? This colorless world is bad enough already as it is.

So far, my record is flawless. Never once have I prematurely ended someone's story, never once have I hurt someone more than they can bear. And every time I spare a life, make a new friend? I get stronger for it. Eventually, I'll be so strong I can fix the entire world.

No matter what the world throws my way, I'm never going to give up.

Placed second in FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest, and featured in the Royal Canterlot Library on 4/21/17. Thank you so much!

Expect spoilers in the comments. Inspired by Undertale, but not a crossover.

Chapters (1)