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Through unknown means, Sombra amassed an army and launched an attack against the Crystal Empire and a changeling sub-hive. This forces Celestia and Chrysalis to meet, and agree to a temporary alliance between their kinds. Neither is happy about the situation, but for the lives of the ponies and changelings they lead, they are willing to do what is necessary.

Yet, as weeks and months pass, the pair find working together is not as horrible as they originally believed. Is a lasting peace, and perhaps more, possible between ponies and changelings, between a princess and a queen?

Written for Equestria Daily's Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's marriage was going great until Pinkie suddenly decided she wanted babies. How was she supposed to know making them takes more than just friendship?

Thankfully, Twilight has just the spell to help them out! Now Pinkie and Rainbow Dash -- or rather, Rainbow Blitz -- have a whole week to do the deed.

If only things didn't keep getting in their way...

Rated "Pretty Good" by PaulAsaran!

Chapters (8)

WARNING: Sequel to 'Then Tomorrow Came'. Spoilers ahead.

Through great hardships and heartbreaks, Twilight Sparkle has finally "won" the heart of her beloved Rainbow Dash. But will she have the chance to finally enjoy the peace and happiness of her hard won victory? Will the consequences of her extreme actions catch up with her? And what will happen if Rainbow Dash ever begins to suspect the truth?

Rated T for language, implicit sexual content, and morally confusing arguments regarding neuroethics. Again, this is a sequel to Then Tomorrow Came. If you haven't read that, this isn't going to make much sense.

Chapters (25)

Trixie Lulamoon has led a hard life, especially after the events of her magic duel with Twilight Sparkle. Now trying to piece herself back together, can she learn the meaning of friendship from her first real friend, Maud Pie? What kind of events will happen between these two ponies? Can Trixie get through to Maud's heart? Will Trixie learn the true meaning of Friendship?

Special thanks to Crow for all the help.

There is a direct sequel up already called Heart of Stone: Recovery Light. Check it out here!

Chapters (129)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia moved in together a few months ago, and have been together even longer. Be that as it may, Octavia has never seen her lover without her trademark glasses, and she can't help but wonder why.

Now with a reading by Sojourner!
A/N: I'm hella stressed this week and just needed to write something cute to make me smile. Bestship, ho!

Chapters (1)

After a magical accident, Celestia and Luna must try to restore harmony. Celestia's duplicate, however, is having none of it.

Check out the companion pieces, Amphelion, by monokeras and The Banach-Tarski Dragon by CCC, tackling the same premise in a different way.

Cover art from the gallery of mysticalpha.

Chapters (4)

Twilight has an experiment planned, and it centres on Rainbow Dash.

As anxious as she is, Dash really has no right to complain.

It was her idea after all.

Fan Reading!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)

It can be troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

Written as a part of a group polyamory challenge for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)

As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/29/2013

Chapters (1)