Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 46,418,185
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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The story of Rochelle, a changeling in Canterlot, and how she ends up with a most unusual job...

Prequel to the story A Meal Fit For A King

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Moon, The Flower, And The Door

Effective Immediately, This Story Has Been Cancelled.

"Anyone Can Be A Wizard..."

Morning Glory has succeeded in passing Princess Luna's test, and is now her personal protege... and soon to be her foster daughter. All seems to be sunshine, lollipops, and fluffy puppies forever... until Luna makes a discovery regarding the young filly's parentage, one that could wound the young filly's heart terribly. Keeping this information a secret seems wisest, especially given the connection the young filly has with Celestia's new student, but it soon becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the filly begins exhibiting strange and seemingly inexplicable talents. The young filly seems intent upon becoming a wizard, in spite of being an earth pony. Is such a thing possible, and is Equestria ready for it? And if so, what kind of a wizard would she be?

One thing soon becomes clear: No matter what the outcome turns out to be, something big is about to happen in Equestria, and when it's all over, nothing may ever be the same....

Chapters (12)

"...The test ends when you open that door."

Princess Luna has begun searching for her own personal student, and her test has hit a small snag: Not a single unicorn, out of the dozens of applicants, has passed. In fact, every last candidate has failed the test in seconds.

But just what is the purpose of this test? And how can somepony pass it?

A young earth pony named Morning Glory is going to find out.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, a young man finds himself inside the very pony universe he only just became a fan of, during the very first episode in one of the many forms of Equestria's inhabitants. How did he get there? Why was he here? What must he do to return home? And, most importantly, why in God's name was he slowly growing feelings for a certain studious equine?

Join the befuddled human-turned-Earth-Pony as he aids the Mane Six in their adventures through every season by every episode in his own goal of returning back home with his limited knowledge of events, while they in turn teach the criticizing outsider the true meaning of friendship and what it means to have fun.

It will be trying on all ends; as the residents of Ponyville must deal with his dry humoured nature, and he in turn must deal with their warm innocent demeanor's.

One thing's for certain with this world: the fate of all who inhabit the equine world, alongside his tolerance and mental stability, may just be on the line...

(I don't like the ratings system. Never had, never will. Please stop assuming my turning it off for some kind of 'cowardice;' it's nothing of the sort. Comments have been switched off because of this abuse.)

(Cover by Mix-up: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/195663/Mix-up)

(Join our group! https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212567/twidust-stardust-x-twilight )

(Audio reading now on YT! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBCMZsZVqDMEOuGHubFCFfrGJF2LiNpw9 )

Chapters (217)

This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night

Sequel to Drawn With the Night. Fancy Thunder and a small team go to Canterlot to fulfill a commission.
She decided to ask a few 'innocent' questions and toss a few stones in the placid waters to see what is stirred up. Specifically, how will the Princesses react to a pony who doesn't need them, and thus doesn't worship them?

A TV Tropes page

Chapters (5)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

She had been alone for many years without a place to call her own. Luckily she found a place to call home, and even though it wasn't perfect she would do everything she could to make it so. Though she had been warned to avoid these lands by one close to her this was a chance that was too good to pass up. Through the use of her wits and life experiences, and maybe a bit of luck, she fights with everything she has to find her place, even though she knows not where that should be.
First attempt at a story, so expect the tags to change as I figure them out. First of three planned parts, this one being closer to a Slice of Life with a bit of Adventure thrown in occasionally. Also AR as I will reorder the episodes to be more time friendly, lengthening the time as 1 year for 3 season is not enough time, as well as throwing out certain episodes due to reasons. Mostly ones that don't really fit the characters like they should or are just blatant toy grabs. So the AJ going crazy overprotective of AB probably won't happen. Story will also focus around the main character with interactions with others, but trying to not overly interfere with the main plot, except where it could be funny.

Warning: Tags will change when appropriate, Teen so I don't have to hold back too much on language, themes, and jokes, Sex tag may or may not come into play, though there just to be safe though most that will be there is innuendo.

Chapters (50)

A Naked Fall writing prompt fic.

Nightmare Night is a great deal of fun to be had, whether you're young or old. For Ponyville that fun manages to be doubled when Princess Luna can grace them with her presence, and attend the festivities as well.

Unfortunately a lack of social understandings leads to a fair bit of embarrassment, when Luna's choice of evening attire proves to be quite lacking, and threatens to derail the festivities entirely. Will she and the rest of Ponyville be able to recover from her blunder? Or will Nightmare Night be threatened by actions for a second time?

Rated T for nudity and social embarrassment themes.

More chapters may follow if support warrants them.

Chapters (4)

It's late in the city of Canterlot, late enough that Celestia should've been asleep hours ago, and yet she isn't. Rather than laying in bed and doing nothing, she decides to occupy herself with taking a stroll around the palace. As she does, her mind wanders about the stagnation of her daily routine, and the overall lack of interesting developments to make existence seem worthwhile.

It's during this late night stroll that Celestia happens upon Luna, and the two share a conversation that leads her to discovering a new concept that piques her interests. In fact it piques her interests a great deal actually. The only question is whether or not this discovery can supply her with what she's truly looking for.

Rated for nudity and suggestive humor.

This was written primarily in response to writer's block on larger projects.

Chapters (4)

When Rainbow Dash receives the verdict that her final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows.

Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem.

A very naked problem.

A comedy of the nudist variety.

It brings me great pride to say that this fic inspired the Nudists and Nudity group. Go check it out for all your barebacked needs!

Rated "T" for trigonometry.
Sex tag is for lewd jokes and language, not sex scenes.

Chapters (4)