• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012


I try to write the best I can. Feel free to leave me a comment (I prefer positive ones but any feedback is better than none at all). I appreciate stories that are well written and skillfully executed.

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Total Words: 44,293,133
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Coming straight out of FTL, Captain Amelia Finegold barely has time to blink as her ship, Cobalt Blue, crashes into an unknown vessel in deep-space. Struggling to get ahold of an unexpected situation, things take a turn for the bizarre when she finds out the other ship isn't driven by humans. Or even occupied by humans at all.

One moment, Twilight is asleep. The next, lights and alarms blare as she comes to grips with an unexpected emergency. Problems crop up one after the other. Irreparable damage, wounded ponies, and a new alien species?!

Set in an alternate universe where Equestria became a space-faring empire.

Small note: Some revisions have been made, thanks all!

Chapters (3)

It was late on a winter's night when Fluttershy found a strange creature on her doorstep that nopony had ever seen before. At first she thought that it was just another animal, a hairless ape, but the more and more it behaved like a pony the more she decided she would raise him as her own son--named Harry. How will he grow up in a world meant for ponies? And how will Fluttershy's friends react to this creature?

Contribute to the TVtropes page here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Twoworldsonefamily

Chapters (17)

I don’t go on a lot of adventures, not unless I’m with my friends. Still, when Princess Celestia showed up and told me I had a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet one of my dragon parents, how could I say no?
If I’d known what I was going to find, I might have…
Takes place shortly after Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by Themaskedferret, docontra, and Pascoite
Special thanks to bookplayer for brainstorming help.

Chapters (9)

He had to look down to see her. A pony, a creature no bigger than a goat, stood on his doorstep. Her pale blue fur and ragged, blood-red mane couldn’t have looked more out of place in a town of goats and minotaurs. Kev stared at her, wondering what to do. His father would’ve chased her away with a club and a string of obscenities. His grandfather would’ve eaten her. His great grandfather would’ve eaten her and not gone to prison for it.

A story about one minotaur’s relationship with his society, his family, and his wife.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by PresentPerfect
Cover art by Ruirik
(In progress) Reading by ABagOVicodin:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to What I've Done

This is the third book in The Humanity Within Trilogy. If you haven't read the other two books first, go back and do that now. Don't worry, this will still be here when you get back...

Also, if you've already finished this trilogy, you should be happy to know that the next book in the series, A Darkened Sky, is out right now! Go read it, follow it, and all that stuff!

I don't know what to believe anymore. I was sure they were all monsters, all demons bent on destroying any peace I and my new friends might find in this life.

I was wrong.

Instead of burning this world down around me, their weapons are pointed away from the planet, not towards it.

As if that conundrum wasn't perplexing enough, I also have to deal with finding my own place in this odd, yet familiar society. But how does one simply go back to being normal? Especially knowing that the real monsters that caused this mess in the first place could be just around the corner?

After all, it's not like I'll ever see my home planet again. They may not be here to hurt me or my friends, but I still don't trust these 'friendly' aliens to get me a ride home...

Chapters (47)

Ponyville is seen as a quaint little town by those who live there, and for Twilight Sparkle, it has all she needs with her friends by her side. When a stranger that she is familiar with comes into town, she finds herself questioning as to what to do and how to accept a secret they have held from her since they meet.

Sometimes, friendship is tested by what your willing to see as truth or lies. But how can one trust those who live with using masks to hide both lies and truth?

Chapters (44)

Main Course is a successful chef and restaurant owner. Or he was, anyway, until a fire tore up his life's work and left him adrift. When he visits his sister in the rural backwater town of Ponyville, he discovers an abandoned building that's perfect for a quick fix-up so he can flip it for a profit. But the building comes with an unforeseen tenant, and when he lets her stick around he discovers that maybe, just maybe, there's something out there more important than wealth and fame.

Chapters (14)

"... at the forefront of our fandom’s writing scene ... Masterpiece." —PCaRG
"... really enjoyable ..." —City of Doors
"...worthy of high praise." —PaulAsaran
"Lots of wonderful world-building, great action, well-developed characters and an engaging story." —Hoopy McGee

Steel Song is a lot of things. Earth pony. Uncle. Professional bodyguard.


So when he receives a mysterious package from Princess Luna a few weeks after the changeling invasion, he's understandably apprehensive. More-so when he presents himself before the Royal Diarchs to find that not only do they desire him to come out of retirement, but to take command of a most unusual position...

A position that may have more significance than any of them suspect. Because strange thefts are occurring on the Equestrian Railway, thefts that nopony can explain. Thefts that may have far more sinister intentions than their seemingly innocent nature may convey.

Intentions sinister enough to shift the balance of power in Equestria forever.

Book I of The Dusk Guard Saga.
Epic Fantasy
Has a collection of Side Stories as well, the first of which is here.
Now with a TV Tropes page!
"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"
Added to Twilight's Library 11/26/2013
Added to Canterlot's Finest 12/01/2013

Chapters (43)

Equestria. On the surface, it is a kingdom of harmony where pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies live together in peace; a place where griffons, minotaurs, and many other creatures are welcome. However, few know that another race lives among them in hiding.

Fluttershy, the decades old pureblood thestral known as Mistress Flutterbat, was living with her family in Cloudsdale where her parents had done their best to lead the local clan of vamponies in peace for centuries.

While the Princess of the Sun kept a watchful eye on her kingdom, pureblood thestral clans across Equestria went into hiding, disguised as common ponies, for none had the power to challenge the alicorn’s might.

Will a vampony with a good heart and kind nature survive in a world that sees her as a threat?

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructuring alongside many improvements to increase its quality.

Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top editor - ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Secondary editor - Mikemeisers

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructurization alongside many improvements to increase it’s quality. Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top proofreaders: ShipIsLove ShipIsLife

Editors: Mikemeisers
Seether00 F

Chapters (12)

Book I
Meet Dusk Noir, a unicorn stallion from Canterlot. He attends Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, has a liking to learning and reading and has a unique magical talent. He seems like he would be happy, but there's just one problem: he doesn't have any friends. It's not that he doesn't want them, but he just feels that he wouldn't be worth the time of anypony. He sees himself as unremarkable, a waste of space and not much to bother with. There's only one pony he'd even consider being good enough as a friend for and he doesn't even know how to say the first word to her. It seems like he will always be alone.
Until one night, when he discovered by the Princess of the Sun and is sent to Ponyville to meet her at last. Can he achieve the goal of earning her friendship and much more besides or will he be simply left alone?
This is a story that I began as a sort of creativity outlet when I discovered how much of a fan I was of the series. From there, it just kind of grew and I enjoyed continuing it. Doubtless, you probably know what it's going to be about before you even read it and would even be tempted to point it out. I won't try and change what you think, all I ask is that you give it a chance.
There are two more stories following this, both of which along with the fuller version of this one, can be found on my fanfiction account. Just search my username and you'll find them, if you really want to read more that is. I'll try posting on as regular a basis as I can. That is, if it's received well.
This first one isn't my best, I'll admit that much, but I certainly did try my best with this one and what I had planned for it. I hope you enjoy it.
The cover was by Quillin Words and he did a fantastic job, thanks dude!

Chapters (16)