• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014


No work ethic, lazy, easily distracted, bizarre sleep habits, terrible posture, caffeine addict, easily distracted, poor memory, wants to be a writer anyway.

Favourites 216 stories
  • Favourites 216 stories - 49 unread chapters ...Celestia's plot, I need to organize this better...
    Created by Scruffy
    - October, 2014
Found 206 stories in 55ms

Total Words: 5,675,305
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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"Mind thy work. Honor thy kin. Stay away from Holder's Boulder."

Marble disobeyed the warnings.

* * *

Audiobook by Scribbler Productions.
Edited by GaryOak.
Cover art by Mica Halligan.
Written for Scribblefest 2016.
Titanium Dragon
The Hat Man

Chapters (1)

‘Nothing acts that cute without some ulterior motive.’ — Lord Nibbler of the Nibblonians.

Dinky Doo melts ponies hearts and hugs everything wherever she goes. Normally this is limited to scamming sweets from adults and convincing ponies to lose at battleclouds, but It’s only a matter of time before she uses her adorableness to achieve her true destiny: Enslaving Equestria to fulfill her every desire.

By mere chance, Octavia has resisted the filly’s siren song. Together with her old friend Vinyl, they must survive as the only sane ponies in a world gone mad.

Prereaders Include: Chengar Qordath, Luminary, Ponibus, and Web of Hope
Cover Art acquired from Flausch-Katzerl's 'Fitting In'
While peripherally related to the Winningverse, and part of their AU month, this is primarily a standalone story. All you need to know is that Dinky is cute like a baby harp seal.

I'm also pleased to say that this story has been approved by Twilight's Library. I'm quite proud of that.

Chapters (4)

Inkie Pie was, without any kind of doubt, the most influential musician that ever lived. Born on a rock farm, her strange life would serve as both inspiration and cause for her songs.

This is her story.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Now with a fan sidestory! My True Body

Partially inspired by PonykillerX's art. The cover art was made by him.

Proofread by:

Neko Majin C
Octavia Harmony

To Selbi.

Chapters (11)

Octavia tells her friends she's dating Discord.

They take it well.

Proofread by Soundslikeponies, Pearple Prose, Themaskedferret and Octavia Harmony.

Chapters (1)

An unexpected encounter with a stallion helps Fluttershy feel better about a personal problem... And then hilarity ensues.

There is now an Interquel in progress, taking place between chapters 3 and 4. And there is a sequel planned.

Chapters (5)

Mole Cricket, a changeling, faces the greatest challenge of his life so far: Convincing all four princesses that he deserves a chance at earning citizenship in Equestria. Can he convince Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that he can be a contributing member to society?

An Interquel to the story "Your Fangs Are Showing", this takes place between chapters 3 and 4.

Chapters (10)

"I've got crabs."

Those three little words, spoken to Rainbow Dash over the phone, set Canterlot High School on fire.

Because even though most of the student body has forgiven Sunset Shimmer for her past transgressions and she has more friends than ever now, some gossip is just too juicy to ignore.

Besides, everybody's more than a little curious as to the finer details--and who else might be dealing with the same problem.

(Rated Teen for discussion of sensitive topics.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight was supposed to gather the Elements of Harmony the way Princess Celestia planned it: meet the embodiments of the Elements while running errands in Ponyville, team up with them, discover the meaning of friendship, and then defeat Nightmare Moon. It was all so simple.

Too bad she really underestimated Twilight's ability to screw things up.

Additional Character Tags: Octavia, Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance

Edited by WorkbenchManiac: chapter 7-25, 27 onwards
Edited by docontra: chapter 26 onwards

Chapters (27)

Idol Hooves holds a special place in Equestria. He's probably the only exiled changeling to serve in the Royal Guard, or at least, that's what he expects, as exiles don't really broadcast that fact. However, it's well known that Princess Celestia loves all of her little ponies, and her guards perhaps more so, and that makes it one of the best ways for a changeling to discreetly feed.

But how does a changeling even get there, let alone get exiled in the first place? For that matter, why would it ever go to Canterlot? Set a number of years before the series proper, before Luna’s redemption, Idol details how he was exiled, the ponies he’s met, and the series of misadventures that led him to joining the Royal Guard, and should continue a good ways into the series, as something of an alternate perspective.

Soon, he’ll have to deal with a boisterous new princess to serve and a royal wedding in the works bringing a third to power. Will his old instincts bring this new life crashing down around him? What precipitates Chrysalis’s ill-fated assault on Canterlot? Is it really so wrong for a changeling to enjoy good craftsmanship to an obsessive degree?

New cover art provided by the fantastic Carnifex

And a TVTropes page here.

And an Ask Blog of questionable canonity!
Out of Idol Curiosity

Fanart by Norad2! Major thanks! Short For a Royal Guard

Art by Egophiliac of Idol and his Daring Duckie Please don't tell him what that brush is meant for.

Rating updated to (T), it's a bit darker than (E)
Comedy Tag added as well
And changed the character tags a bit.

Chapters (74)