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This story is a sequel to The Teacher, the Sorceress, and the Wonderbolt

Far in Equestria's past, an old threat once more rears it's head, seeking revenge on the princess who thwarted it; a princess that is no more, her life claimed in the effort to destroy it. But this time is different. This time, it's come prepared. This time, it won't underestimate its enemies. This time... it can't lose.

Just an FYI, even though it says this is a sequel to TSW, it is in fact, a prequel to it. Sorry for any confusion.

Chapters (18)

One-shot prequel to The Teacher, the Sorceress, and the Wonderbolt.

Rarity has harbored a secret for a long time now. So has Applejack. How can they reveal their secret, when it will leave them so vulnerable?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me

Happy ever after in the library space, Twilight lets the children lend a hand. Trixie stays at home and does her pretty face, and in the evening she performs onstage with a bang.

You may think parenthood is a dawdle, but Twilight and her herdwives will tell you different. But why let them tell you when you can see the troubles first hoof? What follows is the adventures of Twilight's children, and the many, many troubles that happen around them (some aren't even their fault!). Rated Teen for now in case shenanigans ensue; will change as appropriate.

Chapters (1)

Dear Diary,
Looking back, a scientific, step-by-step plan is completely ineffective for social situations (Note to self: don't do them, ever). Inviting Princess Luna to a Pinkie Pie Hearth's Warming party, with a checklist of steps in your head, was an awful idea. There are too many variables that a checklist cannot prepare for, such as an entrancing outfit. The plan resulted in a spectacular failure of when awkward meets anxious.
For future use, a spreadsheet might be better.
- TS


A super-duper, awesomely-wonderful, amazing podcast review of this fic can be found here by Lapis Lazuli and Inky J! Seriously, they're great. <3
More Awesomeness! Doom Pie has done a super-duper reading for this fic! Thank you so much!

Cover art courtesy of the wonderful lovelyneckbeard, which can be found here.

Chapters (1)

One night a year, on the Eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, Princess Celestia is sad, at least according to Twilight's observations. She has a plan, a boardgame, and is determined to try to cheer up her mentor.

No clop, but suggestive content.

Chapters (1)

Twilight receives an invitation from Cadance to the Hearts and Hooves Day Gala, but is confused when she realized that Cadance thinks she already has a special somepony in her life.

Celestia receives a similar invitation, but is more confused at Twilight’s confusion. They were already dating weren’t they?

A Twilestia story if you did not get that already.

Chapters (1)

Rarity’s friends have noticed that she smells an awful lot like apples lately and want in on it.

Cover art by the inimitable White Diamonds.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

If you came to hear a story, I’m sorry to disappoint. I suspect this’ll just end up as one big confession, really. When you’re the first Teutscher to set hoof into Equestria, I suppose that’s to be expected. And when you’re the universe’s favorite chew toy, doubly so. Still, with enough wit, some Prussian ingenuity, a droll sense of humor, and wanton murder, I might just survive this. Then again, when you’re going up against an unending list of things like government conspiracies, that guardian angel who keeps telling you to kill ponies, psycho Equestrian girls with allophilia, a lunatic princess, the legions of the Inferno, the Equestrian culture itself, swashbuckling sword fights, and laissez-faire economists, you begin to realize why there’s a big “if” in the middle of your life.

Your thoughts/critiques/deathreats are welcome in the comments. Spoilers are also encouraged. If you don’t have anything to complain about, do please tell me what you liked so I know what worked.

Now on TV Tropes. Posted on the Equestria Daily 5/28/13. Now in ePub format for your convenience.

Chapters (43)

Based off the animation "Memories" by Nutrafin.

Memories hold many strengths and weaknesses. They are the keys to unlocking inner potential, and for Twilight that is no different. During her most helpless hour, she is visited by many ghostly memories of experiences that forged one of her strongest bonds. Through them, she is able to find the strength to carry out her duty and stand by her friend's side in his time of need.

But is she too late?

Chapters (1)

When a freak reading accident causes Twilight to be admitted to the Ponyville hospital, Rainbow Dash is right by her side. Compelled by a sense of duty and repayment, she takes it upon herself to cheer up her friend.

Chapters (2)