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What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

[Before asking questions in the comments, please read!]
- The first chapter is the end of the ninth season. I put it there just to ease the flow of the story.
- You will probably be extremely confused if you have not seen the last two seasons of Red vs Blue.
- You will probably be even MORE confused if you have never heard of Caboose.
- I placed a series of hyphens to show when the story becomes my own work during the prologue.
- Click here to watch the series if you have not.

Uploaded to FimFiction: Monday, March 5th, 2011 at 2:30 PM.
Uploaded to RvBfics: Monday, March 26th, 2011 at 11:50 PM.
Linked on Bungie.net: Saturay, March 31st, 2011 at 3:29 AM.

Proofread/Edited By - Pissfer

Current Title Image:
The Group by ~Butts-are-Nice

Past Title Images:
Caboose and Pinkie by ~SarahWidiyanti
Caboose and Pinkie by ~Farore769
Church and Twilight by ~Farore769

Dramatic Readings:

Fan Art:
Caboose's Drawing by ~Depressing Rain

Chapters (257)

This story is a sequel to That's a lot of damage!

Chrysalis doesn't understand why she can't kill this stupid human interfering with her plans.

We all know the answer to that question.

WE HAVE A FUCKING AUDIO LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Fire Hearth did an amazing job, couldn't have done it better myself! Look at it! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

Chapters (1)

The Lone Wanderer has been known as the man who shouldered the nightmares of every man, woman and child in the wasteland, so that they may live. But when the Wanderer was once again abducted by aliens, he found himself falling, quite literally, into a whole new wonderous world, untouched by the horrors of nuclear devastation.

He has been facing other people's nightmares constantly for almost a decade, it was high time he was allowed to wake up.

Meanwhile, the ponies of Equestria are baffled by a strange object that fell from the sky.

Fallout/FIM crossover. HiE. T for violence and some language.

Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (11)

Kathranis Shadowsong, Blademaster of a band of refugee elves, finds himself transported into the realm of Equus as the result of a misfired spell. Equus is in a time of strife following the rise of the Royal Pony Sisters over the land of Equestria, and many old nations fear the power of the self-crowned goddesses. Thrown into the mix are a new race of humans, orcs, and elves that find themselves teetering on the edge of war. Follow the elvish ranger as he finds his way through a new world filled with new friends, foes, and even new gods that he finds himself in contest with.

Set before the rise of Nightmare Moon. The opening scene (and some cursory background knowledge) is based loosely on the Haunted Lands trilogy by Richard Lee Byers. I highly recommend the series, as it is one of my favorite D&D reads.

First featured, 1/11/2021!

Chapters (26)

The son of a demon queen and a necromancer is thrown into Equestria in his darkest hour. Will he find the peace he so desperately seeks, or will he not survive long enough to tell the tale?

(This was written during many sleepless nights. Please bare with me here, :rainbowlaugh:)

(Featured on 5/18/2020 Thank you guys so much!!!)

(Featured again on 06/28/2020, Thank you all, and I hope you'll all stick around to see my story end!)

(Featured yet again on 8/15/2020, Thank you all!)

Chapters (26)

Godking Veretus, The lord of the Planes, Jailer of the Abyssal Sea, Overgod of Alvaris, Half-champion, God of Might, Dragons, and Vindication, is not amused at his current predicament. Sent to an alternate sphere by a band of upstart adventures, and stripped of much of his true powers, must now contend with... Cuddly... ponies?

He is not amused at this at all, nor is he entertained at this Sphere's attempts to get rid of him.

Chapters (20)

An accident in the lab sends our favorite boy genius to Equestria, as a pony. What will he do and how will he get back? The answer: Science! (Cover Art Updated!)
New FAQ! and TV Tropes!
Planned Phrases from Dexter:
“Pinkie Pie! Don’t push that Button!” /to Pinkie
“Please, Magic is the word simpletons and the ignorant use to describe what they cannot understand.”/ to Twilight
“No, I didn't strap a rocket to you. I strapped you to a rocket.” /to Rainbow Dash
“Friends? Who needs friends?”

Dexter is a boy super-genius with a disdain for anything girlish and no desire for friendship. After an mishap in his lab, he gets stuck in Equestria. How will he cope with the over-friendly ponies, and the girlish everything?
For any who do not know Dexter's Lab: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter's_Laboratory
[RIP Christine Cavanaugh: 8/16/63-12/22/2014] - Dexter's Original Voice Actress

Chapters (16)

When Grand Duke Mark Sayadi Salemsky, Tarkhan of the fleet, emerged victorious in the battle for Khiva and successfully captured the cities nuclear reactor, it began to behave erratically, emitting high amounts of radiation, yet having no effect on the health of anyone nearby, instead it seemed to be charging something... And before anyone knew it, a massive burst of energy was released from the reactor, enveloping the fleet and sending them far away, to the land of Equestria. Now in uncharted territory, completely stranded with no way to contact the romani empire, the duke orders the fleet to set course to locate any potential civilization. Upon discovering the planet is dominated by talking magical ponies, it is decided peace negotiations should begin between races. But that would have to wait, as rebel forces have followed the tarkhan, and they are set on conquering this new land. Of course, the Grand Duke ain't having none of that, as he prepares for a war in unknown skies.

Note: I do not own Highfleet or My Little Pony.

Chapters (4)

"To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
- Big Brain Engineer Man

Grand Admiral Jack Roberts, leader and commander of Redwood Industries, and his faithful crew, have been assigned to the special operations ship Tigris, as they have warped into an uncharted system after detecting an unknown signal and are ready to investigate, until they are lured into an ambush by remnant forces of the Green Drones. After barely fighting off their aggressors, the captain orders an emergency landing, which as with all of Jack's adventures, expectedly devolves into a crash landing, leaving the crew stranded.

Meanwhile, Aaron and his crew of engineers turned freelance explorers have come to investigate the signal as well, falling to the same trick and being ambushed, only to be saved by Captain Shack and his comrades W4stedspace and Morphologis, having made a desperate escape from the drone infested Planet Bob, only to find this new world, and soon learn they were followed.

Soon, every skilled and talented engineer team in the galaxy is flocking to Equestria for the signal, and as all the teams of space engineers are left stranded, they will encounter the planet's strange local lifeforms, forge alliances, work together to stop a looming danger, and save not just Equestria, but the entire galaxy!

Note: I do not own Space Engineers or My Little Pony. Captain Jack, LastStandGamers, and all the other space engineers youtubers I bring in here have their own youtube channels here. Also, this takes place after the events of Colony Salvage and before Starship Lost.

Chapters (7)

After being trapped in stone by the Mane Six, Discord uses what little power he has left to summon the one person stupid enough to free him...Johnny Bravo. But will Johnny be able to figure out he's being used in time to stop Discord once and for all?

...Probably not. Equestria is doomed.

Chapters (9)