• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012


I try to write the best I can. Feel free to leave me a comment (I prefer positive ones but any feedback is better than none at all). I appreciate stories that are well written and skillfully executed.

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Once upon a time, there was a young unicorn who was scarred and battered by the cruel world until he was forced to retreat behind the walls of a solitary life as a bitter and spiteful creature. As he grew up, he remained a lonely recluse, with only his best friend for occasional companionship.

Until one day when he found something the world had treated even more callously and cruel than himself. She was a changeling, badly wounded and crushed until she hung onto life by a slender thread. The only chance she had for surviving her injuries was love, but that was no chance at all, for she was a monster in pony society.

And who could ever love a beast.

Rated T for references to sex, crude language, obnoxious behavior, and weathervanes.
Editors: Peter, docontra, D48 and Tek
Cover picture FIM Sleeping Changeling is courtesy of Avarraptor at Deviant Art.
(Gypsy the Changeling is so cute.)

Chapters (20)

Rainbow discovers that she has a pest problem in her house. The pest turns out to be both cuter and more annoying than she expected.

A winner of the 2015 Bat Pony writing contest.

Russian translation by KoylanGOLD
Also read: The Most Annoying House Guest

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Most Annoying Infestation

Rainbow Dash's plan was just to relax and read Daring Do books all night long. Too bad it was interupted by a certain bat pony colt, begging "Blue Mommy" to have a sleepover with him.

This is a contest entry for ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest.

Review by MixMassBasher

Awesome Reading by Winged T. Spears

Chapters (2)

Spike's got three whole days to himself while Twilight is away at the Crystal Empire. Three whole days to be independent and free to do whatever he wants.

Or he would have, if a female dragon hadn't mistaken him for an abandoned hatchling. Now he's been snatched up and taken to her home to be "properly cared for."

Stuck in a cave with an overly-protective dragon intent on mothering him...maybe he should have just gone with Twilight.

Thanks to QueenCold for letting me use this picture of theirs as cover art!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part Five: Prisoner of Love

Twilight Sparkle and Geo have been together for a while now, and they think they've been through everything. But it would seem that, once again, Fate has other ideas. Now everything from evil kings to lords of chaos (as well as everything else in between) will require their attention.

Just another day at the office, then.


Part Six of the Geoverse.

Rated Teen for bad language, violence and suggestive sexual elements.

Each chapter will be set during or after a Season Three episode, with our three human protagonists thrown in.

Once again, the wonderful Crimson Star is my co-author.

All Bonus Chapters are canon except for the first one, and any with (NC) in the title.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Part Two: To Love Is Human

Geo has finally made it back to Equestria and married Twilight Sparkle. But as they prepare to enjoy their new life together, he learns something that makes him question his friendships. When a threat arrives in Equestria, he soon realises that even though someone doesn't act like a friend, it doesn't mean that they're not.


Cover Art by Anoymousperson123.

Part Three of the Geoverse.

Comments contain spoilers.

Rated Teen for sexual references, swearing and violence.

It is recommended that you read To Observe Is Science! by Crimson Star, as things happen there that will be referenced to in this story, and you might not get them.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Prologue: The Last Of His Kind

While walking home from work one night, I was nearly killed by a careless driver; when I complained to him, I ended up getting more than I bargained for. After waking up in a strange new place, I found myself in the company of some unique individiuals — all of whom were ponies.

I soon found my counterpart in one of them, and love blossomed.

But Fate is a fickle mistress...


Part One of the Geoverse. This story has gone through several rewrites since it was first published way back in 2012.

Cover Art by Anoymousperson123.

Comments contain spoilers.

Rated Teen for violence, swearing and sexual themes (the actual sex is written as a seperate story).

Chapters (15)

There are not many things that Rainbow Dash can't withstand. She can take on dragons and monsters all day long, but when it comes to the bitter cold she has met her match. In search of shelter from the cold, she ends up spending the night at the Apple's. But with Granny and Bloom in Appleosssa, and Applejack going to Manehatten in attempt to sell some apple goods, she ends up all alone with Big Mac.

What could possibly go wrong?

Submission to the MacDash Community contest. Not sure if I am following any of the rules, but MacDash.

Thank you to Arbarano and WolfGirl214 for all the edits!

Special thanks also goes to The Masked Ferret for the parts she helped write! Or actually did write...

Picture belongs to grethzy Its just so damn cute!

This is also a Christmas gift for Jake the Army Guy and KarmaDash. Wish I had time to write you both an individual story, but have a Merry Christmas, and enjoy so MacDash!

Featured 12/26/15

Chapters (1)

Jason's life has grown dull. While some may have thought that the weekly monster attacks might have kept him on his toes, he had grown to learn that as the norm around town. Now, after months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. He follows his usual routine every day: breakfast, a quick shower, followed by a quick walk to the park to read the newspaper. One morning, he finds two parents playing with their filly in the playground. As he watches, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (35)

She had been alone for many years without a place to call her own. Luckily she found a place to call home, and even though it wasn't perfect she would do everything she could to make it so. Though she had been warned to avoid these lands by one close to her this was a chance that was too good to pass up. Through the use of her wits and life experiences, and maybe a bit of luck, she fights with everything she has to find her place, even though she knows not where that should be.
First attempt at a story, so expect the tags to change as I figure them out. First of three planned parts, this one being closer to a Slice of Life with a bit of Adventure thrown in occasionally. Also AR as I will reorder the episodes to be more time friendly, lengthening the time as 1 year for 3 season is not enough time, as well as throwing out certain episodes due to reasons. Mostly ones that don't really fit the characters like they should or are just blatant toy grabs. So the AJ going crazy overprotective of AB probably won't happen. Story will also focus around the main character with interactions with others, but trying to not overly interfere with the main plot, except where it could be funny.

Warning: Tags will change when appropriate, Teen so I don't have to hold back too much on language, themes, and jokes, Sex tag may or may not come into play, though there just to be safe though most that will be there is innuendo.

Chapters (50)