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This story is a sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

A single life can affect so many others in such positive ways, but when it dies all are left to feel the aftermath. With the death of Princess Twilight Sparkle, assassinated at the hooves of both guards and nobles, a nation struggles to recover as the effects of her death are felt throughout Equestria.

The many lives that she had touched will never be the same. Each is their own story of their struggles, their sorrows, and their attempts to move on in the aftermath of tragedy.

(This story is complete!)


The one shot series sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle, that was inspired by the fanfic Ripples by BronyWriter.

Each chapter is about the other characters, outside of Celestia, who deal with the aftermath of Twilight's death in the first story. Some will be main characters, other minor, others OC. But all of them will be affected, all of them will mourn, and all will have to move on.

Feel free to add to the Assassination TV tropes page

Chapters (36)

A few weeks ago, Chrysalis and her brood attacked Ponyville for revenge against Twilight. During the fight, the final spells of the two collide and create a portal that they're sucked into. The Princesses with the help of the others manage to summon them back only to find... that the two are marefriends!? How the buck did that happen!?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Instinct

Set after The Alicorn Instinct, but before The Endless Nightmare

Isn't it strange what one little argument can do?

Well as our Human and his pink Princess come to discover, one argument can cause so much more than a little heartache.

Cover Art done by the brilliant Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (2)

Anonymous is Princess Celestia's royal bodyguard, serving to protect her at any and all instances. While always close to the Princess, events may conspire to test his convictions as threats both old and new rise to attempt to swallow Equestria.

-My second AiE fic, put in loving prose for all you FiMfictioners.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to To Befriend the Night

A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step, sure, but the remaining steps are no less difficult. You are merely more determined to survive them.

A deed which, like all others, is much better endured in good company.

Coverart once again done by jjames10 (or Tome Turner).

Chapters (14)

A demon of a long-forgotten time, trapped in the barriers of an ancient prison; forever cursed with loneliness... until one day, she meets a human.

"What a queer looking creature..."

Heavily inspired by Juniper's Knot a visual novel by Dischan Media. Reading it is not required.

Thanks to DVAN56, bocaj518 and Mr101 for their help!

Chapters (1)

The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

Meet Ben, not to be confused with his cosplay character. He considers himself decent, fun-loving, and strong, but only because it is how he copes with the voices in his mind. Ten other personalities that try to dominate him at every turn. It sent him from psych ward to psych ward, but nothing ever improved. He was under constant watch, despite living off the streets. It was only at school where he ever got any food or proper shelter, though he never gave up hope that one day, his luck would change.

One day, at his first Comic Con, dressed as his favorite TV character, Ben meets a strange fate of falling from his world and into one of Technicolor ponies. The voices were finally gone from his mind, freeing him... or so he thought. Now the voices have their own bodies and still haven't given up tying to control their host. This led to many acts of destruction in this land, landing all of them imprisoned for millennia. Now Ben is free, but so are the voices. With some unlikely friends by his side, can Ben finally tame these monsters, or will they finally succeed in taking what they want?

Rated teen for occasional swearing and sexual references. You have been warned.
Featured on February 17, 2015!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Girl I Left Behind Me

A soldier's death is always hard, especially for their loved ones. Now Celestia is facing one of the toughest moments in her life. Jackson wants her to move on and be happy, but how can she be happy after this. Then to make matters worse he suddenly appears before her, but he's dead... isn't he?

Featured 7/8/2014
Rewritten January 5th, 2018 - Present.

Placed on hold because of my inability to balance two stories at once. We'll see if anything changes, but I'll be focusing my efforts on Textbook Soldier.

Chapters (14)

There has always been a little voice in Twilight Sparkle's head, whispering dark musings to her. And until her brother's wedding, she has managed to push those bitter thoughts away and focus on the good. She forgives and forgets and holds onto hope.

But when her friends turn their backs on her and her brother cuts her from his life, Twilight finds herself alone, with only the little voice to comfort her.

And it is through anger and hate that has been repressed for so long that Twilight finds the power to rise up. Harmony and Friendship have only brought her pain and suffering. It is time for her to embrace her dark side. No longer will she worry about what others think. Twilight is going to live her life how SHE chooses: without friends, without family, without love and without harmony. She is going to cut loose, have fun, and screw what others think.

For her friends and family, it will soon become apparent that if they don't find a way to mend the damage they've done to the lavender mare...Twilight Sparkle might be lost to them forever.

Thank you to everyone that got this story as one of the Featured Stories here on the site!

The TvTropes Page can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/FaithAndDoubt

Cover created by the amazing FerGarcia220

Chapters (23)