• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014


No work ethic, lazy, easily distracted, bizarre sleep habits, terrible posture, caffeine addict, easily distracted, poor memory, wants to be a writer anyway.

Favourites 216 stories
  • Favourites 216 stories - 49 unread chapters ...Celestia's plot, I need to organize this better...
    Created by Scruffy
    - October, 2014
Found 206 stories in 76ms

Total Words: 5,675,305
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Fluff and Kidnapping

It's been about three weeks since Rarity's birthday party, and Sunset's three favorite fellow former villainesses are no closer to making any lasting friendships than before. In fact, she doesn't even know if they're still able to tolerate each other by now. Not wanting to risk their group falling apart along with what little progress they've made in being nicer, happier people, Sunset makes a deal, one that requires her to join them in liberating some money from a bank vault.

They're going in loud.

Part of an ongoing series.
>Dazzle's Poor Career Choice
>Fluff and Kidnapping
>You Are Here
>Fluffy Fever
>Dungeons and Dazzles

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Dazzle's Poor Career Choice

Some things just sound like a good idea at the time. Normal people, sensible people, might completely disregard ideas such as these, but some others would say wishing a friend Happy Birthday is worth doing something crazy.

Playing a prank on someone that could use a laugh at the same time? Also good.

For those who really don't like FNAF, reading the first story is optional.
...But I seem to be including more and more callbacks to the first story as time goes on.
Summary: Sunset and Adagio both live and it proves to be something of a bonding experience for them. :)

Part of an ongoing series.
>Dazzle's Poor Career Choice
>You Are Here
>Dazzle Robs a Bank
>Fluffy Fever
>Dungeons and Dazzles

Chapters (5)

Things have been a little rough for the trio that once got everything they needed by brain-washing people. Talking on the phone with Rarity one night, Sunset hears the latest gossip on the once-feared singers, learning that Adagio Dazzle is working a job that may cost her her life.

Her first shift starts tonight.


Story inspired by the cover pic! Any understanding whatsoever of Five Nights at Freddy's not required.

Part of an ongoing series.
>You Are Here
>Fluff and Kidnapping
>Dazzle Robs a Bank
>Fluffy Fever
>Dungeons and Dazzles

Chapters (3)

Twilight finds a hidden book in the Royal Canterlot Library, though she might not like what it tells her.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis corners Celestia about an old debt.

Dodging ensues.

YouTube reading by Solar Pony!

Chapters (1)

A single changeling is cut off from the swarm during the attack on Canterlot. She's discovered by Vinyl Scratch and adopted as a pet. How will Wubsy the changeling, Vinyl, and Octavia cope when the town develops Changeling-phobia? Will Wubsy ever be able to prove her good intentions and stay with the mare she's grown so attached to? Rated Teen for off-page lesbian pony make-out session.

My bid to make "Wubsy" a more official part of the fannon. Check the source of the fic image to see the comic that started it all.

A gracious thank you to GarlicParsnip, Comma-Kazie, Chengar Qordath, JJ GingerHooves and Steel Resolve who proofread and co-authored the piece.

Chapters (13)

Having helped Diamond Tiara learn both the true meaning of her cutie mark and the value of friendship, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had just resolved that being together and helping others was what really mattered before they were engulfed by a bright light.

Finding themselves in a strange void, both their lives and those of all Equestrians are about to change. Hopefully Celestia and the former Elements of Harmony can figure out how make sure this change is for the better, because there's a new alicorn on the block, and they have a bit of a reputation for causing havoc.

Chapters (2)

Luna samples a culinary delight, discovered in her absence. Issues are addressed and secrets are unearthed because of this marvellous beverage.

Its name is... coffee?

Chapters (1)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

Spike, while browsing his selection of naughty magazines, accidentally coughs and breathes flames. The magazine gets sent to Princess Celestia. Panic ensues.

Chapters (1)