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Inspired by a random 4chan post 'Rarity is now beside you, what do?' I decided to write what my reaction would be in a slightly more realistic scenario. ( As realistic as random ponies appearing out of nowhere can be.) (PS I wrote the story as a character, not as myself specifically. It's just how I would react in that situation.)

Chapters (2)

I'd heard about the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from my college roommate who is way too into the show. Disturbingly so, actually, but good gravy I would never watch the darned thing! What am I, five? I've got better things to do with my time than watch a silly little girl's show. However, that didn't stop... something from transporting me into the world of the show, so here I am... in Equestria... trying to get home. This is gonna be interesting.

Special thanks to GuyFace, Jack Kellar, Storm Shaker, Spiffy McSquee, and Goober Trooper for helping me with this one!

Chapters (26)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

In a poorly informed bout of revenge, Trixie has returned to Ponyville to make Big Macintosh and Rarity fall in love, because she's convinced this will prove she is the Best Showpony in all Equestria.
But Rarity's going to the spa with Fluttershy, Big Mac has chores to do, and Twilight hasn't the faintest as to why her best friend and best friend's brother are having an episode of freaky Friday...

This story will not be completed by its original author, though if one is interested, they can adopt the story and finish it as they see fit. Unpublicized story resources exist.

Chapters (5)

You've lived your life as innocently as you could for the past few years. Every so often you are forced to relive memories of things you did, and things you failed to do. For the past few months you've found solace in the form of a romantic pen-pal, and soon you'll finally get to meet her. Sadly, some secrets are harder to keep than others, and yours may doom more than just you...

Sequel to both I Would Give to You, and The Color of Apples.

As of 9/14/12 10:54 Eastern Time Approval rating is 98.889%

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Order-naries: Vacation

The first Summer Sun Celebration since the Order-naries arrived in Equestria is fast approaching, and Ponyville is once again destined to be the stage for many stories. Accompanied by Gold Heart and Soul Mage, Princess Luna visits in disguise to experience the Celebration as she imagines it should be. Ashen Blaze shows atypical enthusiasm at literally being ordered by Celestia to attend the Celebration and relax, only to disappear without a trace soon after arriving. The Great and Powerful Trixie returns to Ponyville once again to try and repair her reputation, and this time she's brought help in the form of three other show-ponies. She's also being stalked by a pony who is obsessed with Trixie and destroying everything she has fought to regain.
And that's only the first Act...

Chapters (32)

Applejack's got a secret she'd kept hidden for many years. Nopony would ever have guessed what she and Twilight were up to in the library late at night, once Spike had gone to sleep. That is, until a jealous Rainbow Dash decided it was her business to find out just what in the hay was going on.

Chapters (8)

The Princess of the Sun wakes up one morning with an earsplitting headache, empty liquor bottles everywhere, and the Grand Galloping Gala in less than 18 hours. Checklist of things to do:

-Are the servants prepared? NO.

-Are the musicians ready? NO.

-Is the sun at least in place? NO.

And who's in her bed? And what happened to those two young colts that were last seen in the sculpture garden? And why are the royal guards not at their posts? And how much does Luna know, anyway?

What happened last night?

[Has NOTHING to do with the movie "The Hangover". Not a crossover. If that's what you were looking for... read this anyway.
This story is a collaboration mainly between myself and Cade YYZ ( http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Cade%20YYZ ). Check out his page, too!
Cover art from the marvelous Jackie! Check out her DA here: http://jackiephantom13.deviantart.com ]

Chapters (11)

There really is no excuse for forgetting something as important as a hoof-written law. But Celestia forgot. And now, a thousand years after she wrote it, a law comes into play mandating that Celestia take a two-month sabbatical from her duties as Princess of Equestria.

So what happens when she has to step down for a couple months and leave Luna by herself in the bloody gladiator ring that is Equestrian politics? What happens when Celestia has to disguise herself and mingle with the populace of Ponyville without them knowing?

The short answer to that would be "a string of hilarious chance encounters, sisterly banter, romantic mishaps, and a political coup that was decades in the making."

The long answer, of course, is this story.


Rated Teen for swearing and sexual humor.

Cover image is by enma-darei

Chapters (5)