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After an urgent summon from Fancy Pants, both Celestia and Luna attend Day court. However, a new precedent is set when Fancy Pants presents a male alicorn to the two princessess, one he found dumpster diving behind his house.

Not much else to say without spoiling a lot of the story. Just jump in and heave a read!

Chapters (17)

Her obsession with human technology started with a simple spell from the Starswirl the bearded section in the Canterlot library. After a few mistakes (including the abduction of Anonymous from Earth) she decide to acquire this piece of advenced technology called 'PC' by the humans. But, she needs the help of her friend: Pinkie Pie, to retrieve the artifact. Soon, the purple alicorn will understand that her actions might have consequences... Mortal consequences.

First fanfic. Constructive feedback allowed. Have in mind that I'm from Latin America. Picture might be useful to describe Twily's PC.

Chapters (1)

Twilight discovers a startling problem in the world and searches for answers. Not finding anything that can make the world make sense she goes to Princess Celestia for answers. The answer she gets isn't one she could have expected, but neither is her reaction to it.

Teen for somewhat darker themes. No violence, sex, or strong language at all, though.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Act in haste

Thinking over what happened the last time she asked Anon for a favour - and thinking about it over and over again at some length - Twilight has grappled with some new and unexpected feelings. In an effort to better explore these she concocts a cunning plan, and wraps in the guise of another favour.

Chapters (1)

Twilight - with one thing leading to another - has rather talked herself into a corner with her Canterlot friends, and now requires Anon's help in straightening it out maybe.

It's all very awkward, if she's being honest, but he's a happy-go-lucky-chap and what's the worst that can happen, really?

Chapters (1)

Roger, local human, is weird, or at least is weird in Rainbow Dash's estimation, but he does appear to have some extra food and she knows he won't mind sharing with her.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The waiting is the hardest part

Tricked into thinking that they each personally came up with the idea of a nice cozy night in, Twilight and Jack have a nice cozy night in, like they used to do x-many years ago and like they've clearly been wanting to do for however-long now but haven't been for reasons of mutual awkwardness.

Meanwhile, weather.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to In From The Cold

You'd have thought that being in space on a planet you'd long-believed to be dead and gone but which turned out to in fact have been kept tidy by the weirdo alien you also believed to be dead and gone would be exciting.

And in many ways it is, but in many ways it's also just more work to do and more boxes to tick, but that's being in charge.

Still, Jack did suggest going and getting lunch and Twilight did say yes, she's just got some things to finish up first.

And Jack, surely, has experience of waiting?


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Last one out

Space! It's big. You can find things in it.

Or so is the hope, at least. Nova Flare - Twilight's best pupil, at least right this moment - has been put forward as the first pony Captain of a Hegemony science vessel and so she really is aiming to find something out there in the inky black.

She does, obviously, though what she finds comes as something of a surprise to everyone...

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Default

The local human has a lot of time on his hands now, and time proves itself unkind to him in its abundance.

Not that he can do a lot about it.

Still, it's just one of those things.

Chapters (1)