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Celestia likes her evening walks. Luna doesn't.

During one particular night of stargazing, she is going to find out why.


Chapters (1)

In Canterlot, every foal goes to Magic Kindergarten. Every unicorn, every pegasus... and even a certain earth pony.

I have to be the only earth pony here. Why in Equestria does this have to happen to me?

It wasn't as if Aurora was uninterested. It was that she was bored. Extremely bored. They taught her nothing about theory, nothing interesting. Class time was all about levitation for the unicorns, flying for the pegasi. But nopony really knew what to teach an earth pony. Not really. All of their magic was passive, right?


Featured: 2/24/17 - What?

That might have been a glitch with my login or something. Because it disappeared when I refreshed the page.

Featured: 3/17/17 - Okay, this one is definitely real. It didn't disappear when I refreshed the page.

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle lives in the ideal world of Equestria. There, she is a pony, strong and proud, surrounded by friends, and with only studying as her job. Though some may try to mock this, as the student to the princess of this land, she is revered as one of the smartest and most amazing mares in the world. She even has the honor of defending the land, and going on adventures few even see in their dreams.

It is these dreams that for five years, Celestia has recorded, while looking over the human known as Twilight Sparkle.

Co-Write with Jumbled Thought

Chapters (11)

'Tis the season for joy and sharing in the company of loved ones. With Chrysalis glumly serving out her house arrest, Princess Celestia is sure that this is the perfect time to cheer up her favorite Changeling.

Chrysalis hates the idea.

Hearth's Warming Eve? The Changeling Queen would sooner curl up under some heavy covers, than indulge in a celebration for a bunch of ponies that nopony even properly remembers. Wasn't she already putting up with enough ponies on a day-to-day basis? It was an all together terrible idea, dragging her out of the castle to...mingle with Celestia's overly sweet and soft subjects.

Of course, there was no proper way to refuse Celestia...

...the prices, one pays when you're in a relationship with the Princess of the Sun.

--Just a short story for the holidays, featuring our favorite couple: Celestia and Chrysalis. Takes place some time after my story Advanced Lessons. -Enjoy-

Chapters (3)

The sirens are defeated and Sunset Shimmer has restored her magic. All's well and good, right?

Of course not. What begins with Sunset's friends wanting to have a very important talk with her will escalate until the fate of at least one world hangs in the balance.

Rated Teen for cosmic calamities, trace amounts of waifu theft, and a bit more skin than Hasbro is likely to show. Cover by iisaw.

The Story Shuffle short stories "Aftershock" and "Rock On" take place in the same continuity as this story. The background details of "Fish Out of Water" apply, but the story itself does not.

Chapters (9)

Twilight breaks Celestia's doors.

But then, you'd be mad too, if your stupid brother got drunk and told you that you were adopted...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always loved Celestia—as a friend, and a mentor, and something else as well. And she finally, finally found the courage to admit those feelings.

Celestia turned her down as gently as she could. That's what she thought, anyway.

But the night is still young—and it's a night for being wrong.

[Rated T for suggestive sexual content. This story takes place between the Season 2 and 3 finales. Additionally, I wasn't able to find the artist who did the cover art, if anyone knows please drop me a line so I can credit them.]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sun Burns Brightly

When you're the immortal ruler of an entire kingdom, the most important quality to possess is a passion for your work. No princess can rule her nation if she can't find it in herself to give her best effort every day and night. Luna knows this better than anypony, and puts her whole heart into everything she does.

But passion, unless tempered by restraint, has a way of biting one in the flank.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Queen No More

Twilight Sparkle made the most foolish and selfless decision possible. She saved the life of Queen Chrysalis. The dynamics of Twilight's relationships begin to change as Chrysalis introduces the changeling hivemind to her pony caretaker. Chrysalis' only hope was to relieve her loneliness, but events begin to unfold that will change Equestria forever.

Nothing is stronger than the power of redemption...

1. This is the sequel to Queen No More but there is a time jump between its end and Hive Alive's beginning.
2. This is Alternate universe due to the fact that this story will run off of a disparate timeline. Events forward of season 2 may be similar OR significantly altered.
3. There is mention in Chapter 3 of an old changeling tale titled As a Star. A version of this has been written by Farseer.

NO MORE UPDATES: The story is complete. A sequel has been made: Queen of Equestria.


Updated outer cover, inner cover, and description!
2 new HD wallpapers!
Hive Alive 2013
Hive Alive 2014
New extras collection, Hive Alive Moments, including...
Too Hot
Perfect Marriage
The Hive Before Halloween
Take Two
Shy My Heart

Featured May 24th, 2014 and on every chapter release since then.

Art by BlackWater (that's me)

Chapters (50)

Twilight Sparkle presents a collection of interviews, letters, essays, poetry and prose compiled over several years of her relationship with the human Bellerophon and his "herd", covering subjects as broad as Equestrian social taboos, comparisons of earth and Equestrian mythology, romance and the occasional recipe. Compiled by Twilight Sparkle, with foreword by Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.

(This is a bit of an experiment based on the worldbuilding concepts presented in AnonAuthor's Xenophilia [[NSFW] - caveat lector!], which intrigued me enough to want to take a closer look. It's likely you'll be very confused by this unless you read at least some of Xenophilia. Updates will appear as and when an idea pops into my head for a thing to add. And fair warning, some of this might come across very dry and dusty. Thank you academia! And thank you AnonAuthor for letting me have a go, and both AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for all the collab work they're doing. I'll make up for the dust by tossing in the odd piece of art now and then.)

Chapters (24)