Favourites 231 stories
  • Favourites 231 stories - 436 unread chapters
    Created by Roara
    - May, 2022
Found 198 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 5,432,474
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Anon, presently living with Twilight, is looking a little bit the worse for wear. He seems to be having some difficulty sleeping. More unusually, he seems oddly keen to keep it that way…

Chapters (6)

Nearly all of humanity has been converted and all that remains is a small, but well armed resistance. They are mounting an assault on Equestria to, one way or another, send Celestia a message.

"We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!"
President Thomas J. Whitmore, Independence Day

Chapters (1)

Another Mystery Crossover: The Conversion Bureau has all but won, and the barrier is closing in. Soon Humanity will be a fading memory. A few last souls are preparing to hand over Earth to its new masters. At the proper place and at the proper time. Celestia is delighted, but should she be?

Chapters (1)

Given that it's a period of unusual quiet it's decided that a nice lunch is in order.

This was the plan. Then the group sees Julian, local human doing something strange.

Twilight is baffled.


Straight To The Point Studios did this one, too! For some reason.

Chapters (1)

In the back of the white marble archives, behind a rusted door, paint peeling and centipedes crawling under the frame, there's a set of stairs. They buckle like cork, and descend into a lightless library coated in dust, pages, and runes. Here, Twilight Sparkle stumbles upon a perfectly preserved body. Her own body.

Created for EqD's Nightmare Night Fanfiction Contest ~ 3rd Place Editor's Choice

Chapters (1)

Finalist and judge's top choice in Equestria Daily's 2012 Nightmare Night contest.

Fluttershy has been plagued by nightmares, and Twilight wants to help her get rid of them. But when the bookish mare begins to pry into the depths of Fluttershy's unraveling psyche, she finds more questions than answers. What do her dreams mean? Why won't they stop haunting her? And why does the creature she keeps seeing inside them seem like more than just a simple night terror?

Chapters (1)

The day of the Canterlot wedding came and went and the Changelings triumphed over all. Chrysalis should have felt satisfied with her victory, but still something large looms over her, while unexpected feelings have made themselves known. But what are the odds of the defeated stallion who could barely look her in the eyes ever returning such love? Maybe tonight that would change.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is expanding unstoppably. The Conversion Bureaus are working at peak capacity. It looks absolutely certain that Celestia will replace humanity with ponies.

But then one niggling flaw appears in her plan. You see, humanity's religions, while dismissed by Celestia as just more evidence of human barbarism, are correct in at least one respect. Humanity has a loving father, and what Celestia is doing makes Him angry. So angry in fact, He's going to do what He hasn't done since ancient times: smite.

Seems like Exodus is being reenacted, and guess who's playing Pharoah?

Chapters (11)

Twilight tries on her first pair of glasses, and though she enjoys them, something goes wrong. Anypony who merely looks at her faints on the spot, and she must figure out why before the entire city of Canterlot is compromised.

Cover art made by the talented and super cool MalWinters!

Now with a YouTube reading by Short Stories, and another YouTube reading by ZeusMacD

Chapters (1)

After the defeat of Starlight Glimmer, Rainbow Dash comes to a startling conclusion about the villains they fight.

With thanks to JCatt and Lord of Dorkness with their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)