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  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 46,418,185
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One

After having just escaped death from a near fatal magical accident that he nearly paid with his life, Nava must now make a choice either fear magic forever, or finally man up for once and face all of his problems head on. Including his bad acrophobia and the fact that the Princesses now know of his existence as well.

Not only that, but a certain group of thestrals will also be keeping a direct eye on him too. Specifically a certain captain with anger issues and a complicated past which may or may not explain her reasons for her questionable methods and sometimes open hostility.

Will Nava break from his problems with the help of those closest to him in this new world? Or will he finally break down and let his fears get the better of him.

Also what is going to happen to both Flitter and Cloudchaser? The two mares who invited this strange new Alicorn into their lives. Will they find out that he is not from Equestria at all?

Who knows? Only the future itself can answer these questions.

(Featured again on the day it was released on the 3/18/2017)

Chapters (13)

When Twilight first began her experiments in trying to figure out better ways to access the Aether, the realm of magic and souls just outside their physical realm, she did not expect to make significant progress. After all, pony kind has been trying to find out the answer to that line of thinking for centuries.

When she felt herself connect to the other realm Twilight accidentally manipulated its energies in a different sort of way. The Aether bent to her will much easier than before. Getting just a bit too excited, Twilight played with the Aether a tad too freely and the reality-bending powers of the outer realm sucked her into its bottomless depths.

Fortunately Twilight was able to direct herself back to the material realm using the closest, and brightest, soul she could find as an anchor. And the second she looked up at the skull of the skeleton sitting on top of a golden throne, she knew life was about to get more... interesting.

(A crossover with "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device")

Chapters (2)

Straight from the Canterlot archives, this collection of documents retells the rise and fall of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Enlightened Despot of Equestria, Defender of the Peace, Lawgiver, and Commander of Fort Libris.

Twilight Sparkle is, of course, known to historians as the first usurper to seek to schedule a coup d'etat by appointment. But for other details- such as, "What is the longest recorded time a pony has gone without sleep?", "Is it true what they say about swans?", and, "Why is there an owlbear in the Equestrian Witness Protection Program?"- these documents provide the answers and much, much more.

This is ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HISTORY from primary sources. If anything makes you think this is silly, ludicrous, or unbelievable, blame Discord.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns writing contest.

EDIT 3-15-17: Wow, almost instant featured! Was NOT expecting that!

EDIT 4-8-2017: Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Thanks!

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (2)

When Batty, formerly a middle aged brony who found himself inserted into Ponyville as a young Bat pony filly roughly ten years prior to the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration. Thinking that it would be a good idea to introduce Pinkie Pie to Cheese Sandwich when he first comes into town, Batty finds out the next day that she had inadvertently inspired them to become travelling Party Planner Pony Partners.

Batty now finds herself desperately trying to fill the missing role of Laughter before the inevitable return of Nightmare Moon. As the only Bat Pony in Ponyville.

And she is driving herself... Batty...

*O o O o O*

Loosely related to Distorted Resonance, with the SI protagonist appearing in Ponyville as a Bat Pony instead of a Unicorn, and adopted into an OC family instead of becoming the foster sibling of one of the Mane Six.

Batty and Crystal Synergy may or may not eventually meet each other at some point. If they do, it will probably be really awkward. Especially since they both essentially started as the same person...

Chapters (2)

1300 years. That is how long Princess Celestia has ruled her kingdom without a break. But it was not meant to stay that way because Luna and Twilight managed to find the millennia old record and revealed a horrible secret. Princess Celestia has nearly 100 years of unused vacation, and as a good student and sister they have no other choice than to force Celestia to take that time of. It wouldn’t have been so bad if a magic portal didn’t appear right when her holidays were about to start to whisk her away into a unknown world.

mlp/zero no tsukaima crossover

Big shout out to my great editor Poliamida for being awesome.

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

This is a Ponyfinder crossover. Do you need to know Ponyfinder to continue? Certainly not! Learn with our clueless protagonists the way it was meant to be.

Chapters (30)

The sirens are defeated and Sunset Shimmer has restored her magic. All's well and good, right?

Of course not. What begins with Sunset's friends wanting to have a very important talk with her will escalate until the fate of at least one world hangs in the balance.

Rated Teen for cosmic calamities, trace amounts of waifu theft, and a bit more skin than Hasbro is likely to show. Cover by iisaw.

The Story Shuffle short stories "Aftershock" and "Rock On" take place in the same continuity as this story. The background details of "Fish Out of Water" apply, but the story itself does not.

Chapters (9)

Once upon a time, (if the term even applies) two young ladies, (if that adjective even applies) decided to visit a magical land of Equestria, selected seemingly at random from about a million.

  • One of the two is a time traveler deprived of her time machine, the other is an eldritch abomination out of her element.
  • One would prefer the world of pastel-colored ponies to stay as it is, and can’t help but alter it. The other one is anxious to see how it can change, and can’t help but maintain it.
  • Both believe that this is not their story. But while they disturb the delicate world of ponies, they don’t even notice ponies doing the same to them.
  • Sandwiches are involved somehow.

There are many things this story is and some things it isn’t.

It’s not a fix fic, no matter what some of the characters think. It’s written in multiple first person narration, which happened for a pointlessly clever reason, that will eventually become quite obvious. It’s not a crossover, it just comes with an unhealthy amount of backstory. It could be a rational-fic, but since idealistic philosophy is typically not seen as very rational, it’s only a philoso-fic instead. It’s quite meta, in the original definition of metafiction: fiction concerned with fiction as a concept. In any case, it’s either a small monument to overthinking things – I’m trying to reexamine many fanon ideas here – or a digital paperweight, I’m not sure which. It’s quite a bit more subtle than it could be, and everyone talks way too much when they should be having glorious adventures.
I know how it starts, I know how it ends, and most of what happens in between. Readers say it’s a slow burner, but we’ll get there eventually.


With special thanks to my editors, Thainen, Shrink Laureate, and MitchH.
Further special thanks to ScarletWeather and Themaskedferret for valuable input.
The artist who made the cover image stubbornly wishes to remain uncredited, but thanks to her anyway.

Chapters (53)

This story is a sequel to Oversaturation

Even in a world that just amended the laws of physics, not everything is going to be some grand world-shaking adventure. Sometimes, it's going to be silly, or at least short. These are those stories.

Canonicity is dubious at best.

Want to see your ideas here? Put them in the fiction thread in the group!

Image courtesy of Masterweaver.

Chapters (416)

A feud between two chefs ends up involving a very strange third party.

Now has a prequel in the works, called Cooking Roach.

Chapters (1)