Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Asking a Favor

Sunset Shimmer has an interesting encounter with this world's version of a horse when she goes to help Applejack on the farm. This leads into a conversation that gets a bit more introspective than Sunset was probably hoping for when she came over that day. Sometimes you just need to hear the right advice from a friend though, and Applejack is plenty happy to oblige.

Set between the first Equestria Girls movie and Rainbow Rocks. Part of a series of fics I've been working on about Sunset's early days learning how friendship works, which starts with my previous story Asking a Favor. Can absolutely be read as a standalone though.

Rated Teen for one double entendre joke that I feel keeps it just out of E territory.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's favorite jacket is looking pretty beaten up after that whole rainbow laser explosion, and she doesn't know the first thing about fixing leather. Obviously she knows someone who could help her, someone who's already agreed to be her friend. But after everything she's done, she doesn't really think she's in a position to be asking favors. She hasn't earned anyone's friendship yet, and she certainly doesn't deserve anyone's help. Still, she's got no other options. So she'll just have to swallow her pride and beg Rarity to take some pity on her.
Rarity certainly has her work cut out explaining to her how friendship works.

Set after Equestria Girls, but before Rainbow Rocks. No shipping. Just awkward, self-loathing Sunset and generous, understanding Rarity.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle goes in for her first physical after ascending to an alicorn.

Nurse Redheart was not prepared for this by any stretch of the imagination.

Written for FanOfMostEverything as part of my 100 Followers 'contest'.

Featured on 12/21/2017 while I was sleeping!. APPARENTLY, I STRUCK GOLD WITH THIS ONE. Woo! Thank you all!

Spanish/Español: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-fisiologia-del-equus-alicornyus-937900145 by SPANIARD KIWI

-GM, master of contestants.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is a pony, so she likes pony things. Granted, a nice hayburger isn't exactly easy to come by in the human world, but that shouldn't stop her from using the products she's used to from Equestria, right?

Well, her humans friends might disagree, as Rarity does when finds a rather odd bottle of shampoo in Sunset's bathroom.

A short little story inspired by the Equestria Girls Monday Blue music video and my fellow fans of Sunset Shimmer, especially RileyAV, who noticed a peculiar bottle on Sunset's shelves in the last music video.

Chapters (1)

Absolute power corrupts, that is a fact.

But sometimes there is that one person who is able to prevent you from following the call of madness, who manages to be a shining sun in the madness we find ourselves in.

Sunset never thought that she would be that sun for Twilight, nor did she expect for Twilight to keep the power that corrupted her in the first place.

Edited by Poliamida and cover is from here

Chapters (1)

It's just been a few days since the friendship games, but something drastic has changed. The solar system of Earth isn't what the inhabitants of the planet are used to. Plus there are two teenage, high-school students, who control the most important objects in the sky.

Editor: GaleSinger

Chapters (11)

So where does Sunset Shimmer live? That's what her friends have been asking and it's about time they got some answers.

Based on my own headcanon on where Sunset lives.

Edited/Proofread by PixelReality. Thank you for all the help!

Chapters (1)

Sunset hesitantly lets a very enthusiastic Princess Twilight take her new cellphone through the mirror, so that Twilight can study it in Equestria.
It does not work. At all.

*Featured 1/5-1/8*
Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer still doesn't fully understand how the magic that transforms her and her friends works. She's close to figuring it out though, or so she thought. When a magical "fluke" occurs during a band practice, will the girls, along with the Twilight of their world, be able to figure out what happened, and will they be able to fix it?

Takes place about a week or two after the Friendship Games

This is my first story, so it might be good, it might crash and burn. I am ready for criticism, and prepared for the worst. If you see any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know in the comments.
This idea came from reading Oops! I'm Equine Again by MythrilMoth!
Featured on December 22, 2015! Holy smokes! :pinkiegasp:
Featured again on September 24, 2016! All aboard the hype train!

Chapters (4)