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After a tiring day at work, Carrot Top trudges home. As usual, her cross-eyed roommate, Derpy Hooves, has emptied the fridge. Nothing out of the ordinary.

However, when Derpy comes down with a case of incessant itching and what's colloquially known as "the herp walk," Carrot's day is about to become... not so ordinary.

Inspired by an episode of "2 Broke Girls". (Accordingly, Derpy is analogous to Caroline. Go figure.)

Thanks to Sage Runner, ValorlordV5, RoboRed, and MarineMarksman for editing.

Rated Teen for some language and raunchy humor. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue. Also, herpes.

Chapters (3)

There are many axioms in Equestria. "Go with the grain." "Count your blessings." "Strive to be happy with what you have."

And, though left unsaid, the most important one of all: "Know your place."

Although Flash Sentry loves Twilight, she can never know of his love. She can never return the feelings. It wouldn't be proper. After all, social order is more important than fulfilling one's own wishes.

Alternate Universe tag is due to the existence of a caste system in this story. Please keep that in mind as you read.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket, Draconian Soul, Regidar, and Loopy Legend for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Now with a poem by Fiend from the Darkness!

Now with a YouTube reading by BlackIrisBalloon (and multiple voice actors)!

Now with a Korean translation by Kianoke!

Followed by What Hath Joined Together.

Rated Teen for mild violence and thematic elements.

Chapters (1)

After his staff of security officers come down with the billygoat flu, Iron Will desperately seeks replacements. With only a few hours before his seminar, he reluctantly hires four fillies to assist. Iron Will is skeptical, but he doesn't have much of a choice.

But does he really have anything to worry about? After all, it's just an assertiveness seminar. His new hires will just have to check tickets. Security is easy, isn't it? Nothing bad will happen.


Isn't this the CMC we're talking about?

Thanks to Biker_Dash and ValorlordV5 for editing.

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for raunchy humor, language, and four fillies abusing their authority.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Order

Despite receiving a harsh reprimand from Captain Ironhoof for his "little stunt," Flash Sentry still struggles with his forbidden feelings for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Maintaining a professional stance while adhering to the law of the land proves an even more difficult task, especially when his one act of defiance only seems to awaken the seething rebellion within him.

When Flash is assigned to escort Twilight to the Crystal Empire at Princess Celestia's insistence, tensions on all sides only seem to escalate.

Full list of character tags: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Discord, Prince Blueblood, OC, Other.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket and Holo for editing.

Now with a TVTropes page! A huge thanks and tons of Doge GIFs to Poptard for creating it!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for some language, mild violence, and thematic elements. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue and implied sexual situations.

Chapters (26)

Ever since the Sisterhooves Social, Sweetie Belle and Rarity's relationship has improved drastically. There are still days when Rarity is a bit busy, of course, and certain times when Sweetie doesn't quite get the hint.

During one particularly stressful day, Sweetie Belle gets into Rarity's makeup. Rarity demands an explanation. The answer isn't quite as simple as one sister playing dress-up.

Thanks to my good friend Loopy Legend for the prompt and link to the coverart.

Thanks to Holo, Sir Rustbucket, Loopy Legend, Sage Runner, ValorlordV5, and Midnight Legend for editing.

Now with a YouTube reading by Arwhale. Show him some love!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Everyone.

Chapters (1)

After eating an incredibly spicy burrito, Rainbow Dash discovers some blood on the toilet paper the next morning. Dash panics and rushes to Twilight, who then accompanies her to the doctor.

Unfortunately, her issue is beyond Doctor Stable's expertise. He refers Dash to Doctor A. Scope, a proctologist, for a more thorough examination.

A parody of "X does Y" stories.

Thanks to ZOMG, Proper Noun, Pyrotechnic, ajvasquezbrony28, ValorlordV5, and Sir Rustbucket for editing.

Rated Teen for... Oh, c'mon, you know what you're getting into!

Chapters (1)

Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Four

With her newfound responsibilities as Queen, Kuno has seen fit to lead the changelings towards a life of coexistance with ponies.

But there are those who would wish to see such an endeavour fail, and they're not above taking action to make it fail.

Cover art commissioned by Iakovl, drawn by Derpah.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid

Warden, the broken pegasus, his wife, Kuno the changeling, and their hybrid daughter, Swarm, continue their adventures in a wild, wacky world!

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Through the Well of Pirene

Equestria Daily Post
Hardcopy Available for Order

NOTE: I wrote this before the 2020 BLM protests and my learning more about policing. I would have written it differently after, but I won't be changing it. Just keep in mind that the depiction here is of another world and another species from a different perspective.

In the City of Dreams, the City That Never Sleeps, a wistful heart walks the lonely streets, searching for answers to questions no one else is willing to ask. A reluctant pilgrim arrives from a long journey, weary but determined to make his mark. An old warhorse, his soul cracked and bleeding, saddles up for his last battle.

A noir tale set in Manehattan, fifteen years after the events of Through the Well of Pirene. Three people over the course of three nights weave and unravel a tale of anxiety, pain, and hope under the lights of the greatest city in Equestria, and the watchful gaze of a green star.

Chapters (12)