Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
Found 569 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 46,418,185
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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Cadance didn't know what to expect when her formerly banished Aunt Luna returned from her thousand year banishment. But, she's quite entertained by the hilarity. Especially if it means a chance to play a little joke.

Edited by Habanc. Preread by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, and Timaeus

Cover art was done by Silfoe and used with permission! In fact, this fic is a gift for her!

Now with Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

For a long time, Twilight and Rainbow Dash have been marefriends, and as time passed on, their love for each other kept on growing.

With her recent ascension to an alicorn, Twilight recalls the longtime pegasi tradition of feather gifting and wishes to bestow one of her own to her special somepony. After much preparation, she sets off on her next date with Rainbow, hoping that her lover will accept her gift.

A simple fic written as a belated birthday present for that jerk my friend, Twilight the Pony.

Audio Reading by GutiuSerenade

Featured on 5/6/15.

Chapters (1)

The war with the Dominion wages on. Thousands of Federation, Klinong and Romulan soldiers lie dead, battling the greatest threat the Alpha Quadrant has ever known. The savagery spreads covering every star system until they burn to dust. It will not end until the war has won and the Dominion is defeated. But will Dominion be defeated before the peaceful planet of Equestria is swallowed up by the darkness of war.

Chapters (2)

If you liked this story, I've got a sequel going on! Take a look at Rescue at Midnight Station

Sometimes friendships, like ponies, are more than what they seem. Sometimes it's hard to tell what makes a friendship special. Sometimes, all it can be called is...Magic. When a Shuttle crashes outside of Ponyville, the friendships that grow from different beings from different cultures bring the ponies and humans together on common ground.

First off, the story idea....you know who came up with this brilliant idea...Kitsy-Chan.

Cover art by Alkarasu...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Shuttlepod Down

Viernak Rhok, Midnight Station. Known throughout the Delta Quadrant as where sentients go to die. Few who see it ever live to talk about it, and for those forced to work there, even the thought of escape is a sentence to the deepest part of the mines. Their masters seek slaves to work, to toil and dig. Slaves, like the crew of the USS Voyager. Abducted, their hope lies with the few remaining residents of the ship. Can the youngest crew members of the Voyager find Captain Janeway and the rest? And if they do, can they find a way to get them back home.

As is quite regular, story concept and characterizations have one wonderful source, KITSY-CHAN!!!

Thanks to my pre-readers Harts Fire, Kitsy-Chan and a few bronies I know that are not on fimfic, but still read and are huge Star Trek fans like the author is.

Hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (5)

While investigating a large metal capsule that crashed outside of Ponyville, each of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony suddenly vanish one by one.

Set between the season 3 finale (Magical Mystery Cure) from MLP: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls and between Star Trek: Voyager season 5: episode 3 (Extreme Risk) and Star Trek: Voyager season 5: episode 15 (Dark Frontier, Parts 1 & 2)

Photo by jimlogan1701

Chapters (7)

Captain’s Log; Stardate: 54870.6

It has been two weeks since Neelix left Voyager to be with his own kind and things on Voyager have slowly started to readjust itself. We've recently picked up a strange unknown energy signature coming from a small M-Class planet and have changed course to investigate.

A Star Trek Voyager Crossover.

This will be getting a new author as soon as ShobieShy gets around to it.

Chapters (2)

For the ponies of Equestria, outer space has always been an unreachable frontier, far more difficult to explore than even the harshest wilderness. Though they have controlled the movements of the sun and moon for thousands of years, none have traveled to the vast expanse in which these two celestial bodies reside.

Equestria's newest princess hopes to change that. With the help of her friends, Twilight Sparkle will travel into the vastness of space, and push the technological boundaries of ponykind. But that goal is a long way off, and Twilight will first need to learn how to even survive the journey...

Chapters (7)

The USS Burning Age is a small, understaffed Miranda-Class starship that does a variety of every tasks for Starfleet in out-of-the-way, low-risk, low-priority worlds. Picking up a a confused, marooned life form might have been the highlight of its service, but that's barely the beginning of the story.

Twilight didn't mean to travel faster-than-light, but here she is, on a space ship, with no idea how to get home. She has high hopes, though: surely, this 'Federation' will send her straight home as soon as they can. Hopefully she'll survive that long.

Chapters (3)

It is a rare day when Princess Celestia gets to take on a personal student. Even having her own school named after her, being a princess makes finding time to be a young pony's mentor all but impossible.

But today will be different. Today, Celestia will get the chance to do something she hasn't done in a long time:

Teach Twilight magic.

Proofread by Shrink Laureate

Chapters (3)